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19 minutes ago, Cap said:

Re: The "Holding Things for D23" Thing -- 


That is **ALWAYS** the rumor.


I've been hearing they're going to hold "the good stuff back" for D23 since at least 2015.  That was the year they skipped altogether.  So since then every two years we go through this "will that come, won't they come" charade. While I completely understand the temptation to skip, I'm also wary of this.


From a Corporate POV I get it.  Money, Control, My Fiefdom, Etc, Etc, Etc,  They also have a full panel this year, which is new.  So that is something to factor in.  Cause it's either going to be 45minutes or 1hour of time to fill.




First, D23 and Comic Con are two VERY different events.


D23 is far more Disney/Classic Disney/Corporate Disney focused in both its presentation and its attendees.  There's folks who attend the Film Panels (that Star Wars and Marvel used to get rolled into) who have zero interest in Marvel, and don't want it there with their "Classic Disney Brand".  Remember how the big buzz was for The Lion King and Mary Poppins in recent years coming off D23?  It's just a different vibe. 


We'll see how this year goes because Star Wars and Marvel are getting their own panel, but in the past, eh.


The other thing is that with D23 being a semi-lotto system in the past, and now going to a full lotto, you're not going to get the same fever pitch in that room. 


Which leads back to SDCC --


Marvel Studios and SDCC have a very symbiotic relationship.  Baby Marvel showed up to SDCC with just RDJ and Stan for their first Iron Man panel, and it wasn't even the Marquee event.  Now it is.  It's almost like the size and explosion of SDCC in the 2010's ran parallel to Marvel's.


So they're going to want to continue their domination, and they're not going to want to get shown up.  I say this because when speaking with SDCC staff a couple years ago, we basically got confirmation that Marvel REFUSES to put their panel first on Saturday (despite the fact that would make everyone's life so so so so so much easy, because they always want to go LAST and steal the thunder/ride the hype wave out of the room.) 


The other thing about announcing things at Comic Con v D23 is the SDCC crowd is bonkers.  Most have been in line for at least 48 hours.  They're probably gotten into at least one fight over wristbands with the people around them.  Most are punch drunk.  There is a tangible buzz in that room, and they will scream and positive react to just about everything.


My favorite moment EVER is when Kevin in 2018 casually mentioned "Skrulls" and the roof went off the place.  


So if they're worried that there's been a lukewarm response to Phase 4, or people are getting cranky, or we're seeing the clicks in the armor, this would be the time to announce everything, have people go NUTS, and then put on the reports that everything is fine! Our fans still love this!  

Whereas with D23, they LITERALLY take your phones, so there's no bombard of fancams of people screaming cause Kevin is on stage.  




I could be wrong.  It's a brave new world.  


And I also can't judge what people find disappointing or not disappointing.  I would not find Black Panther, She-Hulk, Holiday Special, The Marvels disappointing, with probably announcement of the F4 cast and a big screen with a bunch of titles on it.  D23 will probably gets the Loki S2 footage, more The Marvels footage, and I would announce any new Disney+ show there.


Cause remember, there's two phases to this.  There is ANNOUCEMENTS and there is FOOTAGE.  You can ANNOUNCE here, and not show footage until D23.



Yeah, I thought it was 2, cause it's normally 2 to 2.5 hours.  The hour this year is a first.



Don't forget to put on Captain America: The Winter Soldier!!!




With all due respect, it's 2022. We have D23 now. DC Fandome. Sony's State of Play. Nintendo Direct. And so on and so forth. Just look at E3 and how much of a husk it is now compared to early last decade.


Why bother wrestling for attention with others when you can just go and do your own thing and have the spotlight all to yourself? And have complete and utter control over the narrative? That ideal environment is far more important to these studios than the Comic-Con audience's reactions.


I'm honestly shocked WB is even attending at all. It looks like they're not doing a Fandome this year as they usually would've announced something about that by now.


Times have changed, is what I'm saying. The scooper bros who've been hyping this up have already fooled me once with all the bullshit Multiverse of Madness rumours. I'm not letting myself get duped again.

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This is what Feige said about SDCC-

We’ll be at Comic-Con next month, which we’re excited about. First time since we were on stage there three years ago talking about this movie and many others. And now, I think, almost, not everything but almost everything we discussed three years ago, that was released, so we are excited to go and talk about the future.”

So by future he only meant BP WF & She-Hulk? I don't think so.

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I feel like I cannot control peoples expectations. They’re going to present what they’re going to present, and whether you think that’s disappointing or not, it’s on you!


I just know they’re not gonna phone in it cause they never do 🤷‍♀️

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I think anyone expecting footage from any Marvel film other than BPWF is really in for a disappointment. IF they do, that footage will not be released to the public. BPWF, however, will.


At D23 we will probably see footage for Antman3 and MAYBE for GOTG3.


The big live action Disney movie presentation for D23 will be Little Mermaid.


D23 will be prime time for full official trailers for BPWF and Avatar 2. However, I don't think that will be the time or place. BPWF will probably have its trailer ready for the re-release of NWH. Avatar2's full trailer will likely be out around October or early November (in time for BPWF's release).

Edited by jedijake
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12 minutes ago, Daxtreme said:

And like 1000 times more cinematic than Wheel of Time lmao


HBO just really have got it prop-wise and costumes-wise (and use smart lighting)


And I'm assuming House of the Dragon is like less than half of the budget?

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28 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:


Lol that House of the Dragon trailer looks so much more cinematic than Amazon's The Rings of Power:  A Lord of the Rings Story.




I know its suppossed to be the "most expensive show of all time", but rings of power looks kinda cheap

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I don't know. Like someone pointed out, we live in SUCH different times and circumstances. Unlike any year with Comic Con, we have 4 live action projects still coming out this year and 7 or 8 already next year. Not counting animations. 


With the more fan driven nature of SDCC, I think SDCC will become the place to talk about the projects until the next Comic Con, like CinemaCon (which in this case would be She-Hulk, Black Panther 2, Halloween Special, Guardians Special, Ant-Man Quantumania, whatever show releases on March 2023, GOTG Vol. 3, whatever show they release in June 2023 and The Marvels). And D23, the big event happening every 2 years only, the place to just dump announcements. New projects, release dates and casting news of those new projects or more far away projects. 


Just a guess. 

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18 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

So what do you guys think , what will win the viewership, Dragon or Rings? 


Rings s1 > Dragon s1

Rings s2 < Dragon s2


and I dont even have particularily high expectations for dragon's quality

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