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Monday Numbers: 22J 6.9,HTTYD2 5.1,Malef 2.2

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Excuse me, did I ever say there aren't any other variables?

No, but from your previous posts it sounded like you were saying that movies (or the media in general) is completely at fault and that exposing any children to violence will automatically make them violent, which isn't true.

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it's interesting how these discussions always seem to come to a dead end because there's no way to know whether the perpetrators of mass shootings were influenced to do so by violent movies or their own predispositions. but the easy way to stop people from shooting others, regardless of the reason, is not letting anyone have access to firearms in the first place

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Well schools got out in May like usual out here.

On FB right now seeing quite a bit of parents talking about taking kids to see Dragon sometime within the next couple of weeks. (other parts of the country I'm not sure about, I know California use to get out in late June but not anymore)


I'll probably see Dragon next.


And you know on another note-for the most part it seems animated sequels stay flat from the previous one. (Most that is, some exceptions range from Shrek 2-good to Cra...I mean Happy Feet bad)

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Those of you wanting pics of Tele's and Pinks packages... Look no further.

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Pink got my son a microwave Bottle Sterilizer(Left)and Tele sent lil Ed a swing(bottom middle)


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No, but from your previous posts it sounded like you were saying that movies (or the media in general) is completely at fault and that exposing any children to violence will automatically make them violent, which isn't true.


That sir is your fault. Because I never said that. I know there are many variables. I know people who have great parents but are disrespectful / violent. I am just saying it's better not to expose children to violence at such a young age.

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That sir is your fault. Because I never said that. I know there are many variables. I know people who have great parents but are disrespectful / violent. I am just saying it's better not to expose children to violence at such a young age.

I said "sounded like you were saying", as in implying, not that you actually said it.


And with that, I'm bowing out of this whole conversation.

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it's interesting how these discussions always seem to come to a dead end because there's no way to know whether the perpetrators of mass shootings were influenced to do so by violent movies or their own predispositions. but the easy way to stop people from shooting others, regardless of the reason, is not letting anyone have access to firearms in the first place


So much wrong with this statement that I don't even know where to begin.... The problem with violence is that those that will perpetrate violence will do so regardless of the laws banning a substance / item. I mean seriously drugs are illegal but that doesn't stop them from being readily available.... same with guns / knives / other weapons.....

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My roommate and I picked up the movie "Joe" from Redbox. Never seen it before but hoping for a great Nic Cage performance.

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My roommate and I picked up the movie "Joe" from Redbox. Never seen it before but hoping for a great Nic Cage performance.


I've heard nothing but good things about his performance, so I'm definitely interested.

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Those of you wanting pics of Tele's and Pinks packages... Look no further.

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Pink got my son a microwave Bottle Sterilizer(Left)and Tele sent lil Ed a swing(bottom middle)


That is so sweet. Awwww.
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Children are very susceptible to anything. I think it is the parents' responsibility to ensure their kid does not turn out to be the next mass murderer or psychopath. Sure, there are some people who may be inherently born that way, but influence and experience changes everyone. Look at child soldiers in Africa. They are trained to kill and have no mercy. There will be some, who eventually, might question what they're doing, but if most find it normal, who is to blame? Subject your child to watching violence or porn or whatever from an early age, and tell me that it will not affect them.


I'm no prude, but I do believe in good parenting. Even good parents cannot completely control what their children are exposed to. Hasn't anyone ever read about sexual violence or exposure? You cannot tell me being raped or sexually abused or assaulted has no effect on a child. It may not have the same effect, but it has an effect, and that is the point. Unless your parent can be sure that the movie will not influence you in any way, they have no business in letting you see them. There is a certain age where we are able to discern what is real, and what is not, somewhere about the age of four, I think, so any parent dumb enough to bring their kids to movies below that age, should be reprimanded.


