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New Year's Day Weekend Thread: Late Friday estimates (DHD) - TLJ 19.5M, Jumanji 17.5M, PP3 6.7M, TGS 5.3M

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1 minute ago, JonathanLB said:

I’ve heard it all too many times to ever take seriously to be honest. TPM had great word of mouth, box office proved it, so did the polls. AOTC same. ROTS same. TFA same. Rogue One same. Maybe TLJ is the first Star Wars movie ever where it isn’t just a vocal group of haters - but I fucking doubt it. Because every last time it has been a load of bullshit that there was mixed word of mouth. It has always been overwhelmingly positive in any objective measurement and there has always been a huge group of even millions of people who were disappointed by every single SW film but that huge group has always been 10% of the audience at most. If you believe mixed word of mouth fine but until you show us data for it, no, I don’t have to change my mind. I’ll be blind with Empire.


Coming from the guy who said it was locked for a 3.5 multiplier and now it will struggle to reach 3.0 multiplier. 

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2 minutes ago, EmpireCity said:

I would never do that with someone who screamed at me for months it was virtually impossible for Rogue One to open north of $125m even though I told him it would open to $150m+ and then he had to eat a big ol' plate of crow.  


All I do is read numbers off a sheet though.... Lol. 


Image result for can't resist me gif

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3 hours ago, EmpireCity said:


It only became "civil" after you and your at the time buddy GiantCalBears realized you were going to be very wrong and then suddenly you wanted to be "civil".  


You were highly emotional leading up to it being obvious you were going to be wrong.  


What an enormous pile of baloney.  I was always civil in that thread.  Except towards you because you have been uncivilized from the day you got here.  It really grinds your gears when someone doesn't like what you do or when they like something you don't.  It's one of your defining characteristics.

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14 minutes ago, Christmas baumer said:


LOL, it's the truth.  He doesn't contribute anything else to this place except the occasional early numbers.  The rest of the time he just insults people if they don't agree with him.  Empire is a big boy, he can take some criticism.  


I admit I prefer a more "supportive" tone on boards vs "combative" ones...but I also value all of the posters, here, even the ones who've called me a few names - it goes with the internet territory and hearkening back to days of old, "Mama always taught that sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me."  It's good sometimes to be kept honest, and to not fall into group think any one way:)...and the way I always see it, when you end up being called the name, usually it's b/c you have the winning argument (at least I teach my debate kids that one, especially since judges really frown on ad hominems:)...so, it's like the ultimate compliment in a way!:)




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Just now, Christmas baumer said:


What an enormous pile of baloney.  I was always civil in that thread.  Except towards you because you have been uncivilized from the day you got here.  It really grinds your gears when someone doesn't like what you do or when they like something you don't.  It's one of your defining characteristics.


No you weren't 




Pot meet kettle.  


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8 minutes ago, redfirebird2008 said:


Coming from the guy who said it was locked for a 3.5 multiplier and now it will struggle to reach 3.0 multiplier. 

Nobody said that, let alone me. I definitely thought it would hit a 3.5x, based on historical data. So what? So did many people. 


Shape of Water blew, sorry but if I wanted to watch bestiality I would be on PornHub.

Edited by JonathanLB
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3 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

Nobody said that, let alone me. I definitely thought it would hit a 3.5x, based on historical data. So what? So did many people. 


So what? You’re lecturing us about how awesome the WOM supposedly is. The much weaker multiplier than either TFA or Rogue is pretty strong evidence of weaker WOM. 



Edited by redfirebird2008
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5 minutes ago, JonathanLB said:

Nobody said that, let alone me. I definitely thought it would hit a 3.5x, based on historical data. So what? So did many people. 


Shape of Water blew, sorry but if I wanted to watch bestiality I would be on PornHub.


Grow up.


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