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I bet the stuff in the WB emails would be even more juicy than the Sony ones. Please tell me someone has seen that chick from Broad City and her brother doing a "dramatic reading" of the Amy Pascal/Scott Rudin chats because it almost caused me to actually cough up a lung.

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33 minutes ago, Ozymandias said:

If this movie has a TASM2 effect of any kind on the franchise that surely would be a popcorn spectacle.


Lol, not really sure what WB would do, considering they own DC comics.

Edited by Daniel Dylan Davis
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I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you guys can help me out, yeah? When a person is a troll, as some posters here clearly are, do they know that they're trolls? Maybe they're just sitting in mom's basement, browsing message boards, spewing vitriol, do they just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing what a fucking troll I really am!"? Do you think they do that?

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4 minutes ago, grim22 said:

BvS was really awesome an an RPX screen as well. Now going to watch Kapoor & Sons, heard great things about this, it's from the director of "Ek mein aur Ek tu" which is one of my favorite movies.


Sorry, are you Indian?

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Just now, Noctis said:


Bitch, you're obsessed with the Hobbit movies...enough said. 


Bad taste goes beyond the US borders. After-2009 showed us just how bad international audiences are. 

Yeah, because anything Middle Earth is gold. And I really don't get you. I mean yeah, I am the biggest Potter fan ever, but I don't want BvS to fail because WB are the ones that shaped my world entertainment wise: Scooby-Doo when I was a kid, LOTR, HP and now DC and more SF original tentpoles than any other company. So yeah, I am rooting for them because they have balls with pretty much everything they do unlike other studios. And if it goes well for them, then it goes well for me, because I receive more of the things I like. 

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Just now, The Stingray said:

I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you guys can help me out, yeah? When a person is a troll, as some posters here clearly are, do they know that they're trolls? Maybe they're just sitting in mom's basement, browsing message boards, spewing vitriol, do they just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing what a fucking troll I really am!"? Do you think they do that?


Trolls are self aware, trolling can be amusing and I do it sometimes.


Shitposters are not self aware and tedious as all hell.

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3 minutes ago, James said:

Well, the US as a market is famous for having some... eh, weird tastes (just look at their all time no. 1 movie), so what you're saying might not be a bad thing at all:P


America is the Death Star. Of course we can relate to Star Wars more than a school of magical kids.

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4 minutes ago, James said:

Well, the US as a market is famous for having some... eh, weird tastes (just look at their all time no. 1 movie), so what you're saying might not be a bad thing at all:P

Well then the Earth itself as a market must have some weird tastes as well because that movie is the 3rd highest grosser ever. B)

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2 minutes ago, TommyA10 said:

Well then the Earth itself as a market must have some weird tastes as well because that movie is the 3rd highest grosser ever. B)

Yeah, but the world has Avatar and Titanic as gold and silver, so thank god for that!

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2 minutes ago, James said:

Yeah, because anything Middle Earth is gold. And I really don't get you. I mean yeah, I am the biggest Potter fan ever, but I don't want BvS to fail because WB are the ones that shaped my world entertainment wise: Scooby-Doo when I was a kid, LOTR, HP and now DC and more SF original tentpoles than any other company. So yeah, I am rooting for them because they have balls with pretty much everything they do unlike other studios. And if it goes well for them, then it goes well for me, because I receive more of the things I like. 

So in other words, you shill for an actual movie studio and think they can do no wrong even though you'll never see a cent from them as they gladly gobble up yours and everyone else's money. Lovely.

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1 minute ago, GiantCALBears said:


Who cares how much he makes? I always find this argument amusing. Not like by being on his "side" you benefit from it at all.

I don't care if anybody cares, it just put things in perspective, it shows the difference between winners and losers.

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3 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

If DCEU fails it's a silly assumption that WB will wipe the slate clean and add our favorite directors and actors.


They just might shelve all DC projects until 2030.



It won't fail and it won't get shelved. Hence why I can't see Snyder as anything but the sacrificial lamb. Pretty anedoctal evidence, but here you go:




This dude claims to be a toy designer on his Twitter bio. How bad is it is too soon to call. And can we stop with the troll accusations? Can we discuss the effects of this like adults? 

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