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Eric Prime

Weekend Thread (3/15-3/17): Captain Marvel 68, Wonder Park 15.8, Five Feet Apart 13.2, Dragon 9.3, Madea 7.8

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11 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:


After what happened in New Zealand I definitely disagree, Youtube has responsabilities as a global, influent platform..We're no longer at the point when it's just hatred without action, it's now hatred leading to criminal actions (far right terrorism). Allowing them to express themselves and nurturing terrorism makes Youtube & Co complicit.


We didn't hesitate to shut all kinds of accounts down in the war against the Islamic State and it's been a success so let's do the same with the far right. I don't care if they scream louder, it'll just make easier to shut them down even further.

I see what you're saying but we have to be careful with that because it can easily tumble into censoring of speech territory. I'm already sensing that with the culture nowadays in North America, how we're not allowed certain opinions on homosexuality, immigration etc. It's a real slippery slope. 


Believe me, I hate all these youtube manbabies and their stupid rhetoric as well, but A) we can just ignore them, and B ) there is no evidence that it leads to violence and terrorism. Far, far right online communities? Sure. Not stuff like this.

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7 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:




or I watch videos on World War 1 from the Great War channel and its 100% politics free and factual and then it auto-plays to "Ben Shapiro rekts libs" 


The issue is that everyone has let the autoplay video play and YT then thinks you want more of that.



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27 minutes ago, JB33 said:

I see what you're saying but we have to be careful with that because it can easily tumble into censoring of speech territory. I'm already sensing that with the culture nowadays in North America, how we're not allowed certain opinions on homosexuality, immigration etc. It's a real slippery slope. 


Believe me, I hate all these youtube manbabies and their stupid rhetoric as well, but A) we can just ignore them, and B ) there is no evidence that it leads to violence and terrorism. Far, far right online communities? Sure. Not stuff like this.


While I understand your feeling about preserving freedom of speech you still seem very influenced by the North American culture you lived in, European views are different because unlike North America we've been invaded by the Nazi and lived under fascism. And it leads many of people in Europe to see things that way (because it actually happened that way, it's no conjecture..) :



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Only watch from your account. Curate the list with help of three dots over the video, you don't want to watch. My front page is completely clean. 

But it's the recommended below playing video, that's problem. I have curated that too, but it doesn't work. I am watching UCL highlight, and here is next video, why CM already lost $100m. I only watch sports, music and infotainment. It's not a big problem, as it is easy to ignore and I completely ignore anything politics on YouTube.

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This isn't a free speech issue. YouTube has every right and some would say a duty to limit what you can say on their platform. Free speech only comes into play when the government is the one infringing.


Also, you can have any opinion you want but that doesn't mean it's free from consequences. People that disagree can call you out, protest or boycott and that is well within their rights.

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43 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:


After what happened in New Zealand I definitely disagree, Youtube has responsabilities as a global, influent platform..We're no longer at the point when it's just hatred without action, it's now hatred leading to criminal actions (far right terrorism). Allowing them to express themselves and nurturing terrorism makes Youtube & Co complicit.


We didn't hesitate to shut all kinds of accounts down in the war against the Islamic State and it's been a success so let's do the same with the far right. I don't care if they scream louder, it'll just make easier to shut them down even further.

I disagree about the extent to which you are bringing this. Yes, of course, if there is anything dangerous being said, than by all means PLEASE shut it down. Anything that can lead to people being hurt or killed should be immediately removed and those who said them be condemned.

That being said, some idiots on the internet who think that Disney is buying Captain Marvel tickets is no more than, well, idiots on the internet. Just because someone has a stupid opinion that is not based at all in reality doesn't mean they can't be allowed to have content out there. I don't like that they do, but I just wish I didn't have to hear it.


Another thing is where do you draw the line among "dangerous" things people are saying. A lot of people (not the majority) on the left claim that everyone on the right is the "far right" and a lot of people (moreso than the left but still not everybody) on the right claim that everyone on the left is an SJW. So to these people, it would be "anyone without the exact same view as me" that should be shut down. 


