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Game of Thrones (TV ONLY) [Leaked Spoilers prohibited]

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3 hours ago, Ozymandias said:

So I just accidentally ran into leaked spoilers while reading the somethingawful forums.  If those are true, wowza. 

It's confirmed:


The season will end with The Night King and Jon Snow both at Eastwatch.  


Jon Snow says, "There doesn't have to be a battle.  Let's settle this the old way, you against me."


The Night King then opens his mouth for the first time to say, "You're right.  Hit it."


He then raise his arms up and snaps his finger.  And one dead man pulls out a guitar, another a microphone, and the dead giant pulls the big ol' drumset made of bones he was carrying on his back as they start jamming out to a death metal version of "Thriller."


The Night King drops his sword and proceeds to boogie like no White Walker has done before, taunting Jon Snow to beat his wickedly, cool moves, if he wasn't an ice man he'd be on fire.


Jon Snow looks confused for a moment and he knows nothing that could match The Night King's groove.  But he must try, so he drops Longclaw throws down his cloak as he prepares to show the King his boogie and the credits roll with the biggest cliffhanger of the century.

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Leaked spoilers are 100% accurate cause they nailed every episode so far. 






The disappointment of this season so far has been Tyrion. He simply has done nothing so far. 

I have to say that I liked Danny's approach in her meeting with John. She may still be a level behind Cersei but she has the personality of a real leader. On the contrary, John lacks in that department he doesnt have enough dynamism. I wouldn't be surprised If his journey ended with a heroic death.

I am also shipping those two big time.



Jon is the true leader, actually, cause he leads by exmaple. When was the last time Dany rode something other than a dragon into the battle, like her own solders? Oh, wait, never happened. And most importantly, Jon doesn't want power. So it's only natural that the power chooses him. OTOH, Dany is power-trippin big time (starting with all those names/accomplishments that Mesandai repeats over and over all the way to burning people alive if they won't bend the knee or otherwise refusing to help). That may paint her as a stronger leader on surface but that's not how the narrative is in those cases. Also, her strength is only dragons, not some brilliant strategic mind. 


In both cases, they are usually saved by either other people's wisdom (Sansa calling in LF's help in Battle of the Bastards) or Dragon Ex Machina. 


But as for heroic death, nah. Like I said, he who doesn't want power ends up with power, while those who crave it lose it. It's the nature of those stories, why they are timelessly appealing. 

Edited by Valonqar
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4 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

Haven't looked at any leaked spoilers, but I am clued in a bit to future episodes from having followed set reports and set pics taken from last year. 

I saw a few set reports but not much else.  Haven't read the leaks, but some of the events are fairly logically deduced.


After the Queen's Justice it made sense that Daenerys had a great opportunity to ambush Jaime as he was bringing the loot back to King's Landing.

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best show ever !!!! mother of dragons making an entrance to westeros in style , what an episode !!!!

you go dany do your thing be a dragon , haters to the left ! 


(those who go on about her titles , they're not just titles they tell her story her journey all the shit she went through to reach where she is now , there was a time all she had was stormborn targaryen she suffered in her bones to get where she is ok the worse cersei did was walk from the scept of baelor to the red keep naked and her reaction was off the scale and ain't nobody harping on about her being a mad queen *rolls eyes*)


meanwhile awaiting with glee "


but i can't fight this feeling anymore" scene

 *wink wink * (hope this isn't spoilerish )

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On 11/8/2017 at 11:31 PM, ladyevenstar22 said:


(those who go on about her titles , they're not just titles they tell her story her journey all the shit she went through to reach where she is now , there was a time all she had was stormborn targaryen she suffered in her bones to get where she is ok the worse cersei did was walk from the scept of baelor to the red keep naked and her reaction was off the scale and ain't nobody harping on about her being a mad queen *rolls eyes*)


Daenerys titles have become a joke way before the Jon-Dany first meeting. Pretty much most of the scenes where Missandei recites Dany's 100 titles are played for laughs but I think they are also there to underline that Dany becomes a little drunk with her power and people's adoration of her. She doesn't want to be like her father or the other cruel kings, she care for the little people and wants to see them free and happy, but at the same time she cares a little bit more about herself being the Liberator and The Queen of everyone because it's her destiny or sth. She is a little bit full of herself.


And if you really think about it after the first season her journey wasn't that hard. Actually I think it's full of easy victories.

-The wizards and that tall black guy conspire to steal her dragons? Dany spents a day in chains, kills all the bad guys and take their gold.

-The Slaver mocks her in foreign language for a few episodes? Dany kills the slavers and takes the Unsullied in 5 minutes.

-Seconds Sons are called to stop her army and kill her? Daario loves her and she gets a bonus army instead. Proceeds to take down the slaver cities like they were nothing, crowdsurfs and everyone calls her Mhysa.

-Dothraki capture her again? No problem. She burns the Khals and gets another army that worships her.

-Former slavers and Sons of Harpy causing trouble in her new kingdom? Dragons and Dothraki annihilate them the moment Dany comes back to Meeren after her little sidequest.


She is been winning so easily for so long that I think all this is a set up for an epic faceplant. I don't think she 'll die or turn full villain but she's bound to have a huge failure any minute now. 



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I think that the hate Danny is receiving right now is undeserved. She is the mother of the dragons you bitches, I don't want her humble, I want he to be strong and brave. You have all become too sensitive. Yes, she wants to get the iron throne and kudos to her. Name me one character that has achieved as much as her starting from where she started. And wha t did you expect her to do with John? Shzez doesn't know him, she's got no clue of whether he is telling the truth and you expect her to go to the wall nusnt because he said henr so?

 But its OK, when she goes north to smash the dead bitches everyone will start liking her again. GoT fans have become too predictable. 

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Dany telling Jon to squash his pride is very rich though, considering how entitled she acts. Her pride is infinitely more than his.


Jon's a shit diplomat, no argument there, but Dany's eminently unreasonable in thinking everyone should immediately bend the knee to her because she's Dany and she's awesome.

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3 hours ago, 4815162342 said:

Dany telling Jon to squash his pride is very rich though, considering how entitled she acts. Her pride is infinitely more than his.


Jon's a shit diplomat, no argument there, but Dany's eminently unreasonable in thinking everyone should immediately bend the knee to her because she's Dany and she's awesome.

My theory is that she really doesnt mean what she is saying. She is reasonable enough to understand that his people wont let him do it. She is trying to gain time and understand the situation better(may be play with him a bit too). As I said, she didnt even know him so why the hell would she believe him so easily? Would you?

I wouldnt. We are acting as though she has seen what we have.

What I believe is that she will go to the north but it would take a bit more time (and it should). 

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3 hours ago, FantasticBeasts said:

My theory is that she really doesnt mean what she is saying. She is reasonable enough to understand that his people wont let him do it. She is trying to gain time and understand the situation better(may be play with him a bit too). As I said, she didnt even know him so why the hell would she believe him so easily? Would you?

I wouldnt. We are acting as though she has seen what we have.

What I believe is that she will go to the north but it would take a bit more time (and it should). 


It's not about whether or not she should believe Jon 100% from the start, it's the fact that her only approach to diplomacy and relations between rulers has been "I am the rightful monarch, submit to me or there will be consequences."


A reasonable person, looking at the long game and knowing that winter is coming which would make any offensive operations, let alone an occupation, of the North to be exceedingly difficult, would focus on establishing friendly ties with the North that would bind it closely to the remaining 7 Kingdoms, so that, assuming Dany and her Dragons have to help save the day, and because the North would get hit first and hardest by a WW invasion, would make the North subsequently far more amenable to returning to the fold.

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