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GODZILLA vs. KONG | March 31 2021 | Adam Wingard to direct

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9 minutes ago, Lucas said:

All these films were certified fresh on RT, if you want to stick to the narrative that "it's about the average rating" and not individual critics, these examples are pretty monumental failures on that point.

Rambo is certified fresh? What an unexpected reveal! I thought critics hate this franchise besides maybe First Blood.

We were talking about 2 different topics if you didn't notice. Average percentage/rating and individual critics complaints is not the same topic.

Edited by Firepower
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1 minute ago, Firepower said:

Rambo certified fresh? What an unexpected reveal! I thought critics hate this franchise besides maybe First Blood.

We were talking about 2 different topics if you didn't notice. Percentage/rating and individual critics complaints is not the same discussion.

Except it's the individual critics that make up the percentage/rating, and the claim you are making is that RT is less credible than IMDb because of those individual critics. The fundamental difference in credibility being you can actually see who is influencing the RT score, as opposed to IMDb which is just made up of thousands of question marks.

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26 minutes ago, Lucas said:

If a movie contains so much racism and sexism that a critic spends their entire review discussing it, it's probably not a very good movie. For being... y'know, racist and sexist.

To be fair though, some critics will spend their whole review discussing it even if there wasn’t much.   

Luckily most don’t, and some do the opposite, and then the magic of aggregation comes into play.


Edited by WandaLegion
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This whole discussion feels kind of stupid to me, IMDb is an audience score. The RT (critic) score is a... critic score.   


 It’s not like they’re different versions or approaches to the same thing, they’re just different things by design. Compare the IMDb score to RT audience scores if you must compare IMDb and RT (which, really — you don’t).

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While for my own entertainment purposes I'd be fine with keeping the Onion-esque debate going, I'd like to mention that I watched the 2014 Godzilla movie recently for the first time since the theater, and I really enjoyed it. The first 40 minutes are fucking phenomenal, and after that there are some more brilliant scenes throughout. It's easily Gareth Edwards' best film, and I wish he didn't get eaten alive by Disney quite so soon. He's not exactly a great storyteller, but he's a great craftsman with a recognizable visual voice. The only storytelling voice I get from him in his big budget films are both of his films make the grave mistake of killing off the father character far too soon, leaving the much less interesting son/daughter character to pick up the pieces. I always wondered if he noticed the frustrating similarity when he read the Rogue One script or if it was actually him that made it happen, which in that case means he definitely has a recognizable voice as a storyteller lol.

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5 hours ago, Lucas said:


How much it actually affects the rating has no bearing on whether or not it's actually happening lol. 

A lot of Marvel fans review bomb DC Movies with 1s and vice versa as well.    

There's also a lot of obsessed fans who give movies a 10, even if they hadn't seen the movie yet.    

Does it really matter? 

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4 minutes ago, The GOAT said:

A lot of Marvel fans review bomb DC Movies with 1s and vice versa as well.    

There's also a lot of obsessed fans who give movies a 10, even if they hadn't seen the movie yet.    

Does it really matter? 

The whole point is IMDb ratings don't matter for this very reason lol

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1 hour ago, Eric #TeamKong said:

Well if you don't like us "woke admins", then feel free to leave and go to another forum. I'm not leaving anytime soon, and I think you will be much happier if you post in a forum that doesn't have "woke admins" in it.

I find these kind of posts fascinating. There's a point where you go so woke that you end up going full MAGA. This reads exactly like something Trump would've tweeted. 



Anyways,  this thread is a mess. Just came here to say I loved this movie, glad they finally got rid of humans and gave full monster on monster destruction. The CGI was really impressive (or was it that I was really excited about everything that was going on?)

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11 hours ago, Lucas said:

The whole point is IMDb ratings don't matter for this very reason lol

Review bombing doesn't affect more or less final imdb rating, so your point doesn't work here. I can use the same argument against RT where certain groups of critics can review bomb the movie and actually affect its rating despite great reception overall.

12 hours ago, Lucas said:

Except it's the individual critics that make up the percentage/rating, and the claim you are making is that RT is less credible than IMDb because of those individual critics. The fundamental difference in credibility being you can actually see who is influencing the RT score, as opposed to IMDb which is just made up of thousands of question marks.

Yes, I can see that many people who contribute to RT score are not credible, to say the least, so it makes RT score useless. While people who contribute to imdb rating are not paid for that, they are just random Joes around the world with different backgrounds and biases instead of just one, which is another major difference.

