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John Marston

Thursday Numbers (June 22): TF5 8.1M, Cars 3 4.4M, WW 4M (Deadline)

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I think RT scores really are starting to play somewhat more of a role in whether general audience members think a movie is worth their time. My brother who I've never heard mention a movie's critical reception before brough up didn't it get like an 18 on RT when discussing checking out Power Rangers (I corrected him it was more in the 40s) on digitial this weekend. Also after I saw The Mummy my dad asked me how it was because he wanted to see it but changed his mind after hearing it got horrible reviews. I mean people wonder why superhero and animated movies are the ones killing it this summer, look at their reviews compared to the rest. With only one exception (and it's audience reception is terrible) the only fresh movies on RT right now in the top 10 are either animated, superhero, or a combination of the two and with DM3 and Homecoming that trend will stay for a couple more weeks (although I'm happy for Baby Driver).

Edited by Rman823
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2 hours ago, John Marston said:



I know a guy who liked all four previous TF films (Even ROTF and AOE) and he said he thought this one was not good at all 


I love the third one only, visual effect is good.


Then the forth one, effect is like "saving budget' .


Going to check out tmr with free IMAX ticket ?

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15 minutes ago, The Dark Rock said:

How the mighty have fallen


The average critics rating is even lower (3.2) than ROTF (3.9) and even lower than Fantastic Four (3.4)

Looks like probably one of the worst ever reviewed blockbuster


Fantastic Four 2015 is what I keep thinking back to when considering what to expect for the domestic box office run of Transformers: The Last Knight, instead of the previous TF films.  There may not be a director who is ranting about his own movie this time, but the very poor reviews are present again, and could sink the weekend numbers even more, much like F4 had from its opening Thursday preview number to the time Sunday morning arrived that weekend.

Edited by Outrageous!
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Oh Paramount :depp:  We still don't have a trailer for that Clover field film. You know, JJ Abams and his annoying secrecy nonsense is getting old. I'm surprised Paramount have not milked the Jackass franchise more.  

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3 minutes ago, Hades said:

Oh Paramount :depp:  We still don't have a trailer for that Clover field film. You know, JJ Abams and his annoying secrecy nonsense is getting old. I'm surprised Paramount have not milked the Jackass franchise more.  


When was the first trailer for 10 Cloverfield Lane? IIRC it was really late before release, right?

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You know, I think whoever said Paramount should direct their efforts towards cheap movies was right. I mean, I am looking at Rings and despite it not being a big hit it made 83m for them on a 25m budget. And that is a huge budget for a horror movie. WB made the first Annabelle for 6.5m. They should really target that horror crowd. They seem to be a gold mine for WB (The Conjuring Universe, Lights Out and IT looking to be huge). Universal had huge success this year on that front too. And let's not forget that theatrically these movies sometimes make more money than big, expensive franchises.

Of course, studios prefer big franchises because of the other revenue streams (merchandise), but Paramount for example doesn't even own Hasbro. And while they might get some revenue from them, it is not the same as WB owning HP/DC or Disney owning SW/Marvel. So the small but profitable way should be even more obvious for them. Idk, just a thought.  

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6 hours ago, That One Guy said:


You fucking bet it will :) 

Actually it might. It just need great reviews and pull off a good marketing campaign for the next few weeks.

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This is almost like pirates,  the first one had good Wom and both ended up around 300 mil dom, the second one thriving on the succes of the first one gets 400M, the thrid one drops a bit but still does great and goes up OS. The fourth one does poorly Dom but gets saved by masive os gross, 5th one drops like a rock dom and OS. Altought i would give pirates the edge. Put in my opnion prety similar runs, and they both had not so well recieved sequels, altought pirates did a bit beter on the reviews but they were still shit.

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5 hours ago, aabattery said:

Transformers OD in Australia is lower than Alien: Covenants.



I may be out on a limb here but this suggests to me it may not do well Domestic. 

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3 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

I may be out on a limb here but this suggests to me it may not do well Domestic. 


I can't be 100% sure but I have a feeling that it's total domestic gross may end up lower than that of Transformers: Age of Extinction.

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