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Films that you think critics got wrong

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^You seen the first one lately? My nostalgia went up in smoke. SO bad.I think Cars 2 was higher than it should've been as well and Monsters Vs Aliens and Princess and the Frog.Going by my just posted 2005 list, I really liked the Island, but I think like all Bay films it was probably trashed. King Kong is also awesome but I think it is fresh anyway.

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^You seen the first one lately? My nostalgia went up in smoke. SO bad.I think Cars 2 was higher than it should've been as well and Monsters Vs Aliens and Princess and the Frog.Going by my just posted 2005 list, I really liked the Island, but I think like all Bay films it was probably trashed. King Kong is also awesome but I think it is fresh anyway.

IMO king kong is better than all the LOTR movies. It should have been in the high 90's and Peter Jackson should have had an Oscar nod for it. Shame it had a disappointing run, best film of the year. The fact narnia, potter and WOTW beat it that year makes me sick. Edited by Jessie
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The Mummy Returns- Sure it isn't a great film, but it is a very fun film to watch, should be at least in the 60's.Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid- Sure it started out well, and the leads are great, but it soon becomes a repititive bore, all they do is get chased and rob banks through out the whole movie and it just gets so boring, definitely should not be in the 90's or 80's.Bruce Almighty- Definitely one of Jim Carrey's funniest movies, don't why it's only in the 40's.Independence Day- Sure its a little to long, and there is some cheesy dialogue(president's speech) but it is a very fun film to watch.Ghostbusters- Sure it's funny in some parts and Bill Murray does give one of his best performances, but other than that this film is just an overrated bore, should be more like in the 60's.Knowing- Everyone seems to hate on this film, but I found it to be a very well made, chilling film, should at least be in the 50's.

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The Mummy Returns- Sure it isn't a great film, but it is a very fun film to watch, should be at least in the 60's.Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid- Sure it started out well, and the leads are great, but it soon becomes a repititive bore, all they do is get chased and rob banks through out the whole movie and it just gets so boring, definitely should not be in the 90's or 80's.Bruce Almighty- Definitely one of Jim Carrey's funniest movies, don't why it's only in the 40's.Independence Day- Sure its a little to long, and there is some cheesy dialogue(president's speech) but it is a very fun film to watch.Ghostbusters- Sure it's funny in some parts and Bill Murray does give one of his best performances, but other than that this film is just an overrated bore, should be more like in the 60's.Knowing- Everyone seems to hate on this film, but I found it to be a very well made, chilling film, should at least be in the 50's.

Independence day is my favourite film. People enjoyed knowing when it came out which is why it had small drops. The train and plain crash were really well filmed.
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DH2- 96% really? I know alteast 1 or 2 LOTR movies had a lower score than that, and they are a hundred times better. MI4 - sure it's fun and entertaining, but I preferred MI3, should be high 70's at most.

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^ Nah epic movie, best of 2011.Seven Pounds. Seriously 28% I give it an A- I loved big Will in this, people I talk to love it, I'm not sure why it was panned.

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With Avatar Cameron once again proved he's a master storyteller that probably knows more about structure, pace, archetypes and stuff than Lucas and so on.There are reasons he twice created the "highest grossing movie ever".Those blue aliens are no big deal. His so called 3D revolution was a bigger deal somehow, but in the end it was the story that made it big.

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Seven Pounds. Seriously 28% I give it an A- I loved big Will in this, people I talk to love it, I'm not sure why it was panned.

I think the panning was the result of the movie itself being so relentlessly manipulative. The film does tell what is at its core a sad story, but it does so with heavy-handed direction and music that stops just short of saying "You need to feel sad now." While that approach evidently works for some audiences, it is bound to rub others the wrong way; most of the people who reviewed it for Rotten Tomatoes fell into the latter camp.That and one particular twist (Don't touch the jellyfish!) is so incredibly silly for what is supposed to be a serious drama that if a viewer isn't already completely on board with the movie, it threatens to completely sabotage the intended impact of the ending. For me, it was definitely one of those "What on Earth was the screenwriter thinking?!" moments.
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Critics these days are pretty on the ball. Most of them are movie geeks like us, so they appreciate Avengers as much as Kubrick. It's almost impossible to find a movie rated rotten now that is genuinely a good movie (I'm not counting guilty pleasures). So I don't know where all this "critics are elitists who hate fun movies" nonsense comes from. Though I think critics were too harsh on Tron Legacy, but I can see why it's rotten (same with TPM).When I was growing up, though, critics made some genuinely bad calls. Blade Runner and The Thing are too classic examples, of course. Even as a kid I knew both of those movies were landmarks in the sci-fi genre, even though most critics dismissed them. Empire Strikes Back was considered a disappointment by most critics (something people forget when they talk about the critical reception for the prequels). And Problem Child is a great movie, I don't care what critics say :P

Edited by Darth Homer
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