Look, I know some of you all turned out fine, that's why we are able to post intelligently on this forum, but you cannot tell which person will blow a fuse. There are of course many variables, but as a parent, you'd have the responsibility to ensure that you can control the timeframe of the exposure. Eventually, you'd be expected to talk to them about sex, drugs, death and so on. I think that is a quality that unfortunately a lot of parents ignore and their children find out about it from other mediums or friends and that is not the greatest scenario. Just look or read the amount of influence children are exposed to, bullying, gangs, peer pressure...we hear of children smoking up, getting drunk, having sex, murdering at ages that used to be shocking and scarcely believable, now, simply tragic.


I don't know how many more stories I have to read in the media where "He's a great kid, I can't believe he did this," coming from relatives or parents. If you cannot control or bring up your kid, you have no business having one. Some things are out of your control, but leaving your gun cupboard unlocked, having ammunition readily available, letting them into any movie they please or surf the web with such freedom...I think there should be some sort of reprimand. We do not live in the 90s anymore, or rather, that's possibly the last age group of people whose parents and elders would be free from the clutches of Internet policing. Just because we weren't ever affected does not mean children these days won't be. There is information everywhere and parenting has got to catch up with technology.


I do not believe the media when they decide to shove all blame onto guns, video games, movies, music and the like, I believe parents are the first line of defense, the strongest, eventually they will be breached, as that is what it is to grow up, however, if they just give in upon the first hurdle, well problems abound. Society is easily influenced. How much of what your opinions are, are influenced by something else? Why is there a concept of "thin is beautiful" or "white is beautiful"? Everything has the ability to influence us. Maybe, we were bullied when we were young, maybe we experienced trauma, or heartache or betrayal, everything will leave its mark. So, unless your parents know what the movie really is about, or rather have seen it for themselves, they should not be letting you watch it. If they are to watch it, at least have a conversation after, but preferably, you would have all these tools at your disposal as a method to the madness, rather than a reactionary, "Oh shit! My kid's found out about sex/drugs/death, let's throw the kitchen sink at him now." approach, or worse just a "You okay?".


I do not know if I am in the minority with this belief, but I have believe a lot of social ills stem from bad parenting. From gangs, to abuse, sexism, racism, discrimination, violence etc. most stem from being an irresponsible or bad parent. It's not easy being a parent. Sure, most people grow up and out of their rebellious stage, but some don't. Some fall into bad company, some die before they even mature. Parents have a major responsibility, one that I feel goes underrated. You don't become a good parent just because you want a kid. Going to steal Spider Man's quote, "With great power, comes great responsibility." Maybe they do not realize it, but parents hold a lot of power on how this world turns out, whether or not, or how easily their children are influenced by certain things. However I have turned out, I believe a lot of it has to do with good parenting and that's how you, we all, should adapt.


There are no shortcuts to bringing up a child. We cannot expect teachers or religion to simply work wonders or miracles. Similarly, especially to very religious folk, religion has to also be ushered into the modern age. What I find dispiriting and disappointing are the fact that so many people are willingly being led to believe falseness of religion by listening exclusively to people in power. Religion is based on principles and like law, it is what the law intended and not what the law actually says. There is a term that eludes me right now. I'm not asking everyone to run out and murder, break the law or engage in copious sexual activity, what I'm saying is everyone has a choice and to adhere to the principles of their own religion rather than people pretending to represent this. Unfortunately, or fortunately, everyone is going to be exposed to temptation. Would you rather your children slept around behind your back, or would you educate them, and yourself? This is all slightly personal, so sorry for what has become a thesis, but someone can still be religious having lost their virginity. Wouldn't you want to know, rather than be lied to that your daughter is an angel? But, if we continue to devote ourselves to human reputation and be obstinate and steadfast in our ways, it honestly just leads to failure. I'm sure God would have wanted you to make sure your child is brought up right rather than in ignorance, but this is going majorly off-topic from my own topic.


