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The Top 100 Movie Lines of all Time as chosen by you, the members (on hold till end of summer)

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Well, I'm trying to hold off on posting this until @Auteur Panda has completed the top 100 list, but it's getting late here and I have to work tomorrow.  So please forgive me if it goes up before the list is done.


Three years ago, we did the first edition of the top 100 movie lines of all time, but we did not open it up to all the members of the site, not exactly anyway.  We had a panel of eleven people, four different age groups.  We asked all members of the site to send in their top 100 movie lines, and then the panel decided what lines made the list and then we decided by committee how the ranking went.  


53-27230-27180-a-few-good-men-1435693178   lethal-weapon-1987-movie-still-mel-gibso


taxi-driver-mohawk_3044466b.jpg  BneQMthCUAAXr9R.jpg


This time will be different.  We will do it exactly the same way Panda did it for the top 100 films.  The scoring will be like this:



The Rules

1. Create a list of your 100 best movie lines, ranked, and send them to me and Panda by pm.  They must be sent by pm in order to be counted, I won't count lists just posted in this thread.

2. The deadline to submit your lists will be July 1st at midnight.  This gives you six weeks to send them in.  

3. All films prior to 2018 will be eligible.  You can choose any movie line you think deserves a place and there is no set criteria, but since this is a list of the 100 best movie lines, we would ask that you consider different things like longevity, relevance, transcendence, meaning, what kind of impact it has had on the world.  We also understand that there will be movie lines that are personal to you and you will submit some of these.  There is nothing we can do about this.  I would personally hope that all movies lines will be considered by all members, regardless of your age. 

4. There are a million movies out there, some of them have iconic lines.  Please choose your list wisely and with thought, not just your favourite films, but the lines that have left an impact on you and the world in some way.


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5. The scoring will be done like this

Number 1: 10 Points

2 through 3: 9 Points

4 through 5: 8 Points

6 through 10: 7 points

11 through 15: 6 Points

16 through 25: 5 Points

26 through 35: 4 Points

36 through 50: 3 Points

51 through 75: 2 Point

76 through 100: 1 Point


Movies lines will first be ranked by points, if they're tied by points then that tie will be broken by which movie has the movie is on the most lists, if that is tied then it'll go to the movie with the most number 1 picks, then 2 picks, and so on.  In other words, there won't be a tie.


This should be a lot of fun.  Enjoy and may the odds be ever in your favour that your favourite lines make the list.


Panda and I will do the presentation sometime in July.  


Here is the original first list from 2015:


Here is the entire list, and the points received per film and how many of us voted for it to be on the list (out of 11). The points for some films were incredibly close, as you will see.


Pos Line Film Votes Points

1 May the force be with you Star Wars 11 920
2 You talking to me? Taxi Driver 11 899
3 You can’t handle the truth! A few Good Men 11 892
4 You’re gonna need a bigger boat Jaws 11 887
5 I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse The Godfather 11 884
6 Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn Gone with the Wind 10 798
7 I’ll be back Terminator 11 788
8 We’re not in Kansas anymore Wizard of Oz 10 737
9 No. I am your Father Empire Strikes Back 11 705
10 Here’s Johnny The Shining 10 678

11 Yippie kai yay Motherf***** Die Hard 10 652
12 Bond, James Bond James Bond 9 635
13 Yo Adrian! I did it Rocky 10 630
14 Go Ahead, Make my day Sudden Impact 11 619
15 Say Hello to my little friend Scarface 11 615
16 I love the smell of Napalm in the Morning Apocalypse Now 9 592
17 All right Mr De Mille, I’m ready for my close up Sunset Boulevard 9 562
18 Greed, for lack of a better word, is good Wall Street 10 560
19 Forget it Jake it’s Chinatown Chinatown 8 547
20 There’s no place like home Wizard of Oz 10 546
21 The stuff that dreams are made of The Maltese Falcon 7 542
22 Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get Forrest Gump 9 540
23 Why So serious The Dark Knight 11 534
24 Gentlemen, you can’t fight here, it’s the war room Dr Strangelove 8 532
25 Roads… where we’re going, we don’t need roads Back to the Future 10 530

