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46 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


You act like he's committing a crime because he dislikes some comic book movies.  They make millions of dollars and get insanely high critic ratings anyway, not sure why you let his opinion affect you that much.

I just asked him a basic question. :sparta:


You act like I flame broiled his ass. :hahaha:

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4 hours ago, That One Guy said:


You act like he's committing a crime because he dislikes some comic book movies.  They make millions of dollars and get insanely high critic ratings anyway, not sure why you let his opinion affect you that much.

He's just tiresome. Family feuds have been part of writing since ancient Greek theatre plays. We didn't go through 2000+ years of culture for Goffe to come out and discredit Aischylus because he can't wrap his head around a family feud. He's just making up reasons to dislike something, and as ok as it is for him to do so, it's ok for people to call him out on just being contrarian. 

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Killmonger is the best SH movie villain since Joker for sure. I wished he lived cause he's much more interesting than Magneto but like Magneto he's a type that should stick around cause he's a mirror of the hero. However, the movie gave enough material for his possible return sometime (BP powers, return to ancestors, water burial that we haven't seen).

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2 hours ago, Goffe said:

it’s kinda funny, i don’t go my way ‘calling out’ users who see every mcu outing as second comming of christ.

There's a difference between me going into a Call of Duty thread and saying the latest Call of Duty game is one of my favorites versus telling the COD fans, Call of Duty sucks every single time a new game comes out.


It's pretty clear I don't like Call of Duty games the first few times.

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I don't know what the hell went in post-production (being in a rush or last minute reshoots) but holy shit that second time when T'Challa went to confront his assholic daddy in the ancestral plane, the incrustation just gouged my retinas how bad and fake it was like Asylum level of mediocrity. I mean you thought Odin's death reshoot was ugly in Ragnarok? At least, they went outside shooting that with a green screen. Boseman was just put on a green screen in a Marvel studios cabinet overacting his lines facing the void to be edited in.


(That stood out like a sore thumb compared to Killmonger's own visit in limbos where his dad is stuck unburied).

Edited by dashrendar44
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Just saw the movie! It was phenomenal and I can see why it's making so much money. The way they created a secret fantasy futuristic world and the way they combined tribal African elements with high level technology was absolutely beautifully done! The tone and the music was so perfect and I just loved all the costumes. It didn't really feel like a CBM to me to be honest, the story gave me more real life Lion kingish/fairy tail vibes. 

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3 hours ago, Goffe said:

You know, I was ready to keep this argument going, but then you compared movies to games and I was like, nah it’s not worth it.

hey... give me witcher 3 over any comic book movie. Think that's kinda a low blow on Grey Ghost there Goffe, video games are another creative medium the comparison is fine.

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