38 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:



You clearly been watching Jordan Peterson Videos (lol jk)


I watched some and my youtube feed is royal fucked up now lol


The issue is that I watch 1-2 of those videos and my youtube feed changes drastically. I can see why people get into such silos now. 


Nope, no Jordan Peterson. Just a lot of "marvel and movie fan theories and reviews" stuff, so obviously keywords like Captain Marvel will make their way to my recommended. 

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6 minutes ago, Fullbuster said:


While I understand your feeling about preserving freedom of speech you still seem very influenced by the North American culture you lived in, European views are different because unlike North America we've been invaded by the Nazi and lived under fascism. And it leads many of people in Europe to see things that way (because it actually happened that way, it's no conjecture..) :



I agree with THIS completely, but again, a line must be drawn between what is truly dangerous speech, and what is just idiot drivel. Sure, anyone with an opinion different from MINE might be seen as dangerous by me, because it would disrupt by view of the world. But we have to be objective, and selective. 

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3 minutes ago, DAJK said:

I disagree about the extent to which you are bringing this. Yes, of course, if there is anything dangerous being said, than by all means PLEASE shut it down. Anything that can lead to people being hurt or killed should be immediately removed and those who said them be condemned.

That being said, some idiots on the internet who think that Disney is buying Captain Marvel tickets is no more than, well, idiots on the internet. Just because someone has a stupid opinion that is not based at all in reality doesn't mean they can't be allowed to have content out there. I don't like that they do, but I just wish I didn't have to hear it.


Another thing is where do you draw the line among "dangerous" things people are saying. A lot of people (not the majority) on the left claim that everyone on the right is the "far right" and a lot of people (moreso than the left but still not everybody) on the right claim that everyone on the left is an SJW. So to these people, it would be "anyone without the exact same view as me" that should be shut down. 


Nope, no Jordan Peterson. Just a lot of "marvel and movie fan theories and reviews" stuff, so obviously keywords like Captain Marvel will make their way to my recommended. 


I wasn't refering to the silly accounts with conspiracy theories about Disney, more like the openly racist/homophobic..etc..accounts and the influential ones such as Pewdiepie (the terrorist who killed people in New Zealand talked about that account) because they have too much influence on young people.


As for the left/right debate I'm a centrist so I don't see the moderate right/left as dangerous or enemies at all, I'm really talking about those wanting to undermine democracy and peace.


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34 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:



or I watch videos on World War 1 from the Great War channel and its 100% politics free and factual and then it auto-plays to "Ben Shapiro rekts libs" 


The issue is that everyone has let the autoplay video play and YT then thinks you want more of that.




Best thing to do is go through all your recommendations on a PC and use the “not intrested” option in both the video and the uploader.


Find an Ad and use the “why am I seeing this ad” function, through there you can change and delete some stuff from the profile Google has on you (make yourself female, delete suggestions like “politics”, “video games”, “sci-fi movies”).


Then watch a shit ton of music videos. Most of your Recs will just be music based. You might need to delete some stuff from your history that can trigger unseemly recommendations like Movie Reviews and video game discussion, I normally do this once I finish watching the video.

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14 minutes ago, Richard Carducci said:

This isn't a free speech issue. YouTube has every right and some would say a duty to limit what you can say on their platform. Free speech only comes into play when the government is the one infringing.

That a very American point of view, first/14th amendment and free speech are 2 different thing.


That the united nation point on it:


Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.



Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The term "freedom of expression" is sometimes used synonymously but includes any act of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.




Also, you can have any opinion you want but that doesn't mean it's free from consequences. People that disagree can call you out, protest or boycott and that is well within their rights.


Having consequence for speech is the opposite of being free of speech, the speech is obviously not "free" if it came at a cost.