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4 hours ago, Firepower said:

Review bombing doesn't affect more or less final imdb rating, so your point doesn't work here. I can use the same argument against RT where certain groups of critics can review bomb the movie and actually affect its rating despite great reception overall.

Yes, I can see that many people who contribute to RT score are not credible, to say the least, so it makes RT score useless. While people who contribute to imdb rating are not paid for that, they are just random Joes around the world with different backgrounds and biases instead of just one, which is another major difference.

Your entire point hangs on the idea that critics "review bombing a movie" is actually happening with on RT, which it isn't, while we literally know for a fact that it's happening with users on IMDb. I also enjoy the idea that IMDb is better because the random Joes around the world have different backgrounds when just yesterday you said just about anyone can become an RT certified critic these days because of their recent expansions. These being expansions that were made to include people from different backgrounds. You seem to think every single critic on RT can be boiled down to "just one", and that's a bad thing - but what you want are for all critics to think exactly like you do. Nothing about this makes any sense.

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I randomly felt like rewatching the 2014 film and I was so, so wrong about this film. It's goddamn masterpiece that has more in common with old school blockbusters than anything from the past 10 years. Definitely owes a lot to Spielberg and Jurassic Park as others have said. I got so many images and sounds stuck in my head and I don't think anyone else today has managed to capture scale like Edwards has. Maybe the human plot is generic (although I personally found it quite engaging), but Edwards uses it to very effectively create a human perspective that makes the monster fights so much more tense and grand. There's this one shot where Godzilla and Aaron Taylor-Johnson's character gaze into each other and it's just incredible.


And Godzilla turning up never fails to make me excited. The guys whistling and cheering at the end when Godzilla wakes up is one of the most wholesome things I've seen in one of these films. 


There's so much blockbuster filmmakers can learn from here. The camera compositions and espescially the long shots in this are more effective than what I've seen from any blockbuster in the past decade, besides Fury Road, And we got more than enough Godzilla in this. And he's so fucking magnificent in this. I feel dumb for making the criticism everyone was throwing at it (and also getting mad that they killed off Bryan Cranston early) when I watched this years ago. Just an audio-visual masterpiece all around.

Edited by lorddemaxus
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4 minutes ago, lorddemaxus said:

I randomly felt like rewatching the 2014 film and I was so, so wrong about this film. It's goddamn masterpiece that has more in common with old school blockbusters than anything from the past 10 years. Definitely owes a lot to Spielberg and Jurassic Park as others have said. I got so many images and sounds stuck in my head and I don't think anyone else today has managed to capture scale like Edwards has. Maybe the human plot is generic (although I personally found it quite engaging), but Edwards uses it to very effectively create a human perspective that makes the monster fights so much more tense and grand. There's this one shot where Godzilla and Aaron Taylor-Johnson's character gaze into each other and it's just incredible.


And Godzilla turning up never fails to make me excited. The guys whistling and cheering at the end when Godzilla wakes up is one of the most wholesome things I've seen in one of these films. 


There's so much blockbuster filmmakers can learn from here. The camera compositions and espescially the long shots in this are more effective than what I've seen from any blockbuster in the past decade, besides Fury Road, And we got more than enough Godzilla in this. And he's so fucking magnificent in this. I feel dumb for making the criticism everyone was throwing at it (and also getting mad that they killed off Bryan Cranston early) when I watched this years ago. Just an audio-visual masterpiece all around.

I really really really wish so bad that I could call it a masterpiece as well. I did enjoy it quite a bit when I saw it in theaters in 2014 (I even saw it twice), but I was very frustrated at a lot of it because I could feel how it had all the pieces to be Jurassic Park levels of masterful (I've had the same feelings about Peter Jackson's King Kong for most of my life now lol). I just didn't think it maintained that quality level after Cranston dies (apart from the occasional wonderment). Back then I had to settle for a 7, then quietly brought it down to a 6, but now after my recent rewatch I upped it to an 8 because there really is just too much goodness in there to celebrate. This is so much more proper Spielbergian than Jurassic World or whatever else has been made recently. That one sticking point really is that the human element is excellent and up there with Spielberg right until Cranston dies. From that point on it's merely functional - but I will say, at least it felt like Elizabeth Olsen was delivering a "real" performance that we usually don't see from actors in blockbusters. Had they kept Cranston alive I feel like his dynamic with ATJ could've really elevated the film to monumental levels.

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