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Predator | 14th September, 2018 | Shane Black to Co-Write and Direct

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3 hours ago, Brainbug said:

A german film magazine (TV Spielfilm) completely trashed the film. Which is baffling to me since they gave even BvS and the Transformers sequels good reviews. I come to completely distrust them, so i might...love this film now?


Well, we'll see.

Good reviews for BVS are as "accurate" as the negative ones. BVS is not a "good" movie. So I agree with you there, I don't trust this reviewer.

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4 hours ago, Crainy said:

If you take the recent controversy into account, its hard to take critics seriously on this movie. In todays movie culture, most critics seem to be more interested in "going with the flow" when it comes to rating movies. Its pretty obvious that the scores they give out are less about the movie itself, but more about how the movie is viewed in the public eye and they try to appeal to that. Not just for "The Predator", but for most Blockbusters really.


Not saying this movie is going to be of great or lesser quality, I think its hard to tell based on the trailers, but make up your own mind instead of relying on other people to tell you what to think of a piece of art.

What indication is there that any critic saw this movie, enjoyed it, then heard about the controversy and went "nah I'm gonna downgrade this even though I liked it"? Cause if there isn't these are just nonsensical conspiracy-theory ramblings. "Pretty obvious" uh huh.

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27 minutes ago, Jake Gittes said:

What indication is there that any critic saw this movie, enjoyed it, then heard about the controversy and went "nah I'm gonna downgrade this even though I liked it"? Cause if there isn't these are just nonsensical conspiracy-theory ramblings. "Pretty obvious" uh huh.

By examining their track record. Its not rocket science and its not a conspiracy. Its just a job to alot of them and alot of them rely on views to get their money. Appeal to the crowds = more views. And its often times easier to gain attention by writing negative stuff about a movie than positive stuff, the internet is a sucker for negativity.

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I guess my initial worries have both been solidified while being tempered a bit. This is "Predators" all over again, for better or worse. However, I always envision Predator to be most effective in an environment as alien to the industrial world as its titular character. The deep forests of Canada are lush with foliage and unkempt wilderness, but the jungle always seems the most fitting (which Predators got right). As Herzog described the jungle, "It is a harmony of overwhelming and collective murder."

Edited by ThePhasmid
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There is no critical conspiracy against The Predator. The critics love Black as a filmmaker. That shady shit that he did has nothing to do with the actual quality of the film. There were always rumors about massive reshoots. Sometimes those rumors mean nothing and sometimes they do. I haven't seen the film so I can't personally judge. Also not enough reviews are up so we have to wait for a critical consensus. If anyone thought that the reviews were ever going to be at the level of KKBB and The Nice Guys then one was setting themselves up for disappointment.

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3 hours ago, Crainy said:

By examining their track record. Its not rocket science and its not a conspiracy. Its just a job to alot of them and alot of them rely on views to get their money. Appeal to the crowds = more views. And its often times easier to gain attention by writing negative stuff about a movie than positive stuff, the internet is a sucker for negativity.

By examining who’s track record? The critics? Or the filmmakers? If it’s the former, a critic can love one movie and absolutely dislike another. If it’s the filmmaker, great filmmakers can make bad movies just like a bad filmmaker can get lucky and make a great one. 


You have zero proof that any critic was swayed by anything. Especially when this film actually has more positive reviews than negative ones atm. Like what you’re saying doesn’t even make any sense because it’s not like this film is getting trashed. It’s just getting meh reviews probably because it’s a meh movie. 

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Olivia Munn Says That Since Fighting to Cut Scene From The Predator, “I Feel Like I’m the One Going to Jail”



As their press duties have continued, Munn said, many of her co-stars have canceled scheduled interviews with her; another, she said, walked out of an interview when the issue of the cut scene came up. When Munn decided to give a comment to the Times, she told Smith, she reached out to all of her co-stars privately to encourage then to make statements of their own. “I wanted them to not be blindsided the way I was blindsided, and I encouraged them to put out a statement once the L.A. Times reached out to us,“ Munn said. “I was surprised that none of them did. Again that’s their prerogative. Right now the reality is that there will be people who wear Time’s Up pins and say they support Time’s Up, [but] there will be people in Time’s Up who aren’t really down with the cause.”