26 They may take our lives, but they’ll never take away our Freedom! Braveheart 10 526
27 Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship Casablanca 8 524
28 I’m mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore Network 7 513
29 I am serious and don’t call me Shirley Airplane 9 513
30 If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88mph, you’re gonna… Back to the Future 10 513
31 Get your stinkin paws off me you damn dirty ape Planet of the Apes 10 512
32 Get busy livin or get busy dying Shawshank Redemption 8 508
33 I drink your milkshake There will be blood 7 507
34 Here’s looking at you kid Casablanca 8 505
35 What we have here is a failure to communicate Cool hand Luke 7 498
36 Keep your friends close and your enemies closer The Godfather 8 494
37 I’m King of the world Titanic 9 492
38 The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he… The Usual Suspects 10 490
39 I’ll have what she’s having When Harry met Sally 10 480
40 E.T phone home E.T 8 478
41 I know it was you Frodo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart The Godfather 9 477
42 We all go a little mad sometimes Psycho 8 472
43 The first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about Fight Club Fight Club 9 472
44 I coulda been a contender On the Waterfront 8 470
45 Well , Nobody’s perfect Some like it Hot 7 468
46 Snakes. Why’d it have to be snakes Indiana Jones 10 457
47 I find your lack of faith disturbing Star Wars 9 452
48 My name is Inigo Montoya, You killed my father. Prepare to die Princess Bride 7 447
49 I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way Who Framed Roger Rabbit 6 440
50 Badges, we don’t need no stinkin badges Treasure of the Sierra Madre 9 439

51 I ate his liver with some fava beans and a bottle of Chianti Silence of the Lambs 8 438
52 Houston we have a problem Apollo 13 10 437
53 I am big, it’s the pictures that got small Sunset Boulevard 10 418
54 No. Try not. Do.. Or do not. There is no try. Empire Strikes Back 9 415
55 Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in… Ferris Bueller 7 409
56 Fasten your seatbelts it gonna be a bumpy ride All about Eve 6 406
57 They call me Mr Tibbs! In the heat of the night 10 403
58 I see dead people The Sixth Sense 10 401
59 Of all the gin joints in all the world, she had to walk into mine Casablanca 7 398
60 To infinity and beyond! Toy Story 9 398
61 It was beauty that killed the beast King Kong 9 394
62 We’ll always have Paris Casablanca 6 392
63 I am Sparticus Sparticus 8 388
64 Show me the money Jerry Maguire 8 377
65 I’m too old for this shit Lethal Weapon 9 364
66 That’s what I love about these Highschool girls, I keep getting older but… Dazed and confused 6 363
67 It’s just a flesh wound Monty Python and the Holy Grail 7 352
68 But I’m funny how, I mean funny like a clown, I amuse you? Goodfellas 8 335
69 Whoever saves one live, saves the entire world Schindlers List 8 333
70 He chose… poorly Indiana Jones 6 328
71 Carpe Diem. Sieze the day boys. Make your lives extraordinary Dead poets society 6 326
72 My Friends. You bow to no one LOTR Return of the King 7 325
73 Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in The Godfather 8 321
74 If you build it they will come. Field of Dreams 9 320
75 There’s no crying. There’s no crying in baseball A league of their own 6 315

76 My Precious LOTR The Two Towers 7 315
77 Some men just want to watch the world burn The Dark Knight 6 309
78 Welcome to the real world The Matrix 10 305
79 I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers A Streetcar named desire 7 305
80 Get away from her you bitch Aliens 7 301
81 Round up the usual suspects Casablanca 5 299
82 I’m here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I’m all out of bubblegum They Live 9 299
83 Is it safe Marathon Man 6 297
84 You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become … The Dark Knight 8 295
85 The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few Star Trek 8 294
86 I’ve had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane Snakes on a Plane 8 289
87 A million dollars isn’t cool, you know what’s cool a billion dollars The Social Network 9 288
88 Kneel before Zod Superman 8 281
89 If it bleeds we can kill it Predator 7 280
90 There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those with loaded guns and… The Good, the bad and the Ugly 6 279
91 I killed him for the money and for a woman. I didn’t get the money… Double Indemnity 5 276
92 Leave the gun, take the cannoli The Godfather 5 272
93 When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk The Good, the bad and the Ugly 7 272
94 I have a bad feeling about this Star Wars 7 271
95 Game over man! Game over Aliens 8 269
96 I’m gonna make you squeal like a pig Deliverance 7 264
97 Stupid is as stupid does Forrest Gump 8 259
98 One, Two Freddy’s coming for you Nightmare on Elm Street 6 256
99 I know what …you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: Do you feel lucky… Dirty Harry 6 256
100 Never go full retard Tropic Thunder 6 251