Youtube is not obligated to respect freedom of speech at all (at the moment, has google get bigger they could get forced to do so at some point, like many commercial area are forced too), but it is obviously an free speech issue.

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54 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:



A couple months ago I though I was going nuts seeing some of these recommendations. I googled and found tons of people with the same issue, spoke to people about it etc. 


Google are well aware. It’s a shame they do nothing about it.

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34 minutes ago, HouseOfTheSun said:

I really only watch sports highlights and am relatively clean on my recommendations, but I do see the odd Ben Shapiro now and then 



Be honest I wonder if Ben Shapiro has paid Youtube or something.




Personally, think people like Ben Shapiro or even Jordan Peterson are very dangerous as on the surface level they sound like very intelligent people but then they draw you in and hit you with the nonsense but it comes off as logical viewpoints.



So when people watch them on Youtube, I think they are actually really drawing people into that world. 



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Can't STAND Ben Shapiro. People like him are more dangerous than people like Trump IMO (that is, if Trump didn't have the political power he did). The dude is very well-spoken I will admit, and constructs his arguments very intelligently. But his opinions are, dare I say, dangerous and wrong. If he were just some bumbling idiot nobody would take him seriously, but the fact that he is not and that he advocates for some truly outrageous ideas is (and this is the third or fourth time I've used this word in this post) dangerous. 


edit: apologies @Spaghetti, I began typing this before you made that post and didn't see your post until I posed mine. Will restrict my discussion to movies at this point :)

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7 minutes ago, expensiveho said:

The thing about that is... who draws the line? Who decides whose ideology is more dangerous and whose deaths matter more than the others? 


Like we can link those far right nuts to NZ attack, we can also link far left nuts like AOC and Ilhan Omar (that have actively supported my country's dictator) to people dying in Venezuela. That can lead to linking Trump to North Korea's crimes but also linking Obama to Cuba's crimes, and where does it end?


Censoring will not make all the fucked up shit disappear, hate will find a way, it will just make you oblivious to it while people keep suffering. (Which is already a thing called the filter bubble effect, where algorithms lead you to things you wanna read, best example is everyone thinking that there was no way that Trump could actually win because that's all we saw on the media + social networks) 

Bingo. All I ever see the left saying is it's their way or the highway when it comes to political or social issues. They're being exactly like those they love to attack. 


I know several people on the right who have their own opinions but don't attack or condemn the left. They just want to be able to have their opinions. Most of the time that's not good enough though. Fortunately, I'm noticing that here in Canada people are slowly not feeling uncomfortable and bullied into silence anymore. We're seeing that with the rapidly dwindling support of Prime Minister Trudeau.


Anyway, not the politics thread.

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12 minutes ago, Barnack said:

That a very American point of view, first/14th amendment and free speech are 2 different thing.


That the united nation point on it:


Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.



Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The term "freedom of expression" is sometimes used synonymously but includes any act of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.




Having consequence for speech is the opposite of being free of speech, the speech is obviously not "free" if it came at a cost.


Youtube is not obligated to respect freedom of speech at all (at the moment, has google get bigger they could get forced to do so at some point, like many commercial area are forced too), but it is obviously an free speech issue.

Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:
(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;
(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.


And in the same article say that there can be restrictions on it. Me rebutting your views isn't the opposite of free speech; it is me exercising my right.

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35 minutes ago, Lordmandeep said:



Be honest I wonder if Ben Shapiro has paid Youtube or something.




Personally, think people like Ben Shapiro or even Jordan Peterson are very dangerous as on the surface level they sound like very intelligent people but then they draw you in and hit you with the nonsense but it comes off as logical viewpoints.



So when people watch them on Youtube, I think they are actually really drawing people into that world. 





Edit: nvm

Edited by pepsa
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13 minutes ago, VenomXXR said:

What do half of these posts have to do with weekend box office? Is it that hard to stay on topic for some of you?  Yeesh.



to be fair, this weekend's kinda boring, and there's not much to talk about

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