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Weekend Thread: Weekend Actuals - JW: $60.91M - I2: 46.42M - Sicario: $19.00M - Uncle Drew: $15.24M

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WB are not having a bad year so far.  Sure nothing has broken out but they have had many films that will be profitable. A lot of people were predicting both Ready Player One and Rampage to be flops and they weren't. Both will be more successful than Solo which we all deemed a guaranteed hit because of the Star Wars name. It did okay here in the States but dire numbers overseas. 

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Personal insults should immediately get a poster banned, no matter what, that’s what happens in basically every decent forum on the internet. EC wasn’t banned just because of his posts in wreck it Ralph thread , the guy had given an entire show at that week’s weekend thread using extremely vulgar language against other posters (not me, just to be clear). It was eye-opening what he was getting away with at that weekend’s thread. 


If you can’t stand someone not liking your favourite franchise, movie, Director, actor,musician, company,whatever then you have the problem.

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9 minutes ago, baumer said:

Why must some of you continue wondering why Empire City got suspended? There's also things that go on behind the scenes and he did an extremely dumb thing to one of the moderators by email. So you guys honestly have no idea what you're talking about sometimes so how about you guys continue talking about movies and debate as to whether or not Fallen Kingdom will be profitable and just leave all the behind-the-scenes stuff to us. Until you know what goes on behind the scenes you really have no idea why people are suspended.

Emails? Emails? 


Where have I heard emails getting in the way before :ph34r:

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6 hours ago, grey ghost said:


Yeah your zingers are so much better than a dude who gives us number updates all week and during the weekend.


"But he's arrogant and grouchy"


Pussies. :hahaha:




I cut myself on this post HARD and now I’m bleeding profusely

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24 minutes ago, baumer said:

Why must some of you continue wondering why Empire City got suspended? There's also things that go on behind the scenes and he did an extremely dumb thing to one of the moderators by email. So you guys honestly have no idea what you're talking about sometimes so how about you guys continue talking about movies and debate as to whether or not Fallen Kingdom will be profitable and just leave all the behind-the-scenes stuff to us. Until you know what goes on behind the scenes you really have no idea why people are suspended.

I didn't know that, because he/she is always on my ignore list. Like I said, earlier number is always exciting, but all those satisfaction has been wiped out by his ridiculously awful behaviour.  

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Even though yesterday was Canada Day today is the Nationwide holiday. I can already see that with the temperatures being as hot as they are the movie theaters that I have driven by so far are busy already. Maybe some of the drops today might be a little bit less than normal, not much but a little bit.

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3 hours ago, grey ghost said:

But even if I was the Joker, Gotham is still standing.


I already said I had a grudge against JW/Universal for taking the studio crown back in 2016 or 2015 when I thought Disney had it in the bag. Did I get annoying? Yes and I apologize but I think we all survived and I've taken a semi-break from the weekend threads.


The point is, who and what is unpleasant is extremely subjective.


There are people who find off topic stuff unbearable and others who think its the life blood of this place.


I, myself, feel early numbers are also the life blood of BOT and I find EC funny but that's my personal opinion and hot take.


What I find annoying and unpleasant is the group think that goes on around here. Once certain posters disapprove or give a signal, like clockwork, others chime in with the exact same view.


This shit I find creepy af.


So yeah, we all have opinions and things we dislke.


Aside from the mods, no one's opinion should take precedent over any other.

I'm not a fan of sheep-like group mentalities either, but there are certain scenarios where there's but a mere few opinions you could have (like the scenario of EC's ban), and if the majority of opinions is "opinion A" out of possible opinions A-B-C, then it simply means a lot of people think the same way. I don't think it has anything to do with "popular opinion" or "X person thinks Y way, so let's follow Y way too" in this particular case. Personally, I think it was warranted because EC broke clear rules about carelessly insulting other people (regardless of whether or not some find the insults he threw tame or not). And it wasn't even just one person he insulted, it was plenty of them, iirc. If you disagree, that's on you, but the indication is clearly there. Don't see what's so subjective about that.


Also, for me the real life blood of this place is movie nerds having fun talking about things they like. Hostile behaviour and (passive-)aggressive arguments about whatever, unless entirely warranted (like the insults against BKB for being a racist dipshit... c'mon, is it really a "group think" - in the negative sense of what that means - for everyone to revolt against things like racism too?), are not the life blood of anything other than disaster, nor are they fun to engage with or read (unless they're done with respect from both sides, which usually doesn't happen all that often). They're just annoying as all kinds of Hell and should cease to exist forever, cause fuck. Only someone so invested in the crafting of them for no better reason than HAHALOL doesn't see that. But I guess that's subjective too, at the end of the day. Of course early numbers are cool, but again, rules are rules and you can't think you're better than everyone else just because you have access to fun but ultimately useless to our real world life information (unless you care so much that it actually makes your life better/worse, which is entering obsessiveness territory and that's dangerous).


