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The Warner Bros. Thread | Will NOT merge with Paramount...capitalism is still terrible

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On 11/9/2023 at 11:19 PM, SpiderByte said:

Damn if only there were a family friendly property with a movie filmed with over the top slapstick that kids could enjoy. Something really... wily.

They literally have a naked dating show on max showing full frontal. No responsible parent(lol) would ever leave their kid in front of the max app all day the way that they do Disney plus.

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3 hours ago, Mojoguy said:

Gunn is already set for life after directing and writing a successful blockbuster trilogy. Also the comeback after being canceled by MeToo culture.


Zack Snyder wishes he was as successful as Gunn.

First off, MeToo culture? Gunn was initially “canceled” because of a bunch of far-right trolls who wanted revenge for Roseanne Barr. 

Second, what does Zack Snyder have to do with this? 

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33 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

First off, MeToo culture? Gunn was initially “canceled” because of a bunch of far-right trolls who wanted revenge for Roseanne Barr. 

Second, what does Zack Snyder have to do with this? 

All right, cancel culture to be more accurate.


Both of them were tasked to run DC films and steer its direction.

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10 hours ago, dudalb said:

God, the NOlan will never admit that the Snuderverse version of the DCU was a fail.

The Snyderverse movies were profitable and broke records for DC, they were objectively not a failure. And seeing the numbers for the Walter Hamada-era at DC, and now the collapse of the MCU, should also be enough for you all to reconsider how BVS was actually received by audiences. It just doesn't make sense anymore to think that the movie was completed rejected to the point of poisoning the DC brand - if that was the case, we would see the effects of that immediately at the box office.


The Captain Marvel movies are dropping from 1.1 billion to ~200 million worldwide just 1 year and a half after Multiverse of Madness and Thor Love and Thunder, which people point as the start of the downfall of the MCU. In the months following the reception to BVS, DC released Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman to record breaking numbers. The DCEU franchise only really collapsed after years of WB doing everything to distance it from Snyder.

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4 hours ago, Napoleon said:

The Snyderverse movies were profitable and broke records for DC, they were objectively not a failure. And seeing the numbers for the Walter Hamada-era at DC, and now the collapse of the MCU, should also be enough for you all to reconsider how BVS was actually received by audiences. It just doesn't make sense anymore to think that the movie was completed rejected to the point of poisoning the DC brand - if that was the case, we would see the effects of that immediately at the box office.


The Captain Marvel movies are dropping from 1.1 billion to ~200 million worldwide just 1 year and a half after Multiverse of Madness and Thor Love and Thunder, which people point as the start of the downfall of the MCU. In the months following the reception to BVS, DC released Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman to record breaking numbers. The DCEU franchise only really collapsed after years of WB doing everything to distance it from Snyder.


Nice ret-con of history there.


Prior to BvS coming out, Batman on his own was a billion dollar franchise, a fan favourite, and a critical darling.


Snyder couldn't get anywhere near close to any of that, even with Superman as well.


He ruined the goodwill the audience had for DC movies, and all the hype that Nolan had built for years. 

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9 minutes ago, Barnack said:

In this case, if they are showing it and trying to sale it to streamer, it will be hard to argue the anti-competitive aspect no ? Specially a movie no else could have made being an WB IP.

The argument isn't over them selling CvM, it's about them trying to scrap it in the first place. That's what Castro is calling predatory and anti-competitive.

Edited by cookie
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4 hours ago, JWR said:

I don't think it can ever be overstated how much damage BvS did to the brand.

Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Aquaman all made a lot of money, and outside of the DCEU, Joker and The Batman also did very well. If BvS damaged the brand, I’m not really seeing it. Sorry, but if you want to argue that BvS is the reason that all the DC movies this year have flopped, that’s a pretty flimsy argument. 

Edited by WittyUsername
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5 hours ago, FunkMiller said:

Prior to BvS coming out, Batman on his own was a billion dollar franchise, a fan favourite, and a critical darling.

And that was kenough to launch multiple major tentpole franchises well above a "no crossover" baseline.


