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Weekend Numbers Jan 23-25 pg 46(AS 64 mill, Mom's cookies 15)

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Hurt Locker is better than inglorious bastards

The king speech is better than The Social Network/inception

Crash isn't better than anything

Slumdog millionaire over TDK. Lol

And they are just off the top of my head. The academy just like to be different with their opinions, even if the better film is starring them in the face, they couldn't possible share a popular opinion.

You forgot the biggest travesty. 

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Don't know if it was the best, but I enjoyed Gone Girl the most this year. Well done and entertaining, imo. Liked Birdman but it got to be a bit much after a while...might have been that constant drumbeat. Really pulling for Michael Keaton, though. Such an unaffected, normal guy. Don't know if I really liked Whiplash or not. Thought the language was out-of-control vulgar, but I have to admit I didn't check my watch once and was completely engrossed as to how the story would end. But, wow, is that girl from the film a total miscast for the upcoming Supergirl show. Heard so many good things about A Most Violent Year but it's release schedule kind of caused it to disappear. Still want to see it if it ever comes to town. Boyhood was best gimmick, but not best movie. Imitation Game and Theory of Everything were decent but that's it.

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But the principal is the same, but it's right that if the public would vote best picture, it would be the most populair one and not the best. But it's also true that the oscars only root for drama's; And I don't think that the gerne have to be drama to be the best movie of the year...

With all due respect, we have several award shows where the public votes. The two biggest ones are People's Choice Awards  and the MTV movie awards, and they can be about as extreme as the oscars. 

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However the Oscars are fading away into irrelevance if they keep awarding films no one sees. 



Back in the days people would flock to any film that got nominated or won, however even now films that win best picture people don't even care to check out as they are just so off base with the general consensus of average people. 

Yeah, I thought that's what the Sundance was all about, to award and bring awareness to the obscure films no one has heard about. And sadly, I would rather see the Sundance picks over most oscar picks.

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if AS makes 450+ and doesn't win BP, it will make future Academy Awards worthless

People will think, what do these old members (and non-members) know


Its not really that AS won't win BP(although I'd love to see it win just to see how high the BO would go given that Boyhood is the frontrunner), its the fact that they keep handing BP to shit nobody cares about like The King's Speech, The Artist, and now Boyhood(the list goes on) which keeps making them increasingly irrelevant outside of film circles.  Now I'm not one of those populists that thinks "mainstream" or "blockbusters" like Dawn of the Planet of the Apes or fanboy films should be nominated as if they have or should have a realistic shot at winning, I'm saying they should probably start awarding films that are worthy of it AND ones people will remember. 


The only thing impressive about Boyhood is literally watching a kid grow older before your eyes on screen, other than that it is has terrible dialogue and a bunch of corny scenes with no real story, its just boring scene after boring scene.  I don't care if I get flamed by apologists, its a forgettable film with just 1 impressive trait.  How about giving it to Birdman, or some other films that should have been nominated like Gone Girl instead of "omfg this movie was filmed over 12 years!!!!11"

Edited by Ozymandias
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The future face of the WWE. Incredibly. Is everyone in that company high?


I blame this moment for when Vince lost touch




My network stream to Chromecast is set up and ready. Just a hour to go. See you in the Rumble thread.



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I just don't see how it fails to reach 340M now. 

Sadly, there are always circumstances that could lead this movie to fail reaching that number. All it takes is some nutjob to open fire in a theater in protest of the movie, and it's all over.

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Giving the award out to things that nobody cares about? Do you mean such as things nobody has seen? I don't think it should matter if a movie grosses 2M or 200M, whichever movie is better should win BP if they are both up for it.

Maybe I'm just biased because I don't want AS to win BP, I'm cheering for Boyhood! :D

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I blame this moment for when Vince lost touch




My network stream to Chromecast is set up and ready. Just a hour to go. See you in the Rumble thread.



Did you see HHH announcing a tag team match on SD, using Teddy Long's music and imitating him? :rofl:

Edited by CJohn
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Birdman won the Producers Guild Award and could win the ensemble award on SAG later as well, and those guilds share voters with the Oscars so those who don't like Boyhood, Birdman has the best shot to win it 

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The Oscars is essentially a game. I don't really see it  as you know the standard of the best but I like following it because I like competition, predicting which gets nomination and what wins, kinda like box office  :lol:


But you know following the Oscars did help me discover movies I would otherwise not be aware of [even the "snubbed" ones because they still get talked about online]

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In more bad news, Mortdecai also fell flat overseas, where Depp has remained a bigger draw. The movie grossed just $5.2 million from 33 territories. Germany led with $1.2 million.


Maybe he needs to dump his girlfriend. Since she came into his life, it's been all downhill for him.

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