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"Mr. Madison, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


End thread

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16 minutes ago, baumer said:

Well, I'm trying to hold off on posting this until @Auteur Panda has completed the top 100 list, but it's getting late here and I have to work tomorrow.  So please forgive me if it goes up before the list is done.


Three years ago, we did the first edition of the top 100 movie lines of all time, but we did not open it up to all the members of the site, not exactly anyway.  We had a panel of eleven people, four different age groups.  We asked all members of the site to send in their top 100 movie lines, and then the panel decided what lines made the list and then we decided by committee how the ranking went.  


53-27230-27180-a-few-good-men-1435693178   lethal-weapon-1987-movie-still-mel-gibso


taxi-driver-mohawk_3044466b.jpg  BneQMthCUAAXr9R.jpg


This time will be different.  We will do it exactly the same way Panda did it for the top 100 films.  The scoring will be like this:



The Rules

1. Create a list of your 100 best movie lines, ranked, and send them to me and Panda by pm.  They must be sent by pm in order to be counted, I won't count lists just posted in this thread.

2. The deadline to submit your lists will be July 1st at midnight.  This gives you six weeks to send them in.  

3. All films prior to 2018 will be eligible.  You can choose any movie line you think deserves a place and there is no set criteria, but since this is a list of the 100 best movie lines, we would ask that you consider different things like longevity, relevance, transcendence, meaning, what kind of impact it has had on the world.  We also understand that there will be movie lines that are personal to you and you will submit some of these.  There is nothing we can do about this.  I would personally hope that all movies lines will be considered by all members, regardless of your age. 

4. There are a million movies out there, some of them have iconic lines.  Please choose your list wisely and with thought, not just your favourite films, but the lines that have left an impact on you and the world in some way.


hqdefault.jpg  maxresdefault.jpg


5. The scoring will be done like this

Number 1: 10 Points

2 through 3: 9 Points

4 through 5: 8 Points

6 through 10: 7 points

11 through 15: 6 Points

16 through 25: 5 Points

26 through 35: 4 Points

36 through 50: 3 Points

51 through 75: 2 Point

76 through 100: 1 Point


Movies lines will first be ranked by points, if they're tied by points then that tie will be broken by which movie has the movie is on the most lists, if that is tied then it'll go to the movie with the most number 1 picks, then 2 picks, and so on.  In other words, there won't be a tie.


This should be a lot of fun.  Enjoy and may the odds be ever in your favour that your favourite lines make the list.


Panda and I will do the presentation sometime in July.  


Here is the original first list from 2015:


Here is the entire list, and the points received per film and how many of us voted for it to be on the list (out of 11). The points for some films were incredibly close, as you will see.


Pos Line Film Votes Points

1 May the force be with you Star Wars 11 920
2 You talking to me? Taxi Driver 11 899
3 You can’t handle the truth! A few Good Men 11 892
4 You’re gonna need a bigger boat Jaws 11 887
5 I’m gonna make him an offer he can’t refuse The Godfather 11 884
6 Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn Gone with the Wind 10 798
7 I’ll be back Terminator 11 788
8 We’re not in Kansas anymore Wizard of Oz 10 737
9 No. I am your Father Empire Strikes Back 11 705
10 Here’s Johnny The Shining 10 678