And btw, if you actually hold a legit grudge against JW and Universal for stealing Age Of Ultron Disney's thunder in 2015 (as if Disney doesn't have enough thunders in its belt already ffs), then I don't know what to tell you other than "seriously?", cause that's true fanboy bitterness that can grow to toxicity levels if uncontrolled. I didn't like the movie that much, but who cares, whatever. It's not like its content was borderline offensive alas Transformers 2 or Fifty Shades Darker.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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So is that actually mean that Jurassic world increased by a million dollars yesterday? The global total is about a million dollars more than what it was yesterday but the overseas total is the same amount.

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32 minutes ago, baumer said:

Even though yesterday was Canada Day today is the Nationwide holiday. I can already see that with the temperatures being as hot as they are the movie theaters that I have driven by so far are busy already. Maybe some of the drops today might be a little bit less than normal, not much but a little bit.

I don’t know about other theatres but mine is absolutely dead on Canada day, and then rebounds hard the next day. If this is normal in Canada, hopefully it can soften a lot of drops.


For example last year, DM3 did our equivalent of $20.1M Friday, then 6.6M for Saturday Canada day, then 24.8M for Sunday.

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Btw, having checked bits of her latest video, Miss Classified proves she still has no clue about box office, saying Incredibles 2's OS performance has been awful thanks to Jurassic World 2......... when it hasn't even opened in a width of huge markets anyway + the World Cup is happening + Pixar have had slow OS runs in the last few years anyway (sans for Coco). Also saying a few weeks ago Marvel fanboys were to blame for JW2 doing "less than expected" - she apparently loved the movie btw - which is absolutely ridiculous and uneducated, and only someone so desperate for her opinion to be proven right would come up with such an excuse. Sorry but there's no chance that Marvel fanboys had serious input on JW2 underperforming because of JW1 beating Avengers' BO... I'm not sure how many of them even care about non-Marvel/DC/maybe Star Wars box office to begin with. Though she also backtracked in her latest video to admit that word of mouth hasn't been that great.


It's because of gems like her that Dan Murrell and his show Charting With Dan, the only half competent box office show on YouTube, are Godsends.

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3 hours ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

WB are not having a bad year so far.  Sure nothing has broken out but they have had many films that will be profitable. A lot of people were predicting both Ready Player One and Rampage to be flops and they weren't. Both will be more successful than Solo which we all deemed a guaranteed hit because of the Star Wars name. It did okay here in the States but dire numbers overseas. 


Agree and disagree. Yes, WB has done a nice job of sheparding some mid-range movies, like Rampage and Oceans 8, to money-making status.  


But let's face it: Warner's isn't in the business of making movies for $75m and making a nice little sum when they gross $250m WW. They are in the BIG movie business. The culture-domination business.  The Tentpole Business. Sure, they shore up the tentpoles with movies like "Crazy Rich Asians" or whatever  that cost $40m and hopefully make $150m. But that's not their main gig. Big movies not only make more money they also build the WB brand and set the state for more Big movies. They garner the mass media attention that keeps the WB name front and center in the culture.


On that front, the year so far has been a flop, especially Ready Player One, which was expected to be a much bigger hit home and abroad. 


WB needs for Aquaman and Fantastic Beasts to strike it big over the winter holidays. Otherwise, the nickel-and-dime success of the Game Nights and Paddington 2s won't mean a whole lot. 

Edited by SteveJaros
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6 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Btw, having checked bits of her latest video, Miss Classified proves she still has no clue about box office, saying Incredibles 2's OS performance has been awful thanks to Jurassic World 2......... when it hasn't even opened in a width of huge markets anyway + the World Cup is happening + Pixar have had slow OS runs in the last few years anyway (sans for Coco). Also saying a few weeks ago Marvel fanboys were to blame for JW2 doing "less than expected" - she apparently loved the movie btw - which is absolutely ridiculous and uneducated, and only someone so desperate for her opinion to be proven right would come up with such an excuse. Sorry but there's no chance that Marvel fanboys had serious input on JW2 underperforming because of JW1 beating Avengers' BO... I'm not sure how many of them even care about non-Marvel/DC/maybe Star Wars box office to begin with. Though she also backtracked in her latest video to admit that word of mouth hasn't been that great.


It's because of gems like her that Dan Murrell and his show Charting With Dan, the only half competent box office show on YouTube, are Godsends.

Dan seems like he lurks on this forum sometimes.

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