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All the Money in the World | 25th of December, 2017 | Wahlberg's gotta get paid

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10 minutes ago, Macleod said:

Regardless of how awful the guy may be, he committed work to screen...even if no one wants to see it.  It should be at least made available to be seen...someday. 



Being cut from a movie can happen, Brody that was the lead of Thin Red Line learned during a press conference that he was not even in it anymore, outside one or two short moment (a journalist asked him, what role did he play in the movie ? He still thought he was the lead at that point)


Changing a lead role during the shoot (after many week of production) or in post production did happen in the past, back in the future, Transformer with Megan Fox after her comments on Bay, for much smaller reason or no reason at all, I am not sure if it is really a precedent. 


Woody allen Annie hall was not about Annie hall (it was not a movie around her, she was just a small element) in the editing room, but the movie didn't play at all in test screening the only thing audience liked was Annie Hall characther, they cutted pretty much everything else out.

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13 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:

If you get paid for the work you did, what's the harm?  As an actor (unless you are so A+ you can write some interesting terms for your participation in a project), you have no real guarantee your work ever makes the final film.  It won't be the 1st actor whose entire work was cut from a film, even one who was supposed to be kinda a big deal in that film.  Also, it won't be the 1st actor who was replaced/recast prior to film release, although I admit this is probably one of the latest, if not the latest, removals...


12 minutes ago, Squadron Leader Tele said:


The reasons might be a little different, but actors have been recast -- even after their parts have already been shot or while the movie's in production -- for a long, long time. Artistically, while American studio films don't really fall into the auteur category, in almost every case the director and/or producers (and/or studios) are the creative entities in charge, not the actor. Thirty-odd years ago, when Zemeckis was making BACK TO THE FUTURE, they shot a good chunk of the movie with Eric Stoltz cast as the lead before they realized he was a poor choice for how they envisioned the character. So they ditched his footage, re-cast the part with Michael J. Fox, and reshot all the necessary scenes. Director's cuts have been around for twenty years (at least). So artistically I see where you're coming from but if the creative artists in charge want to fiddle, that's up to them.

In this case, yes, it's all about money and awards...which bring more money.  They must feel that the risk must be worth the potential reward.  But it's always a big risk to take whether the P.R. that surrounds the whole issue will eclipse people's feelings about the film itself.  Especially with only a month or so until release.


Yes, I know about these previous instances of actor replacement.  I'm talking primarily about finished films...and then, how far do you take it?  These are grave crimes that Spacey is accused of, so one could consider this karma indeed...but I just always think about the industrial/artistic precedents...and I feel that this one might become a shift..."a moment" ...referred to in the future.


But if the upside is the industry changing for the better behind the scenes in terms of gender parity...it may be worth it. 

Edited by Macleod
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4 hours ago, Squadron Leader Tele said:

Like I said in another thread*, it's not totally crazy to replace 8-10 days of shots (especially since some coverage may still be usable). Sure, you have to unlock the movie, re-conform/color it, and re-mix the sound for those particular scenes, but crazier shit's happened before.







* actually, it was in WhatsApp. Never mind.


Can you name something that is crazier than this?  I mean, this is batshit fucking nuts.  I love it but it's nuts!


And for those of you who doubted @Gopher   


Related image


Gopher is definitely in the know.  He's like a mini Asgard, in some ways.  



Image result for and that's all i gotta say about that

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2 minutes ago, Macleod said:

I feel that this one might become a shift..."a moment" ...referred to in the future.


It... might? I think the hassle and expense will make it not very common. If it does become a thing, I'd expect agents/managers to insist on contract language to limit it.

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1 minute ago, Squadron Leader Tele said:


It... might? I think the hassle and expense will make it not very common. If it does become a thing, I'd expect agents/managers to insist on contract language to limit it.

I don't mean in terms of timing, but the reasons for the removal.  Nearly all instances of this happening previously that I can recall were simply because the filmmakers/studio thought that the performance didn't work.  That's the big difference here. 

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1 minute ago, That One Guy said:



Can we talk about spoilers for this here?  I'll just say that yeah, I was kinda bummed the way this thing turned out (really like the film, though).  But I'd support having Farrell back for any reason, yeah!

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