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TDKR Weekend: $160.89M - #3 ALL TIME HIGHEST OW

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It really depends on how the media handles this tomorrow. If there is a sense of panic and hysteria, then the BO will suffer a lot. But if they say security will be beefed up to maximum, and nothing like that should happen again, then who knows. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Security will be beefed up? We don't even have security at movie theaters, certainly not like we do at the airport. I do want to know how the hell this guy was able to bust in through the fire exit.
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The thing of it is, is you just can't be certain what goes through one's mind in this day and age.. I mean, who'd a thought critics would have their lives threatened over posting a Negative review for a movie??? It's a sick sick world we live in and too overly obsessive..

I am waiting for her next update to see what she has to say about this.
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Well this is all very depressing, I think a separate thread should be made otherwise nothing else will be truly discussed. Dont give them what they want (fame/terrorism) and lets move on.

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They're reporting that he came in through the fire exit, so he didn't have a ticket or anything.

In CNN Espanol they said that they don't know if they came from the fire exit or came from BEHIND the screen. Not sure if this is even possible, but that's what I heard. What a fucking nightmare.
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Too many guns in circulation.

Not to start a whole other debate for another place and another time...but to play devil's advocate, more lenient gun laws may have created a scenario where a couple people in the theater would have had a gun on them and been able to stop this much earlier on.
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Does it really matter if it earns less money now? It goes in circles, a tragic death boosts TDK's BO, tragic deaths dampen the sequel. Christopher Nolans death count is getting pretty high...

Of course, because it's all his fault! Would you like to have your name associated by people with deaths like it was your fault? Seriously, Christopher Nolan is a real person. I don't know what's wong with people like you!
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As a long time theater goer, my worst fears came true when I heard about the shooting. For years as I would see large crowds at midnight showings, I always had that crazy thought in my mind if someone would ever try and pull something crazy like this. We are all so vulnerable in the theater. This story completely ruined the whole experience of the movie for me and has me concerned about the future of security in the theater. People should not be getting killed watching a movie, that's just insane. I am so sad for all those people in Colorado. The movie was Epic, No better than TDK and on par with BB but satisfying. But I am again very hurt, sad and shocked by people getting killed in the theater. The only theater shooting I ever heard about in my life was reading about Ab Lincoln getting killed in a theater. Again this whole story is terrible. I'm sorry Christopher Nolan and the whole Batman Staff has to have such a terrible tragedy linked to the final film of the franchise. There are some really sick fucks out there. My prayers go out to the victims and the injured.

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It will get coverage for sure, but no shooting of this size is going to resonate with the public for months. Even Virginia Tech was out of the news cycle after a week.

This situation terrifies me. It could happen anywhere, to anyone. Millions of people go to movie theaters each weekend.
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Oh come on. This is going to be yesterday's news soon. It's horrible to say but that's just how shootings are in this country.

Uh, people didn't forget about Columbine in one day. This is going to be one of the biggest stories of the year. Since the shooter is still alive, there will be a highly public trial that will be in the news for months and years.
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In CNN Espanol they said that they don't know if they came from the fire exit or came from BEHIND the screen. Not sure if this is even possible, but that's what I heard. What a fucking nightmare.

They might have been inspired by that scene in the Gangster Squad trailer.
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It will get coverage for sure, but no shooting of this size is going to resonate with the public for months. Even Virginia Tech was out of the news cycle after a week.

I'm not saying months... but it will stay fresh for a couple of weeks at least.
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Can you just stop? Why is it so hard for you to stop?

Why are you so attention driven? It's been pointed out here several times you could ignore me. You have not.You respond to a post where I tell people to stop afraid of terrorist attacks because it lets terrorist wins with, a post about Rape? Something completely unrelated and off topic. What I am doing is in no way even similar to what you are putting words in my mouth as me saying and using as a really poor comparison. Nobody here was at a theater, none of you are the victims of Terrorism here.Please keep staying afraid, it will only give people who commit these kind of attacks all the more reason to do them.
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IF theater business gets depressed the terrorists have won and America is run by terrorists.All they need to do is shoot up a Walmart and the US economy will never recover ever as people buy less groceries and don't go to stores anymore.It's brilliant. You could utterly destroy the country with a couple of bullets and no war thanks to american stupidity and the media.

People in Israel have lived like this for decades, and guess what, you get used to terrorism. I'm cautiously optimistic.
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There is a small positive, and i use the word loosely, that is anyone who didnt know about the batman film will surely now. Not just in America too

Edited by eXtacy
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