It really is weird how BvS+JL was able to prime Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman and Aquaman to go into the stratosphere despite terrible reception. It would be like if FB2 was able to launch a successful "Lestrange family saga" sub-franchise. I'd argue intense energy of Snyder fandom online (devoted to relitigating perceptions of his obviously divisive films) really makes that weirdness get somewhat overlooked in retrospect. 


I guess the takeaway is [cut 2 sentences because they really weren't a compelling story]. Season 5 Idk GIF by Paramount+

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15 hours ago, WittyUsername said:

 If BvS damaged the brand, I’m not really seeing it.


We've been seeing it for the last seven years:


- JL and SS were reshot because WB was surprised by the negative reception to BvS.


- Snyder being forced to reshoot JL and being forced our by WB? Because they wanted a course correction.


- JL failing to even crack $100M on OW? A direct result of audiences feeling burned by BvS, the film setting it up. Josstice League didn't kill the DCEU, it was proof that it had already been dead.


- WW, The Batman, Joker, and AM were hits despite the baggage the brand had, in part, because they had positive word of mouth. They're the exception, not the norm.


- The reason why James Gunn and Peter Safran were brought in (after numerous regime changes)? Because the main franchise had so much baggage that the only option was to start anew.

Edited by JWR
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2 hours ago, cookie said:

The argument isn't over them selling CvM, it's about them trying to scrap it in the first place. That's what Castro is calling predatory and anti-competitive.

Yeah I just do not get it, both the predatory and the anticompetitive part.


Reading the comments,  there seem to be a giant misunderstanding what a tax write off is, the expense made to make those movies are always tax writeoff like all business expanses are, only possible change is that they just can use it sooner.


Shelving movies are because they would hurt the brand or not worth taking a release spot and the cost that goes with releasing a movie, how is that predatory ?


Predatory:  inclined or intended to injure competitors by unfair means 


Which competitor have been hurt and how ? By the decision of WB of not releasing a movie ?


And the analogy with burning a building for insurance money I do not get it either, spending $100m on a movie to save $20m in tax is a terrible business decision that you never decide to do in advance, claiming insurance money when that amount ended up higher than what you could get for the building if you sales it makes sense.

Edited by Barnack
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3 minutes ago, Jonwo said:

The announcement about Tim Miller working on Alien Legion does show the whole 'people won't work with WB' is a load of bull.

In theory a big budget movies should be ok. If required director can put in a clause that mandates release/budget etc. Problems would be for smaller movies. Directors might not want to work with WB On those 

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9 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

In theory a big budget movies should be ok. If required director can put in a clause that mandates release/budget etc. Problems would be for smaller movies. Directors might not want to work with WB On those 

Smaller film makers quite frankly can't be choosy who they work with. 

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51 minutes ago, JWR said:


We've been seeing it for the last seven years:


- BvS and SS was reshot because WB was surprised by the negative reception to BvS.


- Snyder being forced to reshoot JL and being forced our by WB? Because they wanted a course correction.


- JL failing to even crack $100M on OW? A direct result of audiences feeling burned by BvS, the film setting it up. Josstice League didn't kill the DCEU, it was proof that it had already been dead.


- WW, The Batman, Joker, and AM were hits despite the baggage the brand had, in part, because they had positive word of mouth. They're the exception, not the norm.


- The reason why James Gunn and Peter Safran were brought in (after numerous regime changes)? Because the main franchise had so much baggage that the only option was to start anew.

WB overreacting to the response to BvS does not mean that BvS itself is what damaged the brand. If BvS truly harmed the brand, SS wouldn’t have done as well as it did. The DC brand was hurt as a result of mismanagement by WB executives, not because of a single movie that came out over seven years ago. 

Anyway, WB probably shouldn’t have cut BvS down to the near incomprehensible theatrical cut in the first place. 

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22 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

In theory a big budget movies should be ok. If required director can put in a clause that mandates release/budget etc. Problems would be for smaller movies. Directors might not want to work with WB On those 

Big names will usually have a minimum of theater release written in the contract, but in the real world enforcing them is quite the ordeal (see Black Widow release)

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