If we have decided to become parents, or the moment we do, whether by choice or by accident, we must accept the very large responsibility that comes with it. You are not simply, having a kid. What you're actually doing, or having, or accepting is that from this moment forth, until the child comes into his or her own, you have a responsibility to them and society as a whole, to make sure your child contributes for the betterment of all and not let them slip into the abyss of social ills and create or continue the cycle of woe that has been perpetuated by those badly brought up. They do not have to be the leader of the free world, or even the school librarian, but they should be brought up with respect for everyone, no matter their colour, shape, size, origin, sound and if they are, then whether they drink, or date or eat whatever they want to eat, you will know that they will do so respectfully, morally and appropriately whether pastors or imams or presidents say it is right or not and doing so would certainly be more true to the spirit of religion and morality than what we see today.

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Took me nearly an hour to write that. Time to unwind...


So, I loved How to Train Your Dragon 2! I'm ecstatic that it was such a great movie and they will definitely be making a third (and even if they don't these would do well as they are) over a crappy sequel but a massive box office take. :D Still has a chance to match the first's admissions which would be highly laudable. It doesn't even have to reach the first one's gross, I'm guessing.

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Children are very susceptible to anything. I think it is the parents' responsibility to ensure their kid does not turn out to be the next mass murderer or psychopath. Sure, there are some people who may be inherently born that way, but influence and experience changes everyone. Look at child soldiers in Africa. They are trained to kill and have no mercy. There will be some, who eventually, might question what they're doing, but if most find it normal, who is to blame? Subject your child to watching violence or porn or whatever from an early age, and tell me that it will not affect them.


I'm no prude, but I do believe in good parenting. Even good parents cannot completely control what their children are exposed to. Hasn't anyone ever read about sexual violence or exposure? You cannot tell me being raped or sexually abused or assaulted has no effect on a child. It may not have the same effect, but it has an effect, and that is the point. Unless your parent can be sure that the movie will not influence you in any way, they have no business in letting you see them. There is a certain age where we are able to discern what is real, and what is not, somewhere about the age of four, I think, so any parent dumb enough to bring their kids to movies below that age, should be reprimanded.


Look, I know some of you all turned out fine, that's why we are able to post intelligently on this forum, but you cannot tell which person will blow a fuse. There are of course many variables, but as a parent, you'd have the responsibility to ensure that you can control the timeframe of the exposure. Eventually, you'd be expected to talk to them about sex, drugs, death and so on. I think that is a quality that unfortunately a lot of parents ignore and their children find out about it from other mediums or friends and that is not the greatest scenario. Just look or read the amount of influence children are exposed to, bullying, gangs, peer pressure...we hear of children smoking up, getting drunk, having sex, murdering at ages that used to be shocking and scarcely believable, now, simply tragic.


I don't know how many more stories I have to read in the media where "He's a great kid, I can't believe he did this," coming from relatives or parents. If you cannot control or bring up your kid, you have no business having one. Some things are out of your control, but leaving your gun cupboard unlocked, having ammunition readily available, letting them into any movie they please or surf the web with such freedom...I think there should be some sort of reprimand. We do not live in the 90s anymore, or rather, that's possibly the last age group of people whose parents and elders would be free from the clutches of Internet policing. Just because we weren't ever affected does not mean children these days won't be. There is information everywhere and parenting has got to catch up with technology.


I do not believe the media when they decide to shove all blame onto guns, video games, movies, music and the like, I believe parents are the first line of defense, the strongest, eventually they will be breached, as that is what it is to grow up, however, if they just give in upon the first hurdle, well problems abound. Society is easily influenced. How much of what your opinions are, are influenced by something else? Why is there a concept of "thin is beautiful" or "white is beautiful"? Everything has the ability to influence us. Maybe, we were bullied when we were young, maybe we experienced trauma, or heartache or betrayal, everything will leave its mark. So, unless your parents know what the movie really is about, or rather have seen it for themselves, they should not be letting you watch it. If they are to watch it, at least have a conversation after, but preferably, you would have all these tools at your disposal as a method to the madness, rather than a reactionary, "Oh shit! My kid's found out about sex/drugs/death, let's throw the kitchen sink at him now." approach, or worse just a "You okay?".


