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4-day Weekend Thread: 5-day numbers per BOM - TLJ 99.0M, J:WTTJ 55.4M, PP3 26.4M, TGS 14.4M, F 10.1M, C 8.2M, D 7.7M and an incredible $5,480,000 for Father Figures

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1 minute ago, filmnerdjamie said:

Again... the age-old rule is the new film will pay for the sins of the last.


I agree with this rule most of the time. But it doesnt always work that way.


Thor 3 increased big time from Thor 2, which received a mixed-to now bad response. Sure, beeing part of the MCU always helps, but this was still the direct sequel to Thor 2. Didnt pay for its sins.


Logan didnt pay for the sins of Origins or The Wolverine. One was trashed by fans/critics, the other one was rather divise, with most agreeing it was mediocre. And then you have another X-Men Movie with a mixed reception, Apocalypse, coming the year before Logan. Didint stop that movie to become the big success it is.


Annabelle (2014) was a bad movie, i think nearly everyone thought so. Didnt stop Annabelle: Creation from outgrossing it, both DOM and WW.


Im not saying, the rule doesnt work, it works generally. But not always. If Episode IX hits all the right spots from fans/critics alike, it will increase from TLJ.

Every movie has to be judged individually.

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5 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Since the jump today is identical to Eragon in '06, with roughly Eragon holds:


Sat: 26.5m (+8%)

Sun: 12m (-55%)

Mon 21m (+75%)

Tue: 28m (+33%)

Wed: 25m (-11%)

Thu: 24m (-4%)

Fri: 28m (+16%)

Sat: 30m (+7%)

Sun: 19m (-37%)

Mon: 25m (+31%)

Total: 560m


Seems impossible, but then again so is Jonathan’s comparison with Pursuit of Happyness. Would end up at $1.1 billion domestic if it followed that film’s run. 

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6 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Although it shouldn't be overstated, there might be a bit of that going on here. TFA really isn't the beloved movie its phenomenal box office suggests. Wonder if the next four (!) Avatar movies should be concerned.



Avatars legs were as long as NeyNeys.



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23 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


What if the 3rd weekend is 20-30% higher than second weekend? That’s the trend in 2006. Would be fun to watch something like that happen. 

Happy waiting and wishing......No way it can increase that much, increase from already huge estimated $70m this FSS is insane even with eve skewing the result, TLJ will feel lucky if it doesn't drop, RO has similar calendar last year but still drops 22.5% with much much lesser divisive voice and huge fan service scene. 

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I feel like the MCU is a different animal altogether cause every movie sort of connects but is also kind of standalone. Thor Ragnarok wasn’t really continuing any story threads from TDW, in fact it was more a continuation of Thor’s story in AoU. And it was marketed as just a fun comedy. 


Logan is interesting cause yes both his precious movies were bad/meh but again it was basically a stand-alone story? Not that X-men movies ever care about continuity.. 


Justice League is really the one that is a direct continuation of BvS. 

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10 minutes ago, Hatebox said:

Although it shouldn't be overstated, there might be a bit of that going on here. TFA really isn't the beloved movie its phenomenal box office suggests. Wonder if the next four (!) Avatar movies should be concerned.

That adage mostly applies to the OW. TLJs OW actually held pretty well compared to TFA. Most everything after that is due to reaction to TLJ.

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2 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

Eragon was a universally disliked movie. Theres a difference between a movie with mixed-to positive WOM and downright shitty WOM.

So, with same opening weekend date, would TLJ matching Eragon's leg multiplier mean TLJ's legs are subpar to bad?  Is that the leg expectation we can agree on?

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2 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

LOL. Avatars legs were as long as NeyNeys.

They were, helped along in part by people like me who were purely curious about the 3D.


Before you start, I'm actually one of the few apologists on the forum for Avatar's screenplay: Cameron's really good at telling populist stories. But man, 4 more of these things...

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My initial thoughts on TLJ was the fanservice was strong and the rest of the movie is meh.


Sure, fanboys, whether they love or hate TLJ, enjoy debating fan theories and jedi character arcs. 


The rest of the public just want to have fun for two hours and, for them, TLJ is kind of a chore to sit through.

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The thing is by all measures TFA is very well liked? It had amazing legs, all it’s audience ratings on IMDb/RT/etc have held really well over the last 2 years, it does well on Blu-ray, etc. And its direct sequel had a stellar OW. It’s not TFA’s fault other than it set up expectations that TLJ couldn’t fulfill. 

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12 minutes ago, DameronRoc said:


Those were actually surface themes, and would be the questionable things that could be avoided. I meant more how MoS is exploring the question of what it means to be human, and whether an alien who is very inhuman can connect there. Or how BvS is a treatise on the exploration of power and how its wielded. I'd allow that the execution in both cases was not entirely successful in pulling those themes through, but I appreciate his desire to explore them.


Plus, Snyder's pretty vehemently anti-fascist, which would work great in Star Wars' very obviously fascist baddies.

I’m different. Sure, you can appreciate the efforts but appreciation can only go so far when time and time again executions failed. The dudebro approach didn’t really entice me to realize or appreciate any of those said themes either. 


All comes down to tastes. 


But hey, like I said, Snyderized Martha/Pa Kent moments in SW would be fun (not for the fans I imagined but I would enjoy it)

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Just now, Noctis said:

Aren't you the guy who's fetish is to sleep with a woman covered in blue paint and make her speak Navi?


He is!


On 1/14/2017 at 8:48 PM, IronJimbo said:

My biggest kink is a bit weird hehe.. I've lost 2 gf to it lol. After I'm comfortable with a new gf I tell them that my kink is blue body paint, like all over. Then I teach them a couple lines in na'vi to speak when I'm slamming them.


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