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ROGUE ONE WEEKEND THREAD | Actuals R1 155.09m, Moana 12.7m, OCP 8.58m, CB 7.1m, FB 5.07m

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12 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

The new characters/actors in TFA are more memorable and likable than any other new characters from a blockbuster of this decade, imo. I think they're the reason TFA will hold up and not fall victim to its re-hashiness of ANH




That's the MovieMan I know! 

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1 minute ago, Mattrek said:


This is just a theory, so don't jump on me, but don't you think it's possible that Avatar got more people concerned about the earth and climate change? It seems right around that time was when the environmental movement really began to pick up momentum.

Jim is a hardcore environmentalist, the franchise could change the world for the better.

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I said Avatar's worldwide gross is probably the most impressive thing I've ever seen, so I wasn't calling that into question. I will say that TFA would have come within a stone's throw of that gross if not for a strong dollar versus a weak dollar when Avatar came out. That's why I don't really care or value the international box office. That's one reason, at least, the other reason is international audiences have bizarre taste in film depending on where you are talking about. Europe is a developed continent and has had a successful, thriving film industry since the beginning (better than the U.S. pre-WWII), but China? Forget about it, they wouldn't know a good movie if it ran up and bit them in the ass.


I fully acknowledge if I lived somewhere else, I'd care about the box office there more than I do in North America, but I don't. That aside, though, I do care about the box office gross for any Star Wars movie in English speaking countries. I don't really think much useful can be said of saying, "Avatar made more money in Italy than The Force Awakens." Ok...? I don't really care. Italians have never been known to be huge Star Wars fans, so what? Star Wars is the biggest brand in North America, that's all I know, and all I care about. Outside of that, I have no interest in discussing whether Harry Potter or LOTR or Avatar is bigger in X banana republic (Zimbabwe) or foreign territory. 


Edited by JonathanLB
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5 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Manchester by the Sea was deplorable, emotionnaly manipulative but most of all, absolutely inconsequential.


The fact that it has been chosen by the 1% as THE movie of 2016 shows how everything is broken in modern cinema.


Manchester by the Sea will make you think Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu is a subtle fillmmaker, it takes misery porn to new, laughable heights.


Casey Affleck will win his Oscah for looking constipated for 2h17minutes, which is what he does best so good thinking from the casting director, guy always had that sad puppy look on his face, he was a perfect macth for this drab, dreary & tiny affair.






Whoever's forcing you to see these smaller movies you clearly have no interest in just so you can be Snarky On The Internet about them, I hope they set you free someday. :( 

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4 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

Manchester by the Sea was deplorable, emotionnaly manipulative but most of all, absolutely inconsequential.


The fact that it has been chosen by the 1% as THE movie of 2016 shows how everything is broken in modern cinema.


Manchester by the Sea will make you think Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu is a subtle fillmmaker, it takes misery porn to new, laughable heights.


Casey Affleck will win his Oscah for looking constipated for 2h17minutes, which is what he does best so good thinking from the casting director, guy always had that sad puppy look on his face, he was a perfect macth for this drab, dreary & tiny affair.







We couldn't allow the Futurist to be happy for too long with Rogue One.

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2 hours ago, MrPink said:


12 Year Old Pink was stanning for AOTC because of Jesus Obi and was arguing with kids about it being better than Spider-Man.


I might have been a dumb fuck back then


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Or still today


DaFoe is better than everything in AOTC

2 hours ago, DAJK said:

A group of Trekkies came in today dressed as the enterprise crew coming to Rogue One. 

That's like a bunch of Satanists showing up in a church on Christmas

2 hours ago, Christmas Baumer said:


Except the Pixar division of Disney. They give all of their profits to needy children and war-torn countries and hospitals. :)

Like Detroit?

1 hour ago, grey ghost said:


I'm still pissed South Park didn't go anywhere with their member berries subplot.


Seems like they scrapped it after Trump won.

The season went to shit after Trump/Garrison won

1 hour ago, MrPink said:


I want this to happen so Tele can experience a Kojima game.



Lock him in a room and make play the entire MGS series. Including Rising

1 hour ago, grey ghost said:

What will be the most embarrassing nostalgia based movie franchise to emerge in the next few years?


Power Rangers, Pokemon, or Hasbro cinematic universe?

Power Rangers. Pokemon at least has Gravity Falls guy writing the script

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41 minutes ago, Eevin said:

Yes, I'm sure immediately after the fact the world was stunned at Avatar's achievements. That's why it was so leggy. But seven years later, you don't see too much acclaim/merchandising/talk about it as you do with modern hits like Avengers, TFA, Jurassic World...and granted, most of those brands are inherently marketable in and of itself compared to something like Avatar. But the fact that people are genuinely surprised when I tell them it's the biggest movie ever might mean it doesn't have the impact some think it does.


Avatar came out in 2009, Avengers was 2012, TFA was last year as was Jurassic World. With society having shorter and shorter attention spans that is at least part of the equation. I can pretty much bet though after all the movies have been made it will have its place. Star Wars has had now 8 movies, Avengers has had 12, Jurassic Park has had 4 and Avatar has had 1. It's not a really fair comparison until the full series comes out.

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1 minute ago, Mulder said:

Tbh jurassic world disappeared from the public's mind way quicker then Avatar did.


I'll always love it for redeeming the abomination that was Jurassic Park III. 


Spinosaurus had no right beating T-Rex DAMMIT. FUCK JACK HORNER.

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32 minutes ago, jandrew said:

Jacked up on chick fila, now at Rogue One!!!


The theater is about 1/2 full for a 7pm saturday, but its all good!!!




My eggo?

Edited by Mattrek
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2 minutes ago, AABATTERY said:


I'll always love it for redeeming the abomination that was Jurassic Park III. 


Spinosaurus had no right beating T-Rex DAMMIT. FUCK JACK HORNER.

Jurassic World I have a love/hate relationship with. The T.rex stuff in it is awesome though.

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