I do not know if I am in the minority with this belief, but I have believe a lot of social ills stem from bad parenting. From gangs, to abuse, sexism, racism, discrimination, violence etc. most stem from being an irresponsible or bad parent. It's not easy being a parent. Sure, most people grow up and out of their rebellious stage, but some don't. Some fall into bad company, some die before they even mature. Parents have a major responsibility, one that I feel goes underrated. You don't become a good parent just because you want a kid. Going to steal Spider Man's quote, "With great power, comes great responsibility." Maybe they do not realize it, but parents hold a lot of power on how this world turns out, whether or not, or how easily their children are influenced by certain things. However I have turned out, I believe a lot of it has to do with good parenting and that's how you, we all, should adapt.


There are no shortcuts to bringing up a child. We cannot expect teachers or religion to simply work wonders or miracles. Similarly, especially to very religious folk, religion has to also be ushered into the modern age. What I find dispiriting and disappointing are the fact that so many people are willingly being led to believe falseness of religion by listening exclusively to people in power. Religion is based on principles and like law, it is what the law intended and not what the law actually says. There is a term that eludes me right now. I'm not asking everyone to run out and murder, break the law or engage in copious sexual activity, what I'm saying is everyone has a choice and to adhere to the principles of their own religion rather than people pretending to represent this. Unfortunately, or fortunately, everyone is going to be exposed to temptation. Would you rather your children slept around behind your back, or would you educate them, and yourself? This is all slightly personal, so sorry for what has become a thesis, but someone can still be religious having lost their virginity. Wouldn't you want to know, rather than be lied to that your daughter is an angel? But, if we continue to devote ourselves to human reputation and be obstinate and steadfast in our ways, it honestly just leads to failure. I'm sure God would have wanted you to make sure your child is brought up right rather than in ignorance, but this is going majorly off-topic from my own topic.


If we have decided to become parents, or the moment we do, whether by choice or by accident, we must accept the very large responsibility that comes with it. You are not simply, having a kid. What you're actually doing, or having, or accepting is that from this moment forth, until the child comes into his or her own, you have a responsibility to them and society as a whole, to make sure your child contributes for the betterment of all and not let them slip into the abyss of social ills and create or continue the cycle of woe that has been perpetuated by those badly brought up. They do not have to be the leader of the free world, or even the school librarian, but they should be brought up with respect for everyone, no matter their colour, shape, size, origin, sound and if they are, then whether they drink, or date or eat whatever they want to eat, you will know that they will do so respectfully, morally and appropriately whether pastors or imams or presidents say it is right or not and doing so would certainly be more true to the spirit of religion and morality than what we see today.

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Children are very susceptible to anything. I think it is the parents' responsibility to ensure their kid does not turn out to be the next mass murderer or psychopath. Sure, there are some people who may be inherently born that way, but influence and experience changes everyone. Look at child soldiers in Africa. They are trained to kill and have no mercy. There will be some, who eventually, might question what they're doing, but if most find it normal, who is to blame? Subject your child to watching violence or porn or whatever from an early age, and tell me that it will not affect them.


I'm no prude, but I do believe in good parenting. Even good parents cannot completely control what their children are exposed to. Hasn't anyone ever read about sexual violence or exposure? You cannot tell me being raped or sexually abused or assaulted has no effect on a child. It may not have the same effect, but it has an effect, and that is the point. Unless your parent can be sure that the movie will not influence you in any way, they have no business in letting you see them. There is a certain age where we are able to discern what is real, and what is not, somewhere about the age of four, I think, so any parent dumb enough to bring their kids to movies below that age, should be reprimanded.


Look, I know some of you all turned out fine, that's why we are able to post intelligently on this forum, but you cannot tell which person will blow a fuse. There are of course many variables, but as a parent, you'd have the responsibility to ensure that you can control the timeframe of the exposure. Eventually, you'd be expected to talk to them about sex, drugs, death and so on. I think that is a quality that unfortunately a lot of parents ignore and their children find out about it from other mediums or friends and that is not the greatest scenario. Just look or read the amount of influence children are exposed to, bullying, gangs, peer pressure...we hear of children smoking up, getting drunk, having sex, murdering at ages that used to be shocking and scarcely believable, now, simply tragic.


