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Weekend Thread - Insidious 29.6M, Jumanji 37.2M, TLJ 23.7M, TGS 13.8M, PP3 10.3

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17 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

Last Jedi Worldwide update:


Domestic:  $572,513,602    47.5%
Foreign:  $632,700,000    52.5%

Worldwide:  $1,205,213,602  



Seeing big numbers makes me happy every time :lol:

1.5B is dead 0.0 

Edited by fabiopazzo2
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3 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


There’s a difference between being optimistic and unrealistic

Halloween 1 adjusts to $180M and a lot of people like it. Blumhouse produces great horror breakouts as of late, There can be some nostalgia. I can even see it go far and maybe even be like IT.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Just now, TwoMisfits said:



They had their 3rd big subscription pop as Xmas presents, when Costco ran a $89.95 annual deal the 2nd week of December...adding in their original late August pop when they 1st reduced their price to $9.95/month and then in November when they made the 1st $89.95 annual deal that sold out (so the deal ended faster)...it's gone from 10K subscribers in Jan 2017 to between 1-2M as of Jan 2018 (they released data they hit 1 million at some point in December, but the Costco deal had no ended yet:)...

The fact is they only have 100M in funding or likely far less to spend on tickets and that included the last 2 months of 2017.  So I'm not sure how they are supposedly going to influence the box office for 2018 more than 0.5%.  If they raise another 100M then ok maybe slightly above 1%?  The money isn't there for a bigger impact

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4 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

Last Jedi Worldwide update:


Domestic:  $572,513,602    47.5%
Foreign:  $632,700,000    52.5%

Worldwide:  $1,205,213,602  



Seeing big numbers makes me happy every time :lol:

So is 0.5A on the cards or not? I'm thinking it could be close.

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5 minutes ago, filmlover said:

I'm pretty sure First Man is going to be a very different movie from those two. :lol: $100M+ should definitely happen if everything goes right for it though.

I don’t think The Martian or Gravity got initially high predicts.  Another movie that did well was Apollo 13.


Unless First Man just isn’t that great of a movie (which goes against Chapelle and Gosling’s track record), I think it’s the breakout October hit and does more than Venom and Halloween.

Edited by New Year New Panda
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6 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

This is what I'm talking about. Raw numbers are not the only thing about the boxoffice run. Perception is the most important one and perception is that SW franchise has gotten weakened by TLJ which is why media outlets keep pushing that angle. If TLJ held better there wouldn't be hit pieces and constant jabs. 


@jb007 That's perception and perception is always going to win over just numbers. You bet that Disney/LF is not happy with this perception because it means studios will be emboldened to release direct threats/competition against SW movies, whereas they would have run away had TLJ been as dominant as everyone thought it would've been. 


Point is, Jumanji's 300M may be half of TLJ's 600M but Jumanji exceeded expectations while TLJ underwhelmed. And that's the biggest takeaway, not whether 300M<<<600M. 

Perception means jack. Studios run on profits. TLJ will be more profitable than any other movies in 2017. Further, the TLJ studio share is likely to be way bigger than JW, F7 and AOU (due to high China gross/low share) with only TA having a bigger studio share than TLJ. 

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Just now, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Halloween 1 adjusts to $180M. Blumhouse produces great horror breakouts as of late, There can be some nostalgia. I can even see it go far and maybe even be like IT.


-how many people who saw the original Halloween in theaters will be willing to pay money for a ticket

-they do, but none of them have hit $200M and I doubt this one will be any different

-you can say "nostalgia" for literally any property; that doesn't increase its potential.  i'm sure people had nostalgia for Independence Day

-there's a -5000% chance it performs like It

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1 minute ago, IronJimbo said:

So is 0.5A on the cards or not? I'm thinking it could be close.


1,394B isnt completely dead, but a bit unlikely i think. IF Last Jedi gets there, i hope it passes Ultron though. I give it a 10% chance atm. Next weekend will tell (OS) will tell us more.


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3 minutes ago, jb007 said:

Perception means jack. Studios run on profits. TLJ will be more profitable than any other movies in 2017. Further, the TLJ studio share is likely to be way bigger than JW, F7 and AOU (due to high China gross/low share) with only TA having a bigger studio share than TLJ. 

Studios don’t run on profit but expectation of profit it depends on how much they thought TLJ would do which I would imagine would be significantly higher if the posters are any indication

Edited by boomboom234
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Just now, Rumpot said:

The fact is they only have 100M in funding or likely far less to spend on tickets and that included the last 2 months of 2017.  So I'm not sure how they are supposedly going to influence the box office for 2018 more than 0.5%.  If they raise another 100M then ok maybe slightly above 1%?  The money isn't there for a bigger impact

Netflix was a huge money loser at the beginning, too...as was Amazon...you can't look at "will they make money or do they have enough money to pay" b/c industry has shown if someone believes in the idea, someone will keep bankrolling it...


I mean, every month we hear they are going under...and every month they just get bigger and bigger...


(I remember Walmart also believing all its dot.com competitors would go under - Value America did, but Amazon didn't...its belief that it didn't need to compete b/c it would win really hit Walmart for years)...

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