11 Yippie kai yay Motherf***** Die Hard 10 652
12 Bond, James Bond James Bond 9 635
13 Yo Adrian! I did it Rocky 10 630
14 Go Ahead, Make my day Sudden Impact 11 619
15 Say Hello to my little friend Scarface 11 615
16 I love the smell of Napalm in the Morning Apocalypse Now 9 592
17 All right Mr De Mille, I’m ready for my close up Sunset Boulevard 9 562
18 Greed, for lack of a better word, is good Wall Street 10 560
19 Forget it Jake it’s Chinatown Chinatown 8 547
20 There’s no place like home Wizard of Oz 10 546
21 The stuff that dreams are made of The Maltese Falcon 7 542
22 Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get Forrest Gump 9 540
23 Why So serious The Dark Knight 11 534
24 Gentlemen, you can’t fight here, it’s the war room Dr Strangelove 8 532
25 Roads… where we’re going, we don’t need roads Back to the Future 10 530

26 They may take our lives, but they’ll never take away our Freedom! Braveheart 10 526
27 Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship Casablanca 8 524
28 I’m mad as hell, and I’m not gonna take it anymore Network 7 513
29 I am serious and don’t call me Shirley Airplane 9 513
30 If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88mph, you’re gonna… Back to the Future 10 513
31 Get your stinkin paws off me you damn dirty ape Planet of the Apes 10 512
32 Get busy livin or get busy dying Shawshank Redemption 8 508
33 I drink your milkshake There will be blood 7 507
34 Here’s looking at you kid Casablanca 8 505
35 What we have here is a failure to communicate Cool hand Luke 7 498
36 Keep your friends close and your enemies closer The Godfather 8 494
37 I’m King of the world Titanic 9 492
38 The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he… The Usual Suspects 10 490
39 I’ll have what she’s having When Harry met Sally 10 480
40 E.T phone home E.T 8 478
41 I know it was you Frodo. You broke my heart. You broke my heart The Godfather 9 477
42 We all go a little mad sometimes Psycho 8 472
43 The first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about Fight Club Fight Club 9 472
44 I coulda been a contender On the Waterfront 8 470
45 Well , Nobody’s perfect Some like it Hot 7 468
46 Snakes. Why’d it have to be snakes Indiana Jones 10 457
47 I find your lack of faith disturbing Star Wars 9 452
48 My name is Inigo Montoya, You killed my father. Prepare to die Princess Bride 7 447
49 I’m not bad. I’m just drawn that way Who Framed Roger Rabbit 6 440
50 Badges, we don’t need no stinkin badges Treasure of the Sierra Madre 9 439

51 I ate his liver with some fava beans and a bottle of Chianti Silence of the Lambs 8 438
52 Houston we have a problem Apollo 13 10 437
53 I am big, it’s the pictures that got small Sunset Boulevard 10 418
54 No. Try not. Do.. Or do not. There is no try. Empire Strikes Back 9 415
55 Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in… Ferris Bueller 7 409
56 Fasten your seatbelts it gonna be a bumpy ride All about Eve 6 406
57 They call me Mr Tibbs! In the heat of the night 10 403
58 I see dead people The Sixth Sense 10 401
59 Of all the gin joints in all the world, she had to walk into mine Casablanca 7 398
60 To infinity and beyond! Toy Story 9 398
61 It was beauty that killed the beast King Kong 9 394
62 We’ll always have Paris Casablanca 6 392
63 I am Sparticus Sparticus 8 388
64 Show me the money Jerry Maguire 8 377
65 I’m too old for this shit Lethal Weapon 9 364
66 That’s what I love about these Highschool girls, I keep getting older but… Dazed and confused 6 363
67 It’s just a flesh wound Monty Python and the Holy Grail 7 352
68 But I’m funny how, I mean funny like a clown, I amuse you? Goodfellas 8 335
69 Whoever saves one live, saves the entire world Schindlers List 8 333
70 He chose… poorly Indiana Jones 6 328
71 Carpe Diem. Sieze the day boys. Make your lives extraordinary Dead poets society 6 326
72 My Friends. You bow to no one LOTR Return of the King 7 325
73 Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in The Godfather 8 321
74 If you build it they will come. Field of Dreams 9 320
75 There’s no crying. There’s no crying in baseball A league of their own 6 315

