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THE JUSTICE LEAGUE (and The Star and Wonder) WEEKEND THREAD | PREMIUM ACCOUNT SALE NOW LIVE | Weekend Actuals ~ JL 93.84M, W 27.54M, T:R 21.66M, DH2 14.43M, MOTOE 13.80M, TS 9.81M

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How to "Fix" the Box Office for the DCEU franchise


Make Wonder Woman 2.  Start WW2 with Wonder Woman waking up from a nightmare vision of the future (which includes flash forwards of BvS and JL all leading to the world ending or something), then write something in where Wonder Woman can stop this by stopping the villain in that WW2 era. Then proceed with the movie and recast who you want and keep who you want, retcon whatever plot points you want, and keep the character and actress who were successful.

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26 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

this is my punishment for even clicking on a Change.org petition



LOL. Same happened to me!! So they also track any petition you visit and register wether you have signed it or not. Damn it!!


(i just found you can choose "not to receive an email for non-signed petitions you visited")

Edited by meriodejaneiro
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1 hour ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Could someone report to me what was the reaction that people had back in May 2008 when "someone from the future" goes there and tells them that 9 years from their time, there's gonna be a Justice League movie (and this of course just 2 months before The Dark Knight broke the OW record)...... and it will have a smaller opening weekend than this new shiny Iron Man movie starring former addict Robert Downey Jr. that a lot of people had little confidence on.


Don't forget to mention that just a few years prior, Marvel had an Avengers movie and that opened to over 200M, while DC themselves got four 100M+ openings in a row with Man Of Steel, BVS, Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman. Drop all of these details and THEN tell them that JL went sub-100 on OW.



Well Niki wasn't too high on IM so she'd never believe JL would open under $50m



I’ve been seeing ridiculous projections for Iron Man‘s domestic gross when it opens May 2nd just because it’s come on very strong tracking-wise. Not that the sight of Marvel, who put up the money, and Paramount, the distributor, tearing their hair out over these too-high expectations isn’t immense fun for me to watch. But there’s a need to put forward some realistic numbers, at least at this early point. (I’ll refine the numbers as the release date approaches…)


Forget those $80 million or even $90 million and wild $100 million predictions for the 3-day opening weekend in around 4,000 theaters. My box office gurus are telling me that the PG-13 pic should make a good $50M to $60M (though I don’t believe the studio’s claim it would be thrilled with even $45M). It’s true that Paramount is trying to lower expectations right now. Even the execs say this is not exactly Marvel’s best-known comic book character. And the star Robert Downey Jr has never been able to open a movie. And Jon Favreau soiled his rep as Elf‘s hitmaker with Zathura.


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We talking about trailers? I had the worst trailers before JL. 


Pitch Perfect 3

Some movie about old people with Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones. 

That awful Tomb Raider trailer. I mean if you're going to hint at Tom Petty, then fucking play it. Or don't hint at all. I mean pick one. 


Deadpool 2 teaser couldn't save me from this crap. 

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1 minute ago, GambitPool said:

We talking about trailers? I had the worst trailers before JL. 


Pitch Perfect 3

Some movie about old people with Freeman and Tommy Lee Jones. 

That awful Tomb Raider trailer. I mean if you're going to hint at Tom Petty, then fucking play it. Or don't hint at all. I mean pick one. 


Deadpool 2 teaser couldn't save me from this crap. 


I got Samson (aka the religious film that's about to gross more than Black Panther)

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Maybe a years breathing space for audiences is a good idea for DCEU. 


James Wan could deliver a great Aquaman film, which I’m guessing could do $100-200m if it’s good. Then Wonder Woman 2. They could course correct eventually. As long as Zack gets the sack and they are careful about who they hire to write, direct and produce their films. 

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15 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:



Well Niki wasn't too high on IM so she'd never believe JL would open under $50m


And the Iron Man action figure toy sitting on my desk is cheezy beyond belief. And the beyond-hot video game Grand Theft Auto IV is released April 29th. I could go on and on.

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23 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

very excited aquaman is gonna be the next one. super cool how justice league did him the worst in terms of "yeah i'd like to see a movie about this guy's whole deal".


I thought Cyborg edged him out in that department. At least Aquaman wont be in a normal city the whole time 

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2 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:


I thought Cyborg edged him out in that department. At least Aquaman wont be in a normal city the whole time 


We're gonna hope and pray that Amber Heard leaves a better impression in that one than she did here.

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6 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


To be fair “murmurs” can constitute as just a few people talking to each other after a trailer is over.  Maybe they were just talking about where to get lunch after the movie’s over?

No it definitely implies that it will be the highest grossing film of 2018

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2 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:


I thought Cyborg edged him out in that department. At least Aquaman wont be in a normal city the whole time 

atlantis was so fucking hideous though. not just ugly snyder vision i didn't like anything about what we saw with that world. they need the DIY SOS crew over pronto for a complete new look. no way i could spend two hours in that.

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