I don't know how many more stories I have to read in the media where "He's a great kid, I can't believe he did this," coming from relatives or parents. If you cannot control or bring up your kid, you have no business having one. Some things are out of your control, but leaving your gun cupboard unlocked, having ammunition readily available, letting them into any movie they please or surf the web with such freedom...I think there should be some sort of reprimand. We do not live in the 90s anymore, or rather, that's possibly the last age group of people whose parents and elders would be free from the clutches of Internet policing. Just because we weren't ever affected does not mean children these days won't be. There is information everywhere and parenting has got to catch up with technology.


I do not believe the media when they decide to shove all blame onto guns, video games, movies, music and the like, I believe parents are the first line of defense, the strongest, eventually they will be breached, as that is what it is to grow up, however, if they just give in upon the first hurdle, well problems abound. Society is easily influenced. How much of what your opinions are, are influenced by something else? Why is there a concept of "thin is beautiful" or "white is beautiful"? Everything has the ability to influence us. Maybe, we were bullied when we were young, maybe we experienced trauma, or heartache or betrayal, everything will leave its mark. So, unless your parents know what the movie really is about, or rather have seen it for themselves, they should not be letting you watch it. If they are to watch it, at least have a conversation after, but preferably, you would have all these tools at your disposal as a method to the madness, rather than a reactionary, "Oh shit! My kid's found out about sex/drugs/death, let's throw the kitchen sink at him now." approach, or worse just a "You okay?".


I do not know if I am in the minority with this belief, but I have believe a lot of social ills stem from bad parenting. From gangs, to abuse, sexism, racism, discrimination, violence etc. most stem from being an irresponsible or bad parent. It's not easy being a parent. Sure, most people grow up and out of their rebellious stage, but some don't. Some fall into bad company, some die before they even mature. Parents have a major responsibility, one that I feel goes underrated. You don't become a good parent just because you want a kid. Going to steal Spider Man's quote, "With great power, comes great responsibility." Maybe they do not realize it, but parents hold a lot of power on how this world turns out, whether or not, or how easily their children are influenced by certain things. However I have turned out, I believe a lot of it has to do with good parenting and that's how you, we all, should adapt.


There are no shortcuts to bringing up a child. We cannot expect teachers or religion to simply work wonders or miracles. Similarly, especially to very religious folk, religion has to also be ushered into the modern age. What I find dispiriting and disappointing are the fact that so many people are willingly being led to believe falseness of religion by listening exclusively to people in power. Religion is based on principles and like law, it is what the law intended and not what the law actually says. There is a term that eludes me right now. I'm not asking everyone to run out and murder, break the law or engage in copious sexual activity, what I'm saying is everyone has a choice and to adhere to the principles of their own religion rather than people pretending to represent this. Unfortunately, or fortunately, everyone is going to be exposed to temptation. Would you rather your children slept around behind your back, or would you educate them, and yourself? This is all slightly personal, so sorry for what has become a thesis, but someone can still be religious having lost their virginity. Wouldn't you want to know, rather than be lied to that your daughter is an angel? But, if we continue to devote ourselves to human reputation and be obstinate and steadfast in our ways, it honestly just leads to failure. I'm sure God would have wanted you to make sure your child is brought up right rather than in ignorance, but this is going majorly off-topic from my own topic.


If we have decided to become parents, or the moment we do, whether by choice or by accident, we must accept the very large responsibility that comes with it. You are not simply, having a kid. What you're actually doing, or having, or accepting is that from this moment forth, until the child comes into his or her own, you have a responsibility to them and society as a whole, to make sure your child contributes for the betterment of all and not let them slip into the abyss of social ills and create or continue the cycle of woe that has been perpetuated by those badly brought up. They do not have to be the leader of the free world, or even the school librarian, but they should be brought up with respect for everyone, no matter their colour, shape, size, origin, sound and if they are, then whether they drink, or date or eat whatever they want to eat, you will know that they will do so respectfully, morally and appropriately whether pastors or imams or presidents say it is right or not and doing so would certainly be more true to the spirit of religion and morality than what we see today.

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