76 My Precious LOTR The Two Towers 7 315
77 Some men just want to watch the world burn The Dark Knight 6 309
78 Welcome to the real world The Matrix 10 305
79 I’ve always depended on the kindness of strangers A Streetcar named desire 7 305
80 Get away from her you bitch Aliens 7 301
81 Round up the usual suspects Casablanca 5 299
82 I’m here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I’m all out of bubblegum They Live 9 299
83 Is it safe Marathon Man 6 297
84 You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become … The Dark Knight 8 295
85 The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few Star Trek 8 294
86 I’ve had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane Snakes on a Plane 8 289
87 A million dollars isn’t cool, you know what’s cool a billion dollars The Social Network 9 288
88 Kneel before Zod Superman 8 281
89 If it bleeds we can kill it Predator 7 280
90 There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those with loaded guns and… The Good, the bad and the Ugly 6 279
91 I killed him for the money and for a woman. I didn’t get the money… Double Indemnity 5 276
92 Leave the gun, take the cannoli The Godfather 5 272
93 When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk The Good, the bad and the Ugly 7 272
94 I have a bad feeling about this Star Wars 7 271
95 Game over man! Game over Aliens 8 269
96 I’m gonna make you squeal like a pig Deliverance 7 264
97 Stupid is as stupid does Forrest Gump 8 259
98 One, Two Freddy’s coming for you Nightmare on Elm Street 6 256
99 I know what …you’ve gotta ask yourself a question: Do you feel lucky… Dirty Harry 6 256
100 Never go full retard Tropic Thunder 6 251

I have this strong feeling most of my list will never make the Top 100...but I'm gonna send it in anyway:)...


And let me encourage folks to have some romantic bones in their body:)...let me encourage right now "Here's looking at you, kid", "You complete me", "Love means never having to say you're sorry" and (my personal favorite comedic line of all time) - "Husbands should be like Kleenex. Soft, strong, and disposable"...

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Mean Girls


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Is it okay for us to have multiple lines from the same movie? (Just need clarification before I submit the first hundreds lines of Avatar) :redcapes:

EDIT: Just to be clear that is a joke, before I get jumped on by the Soviet Secret Police. 

Edited by JamesCameronScholar
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"Two is great, but three's a crowd."

"In a few minutes, bitch!"

"I'm tired. I'm wasted. I love you darling."

"I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit, I did not hit her. I did not. Oh, hi Mark."

"You're not good. You are just chicken! Cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep"

"What a story, Mark."

"Where's my fucking money, Denny?"

"Everybody betray me. I fed up with this world."

"The computer business is very competitive these days."

"Anyway, how is your sex life?"

"This is a beautiful party. You invited all of my friends. Good thinking."

"You are tearing me apart, Lisa!"

"Did you know that chocolate is the symbol of love?"

"Hi, Denny."

"Hi, Mark."

"Hi, Johnny."

"Hi, Claudette."

"Hi, Doggy."

"Hi, babe."

"Leave your stupid comments in your pocket."


"If a lot of people love each other, the world will be a better place to live."


"God forgive me."




Edited by Ranger Tree
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I have no hope anything but the regulars will show up but will once again rep a few of the great lines from the brilliant (and practically unknown on this site) Sweet Smell Of Success (1957)



  • You're dead, son. Get yourself buried.
  • The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river.
  • I'd hate to take a bite outta you. You're a cookie full of arsenic.
  • [holding an unlit cigarette] Match me, Sidney.
  • Come back, Sidney... I wanna chastise you...
  • Here's your head; what's your hurry?
  • Don't do anything I wouldn't do! That gives you a lot of leeway...
  • My right hand hasn't seen my left hand in thirty years.
  • Son, I don't relish shooting a mosquito with an elephant gun, so why don't you just shuffle along?
  • Don't remove the gangplank, Sidney - you may wanna get back onboard.
  • It's a dirty job, but I pay clean money for it.
  • Conjugate me a verb. For instance, "to promise."
  • I often wish I were deaf and wore a hearing aid. With a simple flick of a switch, I could shut out the greedy murmur of little men.
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