“I kind of feel like I’m the one going to jail,” Munn said. “I didn’t go to jail, I didn’t put this guy on our set. I had this scene deleted. Thank God, honestly, that there is social media. It’s the fans and news outlets that’s confirming it to me that what I did was the right thing. If I didn’t have that feedback, I’d kind of go a little crazy thinking, Why am I being treated like this? That’s not O.K., to feel like the bad guy.”



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18 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

What exactly is Munn a victim of? Was she sexually assaulted on the set of The Predator by that actor?

Im not sure if she was a victim of sexual assault in the past but Munn is making it clear that she’s distancing herself and doesn’t condone working with registered sex offenders. I really don’t see why anyone would disagree with Munn’s stance on the matter. 


If Shane Black and other actors/actresses are willing to forget and work with people like that, that’s their choice. But it’s also fair to give Olivia Munn and other actors/actresses that choice as opposed to taking that choice away from them and having them work with individuals they don’t feel deserve a second chance. If Olivia Munn doesn’t want to share the screen with someone like that, it’s her choice. She wasn’t given that choice so now she’s doing something about it. 

Edited by Nova
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11 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

What exactly is Munn a victim of? Was she sexually assaulted on the set of The Predator by that actor?

No. She is not a victim. The director had a friend who was in jail for molesting a child or children but claimed he was innocent. The director gave him a scene in this film so he could restart his career I guess. That scene was with Olivia but she didn’t know his background. When she found out she told Fox and they cut the scene. But she is still speaking out about it because she wants people to know it happened. 

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So did the actor serve his time in prison and was cleared of charges? If he was then this sets a dangerous precedent that people with past offenses in society might never be forgiven and blacklisted from their respective industry. But if he didn't serve his time and wasn't properly prosecuted for what he did then I think the studio should be held to blame along with the director for bringing in an active offender into a movie production. 

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it's an interesting dilemma. Does someone who has served his time in prison even for a terrible crime like pedophilia deserve to just go back to life like normal after they leave? I can see why people would say no



probably would have been better if Black had just thrown him in the background though instead of giving him a role with dialogue 

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28 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

So did the actor serve his time in prison and was cleared of charges? If he was then this sets a dangerous precedent that people with past offenses in society might never be forgiven and blacklisted from their respective industry. But if he didn't serve his time and wasn't properly prosecuted for what he did then I think the studio should be held to blame along with the director for bringing in an active offender into a movie production. 

would you be ok with this dude working around your daughters or sons (like jacob tremblay)?

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15 minutes ago, John Marston said:

it's an interesting dilemma. Does someone who has served his time in prison even for a terrible crime like pedophilia deserve to just go back to life like normal after they leave? I can see why people would say no

Pedophilia isn't a crime and I am not sure it was ever said he is one, the news made him sound like an ephebophile or a hebephile at worst.


Imo, convicted child sexual assaulter cannot get back to a 100% normal life once they leave, they cannot be put in position of authority of children, any jobs/hobby that could have them alone with one and so on. Extra consequence that are not for child safety can easily go into the unusual punishment side and I imagine that why it is illegal in many state for employer (that are not school or other special case) to look at sexual offender registry.

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2 minutes ago, TombRaider said:

would you be ok with this dude working around your daughters or sons (like jacob tremblay)?

If he has served his time and learnt his lesson why not? Should people like this be exiled from society all together because that's basically what this comes down to if people aren't willing to work with him. If you've done something wrong in your past should you be forever held accountable for it despite having served your time and learning from it? Again this situation is different as the details for the case in which he was found guilty of seems to have been skewed.

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