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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | June 30 2023 | Very mixed reviews out of Cannes

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On 7/1/2023 at 8:12 AM, FunkMiller said:


I think the obvious sidekick in an Indiana Jones movie that has the key theme of aging, would have been Short Round. A grown up Shorty trying to stop his aging mentor, who's become obsessed with some doohickey or another that reverses the aging process, would have been a compelling dynamic.



That was pretty much the shtick they gave Sallah.

Speaking of cameos, the one I was a little surprised not to see was one by Mrs. Spielberg.

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40 minutes ago, Daf said:

Frankly I have no idea what you're talking about. Why do you think Dial of Destiny is a deconstruction of Indiana Jones?


It's because of what he's heard, whatever that is. He's said multiple times he hasn't seen the movie and refuses to (or let his family see it) because of the trailer and the reports he's heard about mean old Phoebe Waller-Bridge being disrespectful to Indiana Jones and making him look weak.


Several of the people bashing the movie in this thread have been proudly proclaiming they haven't seen it and are going by trailers and what they've heard. It's strange they ever liked Indiana Jones in the first place, or maybe they hated Marion all along, because Helena is very much in the same vein of the tough, independent 1930s movie dame that inspired Marion. Marion, of course, was introduced in Raiders drinking men under the table and punching Indy in the face. Helena punches Indy in the face--not even out of anger, but desperation--and it's a crime against humanity.

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5 hours ago, Godzilla said:

Might've even flopped harder if they did that. 

Ford as Indy is iconic.Maybe an impossible act to follow.

Althought Brocolli and Salzman never would have beleived it back in 1967, Sean Connory leaving the 007 Franchise so early was probably the best thing that could have happened to the franchise, even with what happened with "OHMSS. Connoty as Bond was not so iconic he could not be replaced.even if the first replacment was something of a bust.

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2 minutes ago, KC7 said:


It's because of what he's heard, whatever that is. He's said multiple times he hasn't seen the movie and refuses to (or let his family see it) because of the trailer and the reports he's heard about mean old Phoebe Waller-Bridge being disrespectful to Indiana Jones and making him look weak.


Several of the people bashing the movie in this thread have been proudly proclaiming they haven't seen it and are going by trailers and what they've heard. It's strange they ever liked Indiana Jones in the first place, or maybe they hated Marion all along, because Helena is very much in the same vein of the tough, independent 1930s movie dame that inspired Marion. Marion, of course, was introduced in Raiders drinking men under the table and punching Indy in the face. Helena punches Indy in the face--not even out of anger, but desperation--and it's a crime against humanity.

W3hich means nothing this guy says about the movie is to be taken seriously. If he has not seen the movie,he does not know what he is talkinb about.]

Yes, Helena is disrepetable to Indy, but Indy is not a punching bag, he gives back as good as he gets.

And it would not have been a movie set in the 60's without some disrespect for an authority figure.

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So I’ve now seen this and my biggest complaint is simply that it’s far too long. This could have easily been a 90-100 minute movie and been much better for it. It’s not bad, but every set-piece scene overstays its welcome and by the time it winds around to the end you’ve felt every minute of its runtime.


Otherwise, there’s a lot to like. Contrary to everything I have been reading, the de-aging work is fantastic. Might be the best de-aging effects I’ve ever seen. The sets and set-pieces are spectacular; it sure looks like it cost $300 million. The cast is great, the plot is fine, just unnecessarily dragged out and the fanservice more subdued than I feared. End of the day, 7/10.

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Having just gotten back from this, I don’t know how anyone could consider this a “deconstructionist” story. There’s nothing about it that feels like it’s trying to deconstruct the character or the franchise.  It does in fact play it fairly safe, apart from the unnecessarily long runtime. 

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Just now, vale9001 said:

If you put togheter the total until now of indiana Jones + spider man + elemental + Transformers + the flash you got less than Top gun 2 last year domestic. 

Good, tired of these CBMs and crap franchises. 

You can add Star Wars and basically every DC movie since 2013 too.


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Mom made a comment before the film that “it was stuffy in here” to which I said “the auditorium is full, even the floor seats are taken” to which she replied; “Oh, right. Not used to going to the movies with people now-a-days.”


we both liked this. Mom was surprised that it was all Harrison. She thought it was going to be like him as a cameo, and then the young star was gonna have the lead of the thing.


I felt like it was missing a certain je ne sais quoi to really elevate the magic. But I enjoyed it. There is nothing egregiously wrong with it. I quite like the ridiculous third act. I think that’s when I perked  up a little. That said, mom said I fell asleep somewhere in the middle of it.

We both determined we probably would’ve enjoyed it better if we weren’t so goddamn just tired from the moving. 

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1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

Having just gotten back from this, I don’t know how anyone could consider this a “deconstructionist” story. There’s nothing about it that feels like it’s trying to deconstruct the character or the franchise.  It does in fact play it fairly safe, apart from the unnecessarily long runtime. 

Yep.  Same character and style of franchise this has always been. Other than Ford just being older nothing about Indiana Jones or the action scenes felt out of place from the early movies.  

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I unfortunately found this to be somewhat dull. 


It's missing a sense of whimsy and playfulness that the Spielberg entries had, whether that be with the action, the exposition or the characters (With Helena maybe being the sole exception). Way too much green screen and it's far too long for an Indy film, this thing should have momentum.


I like it all on paper but outside of a few stretches Mangold never brings it to life, keeping it firmly as someone's idea of an Indiana Jones film rather than an actual one. 


All that being said it's way better than recent adventure films like Uncharted and Jungle Cruise but that's just representative of the poor state the genre has been in. 

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This franchise is so dead that I might be willing to think that even Disney won't attempt to bring it back. Without Ford or Spielberg, a Franchise that has 0 pull in Asia, with weak European markets - how do you make Indy 6 sound appealing even in a boardroom meeting 15 years from now?

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I thought this was truly bad. If the franchise wasn't already dead,it is now.


It was dull, dour, mostly humorless and poorly paced.


Indiana was mostly a sad sack and I never enjoyed a second with him here. The action was by the numbers and lacking any creativity or spark. The movie felt like it was over 3 hours.


I expect this will not have legs. There's just nothing here. It's lifeless. 


Then the 3rd act happens and it felt like a parody it was so silly.


A serious misfire from conception.


My Indy rankings:






*Massive gap*


Crystal skull




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This felt like it was over 3 hours long. Whole movie is like that one chase clip where it's awkwardly edited and feels like they didn't shoot enough coverage (there are so few wide shots in this). Liked the ending though, but felt redundant.


The one Fleabag moment got a chuckle out of me. Almost expected Waller-Bridge to look at the camera.

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4 hours ago, Belakor said:

Good, tired of these CBMs and crap franchises. 

You can add Star Wars and basically every DC movie since 2013 too.


And I was not that impressed with Top GUn Maverick...

ANd,boy, did you make enemies with a sweeping statement like that.

SMacks of borderline trolling, frankly.

Edited by dudalb
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