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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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1 minute ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Honestly , and knowing that  some people don’t like Chris Pratt in this forum, I believe  that Disney missed a big chance by not making him the new Indiana Jones, esp. after watching him in Jurassic world where he is basically Indiana Jones in a Jurassic park film.

I think Chris Pratt made the right call with Jurassic World and GotG though. No way a IJ reboot with him would be making nearly as much as the JW films. And with GotG he gets to inhabit his own character and doesn't have to be compared to anybody. 


He's definitely an asset in the industry though. There are few actors who are as magnetic on screen right now.

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1 hour ago, TheManFromBeyond said:

So even as someone who's been a supporter of this, even I'll say that those numbers are not good. This film will NEED word of mouth to survive, and since there's not much releasing in the next two weeks, it could be an advantage for it. But yeeesh. I do think this film will still break even, maybe even a small profit, but that's not very good so far.

Now, as for what I think this means for LucasFilm and Star Wars going forward, there's a few different things to take into account. I thought about how Marvel did in their early years, and there are some surprising similarities, such as BTS trouble:

Marvel had issues with Edgar Wright, Jon Favreau, Alan Taylor and even Joss Whedon on their films, and it wasn't until Phase 3 that their BTS issues seemed to cool down. 


With LucasFilm, so far they've had Phil Lord and Chris Miller, Josh Trank and Colin Trevorrow leave before or during production (Gareth Edwards was in a weird position in terms of his title), and similar to Marvel, that has been in their early days.


One thing that LucasFilm didn't do that Marvel did though was have a film underperform right after a hit. Remember The Incredible Hulk and how it didn't even double its budget worldwide despite coming out only a month after Iron Man? That's why you haven't seen another Hulk standalone film. Solo was 5 months after Last Jedi, but giving some time between films is better than no time.


So here's what I think will happen: Disney keeps SW in December, or at the very least not in May if they release anytime else (AND ESPECIALLY not on Memorial Day weekend). They'll go back to being out a year inbetween as well, and Episode IX has an advantage by coming out more than a year and a half after Solo, so by the time it starts its marketing, people will likely be more excited for SW again than they were for Solo. Some folks say that SW isn't special anymore, and while I think it stopped being special a long time ago, it should still feel like an event. Some franchises get away with it (again, Marvel is a good example), but SW NEEDS that hype.


Oh, and I don't think Kathleen Kennedy is going anywhere for the time being. If Kevin Feige could get away with all the drama that happened on in Marvel's early years despite those being his first major producing credits, I don't see why Kathleen shouldn't, especially given Force Awakens, Rogue One and Last Jedi's BO numbers and her much longer and well known track record. If Episode IX doesn't pass Last Jedi, then I could see her getting the boot. But until that happens, I think she's good for the time being.


Anyway, sorry for all the words, just had a lot to say.

Kevin Feige got away with early marvel shit (not sure what that refers to, though) because his time making superhero movies extends like 10 years before iron man. His superiors probably had some reason to trust his judgement in a genre that was historically considered a fucking joke. Kathleen Kennedy may have a notable reputation in film but I suspect that's not quite the same as being present from nearly day one and shaping a franchise/genre from the ground up. It's almost an opposite trajectory, actually.

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2 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

seeing Solo in an hour and a half and I don't think anyone else is going with me.  looks like I'm going solo.

Hey it’s not all bad. The cinema will be empty so you can lay across several regular seats and pretend that it’s VIP.  


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1 minute ago, Mekanos said:

My mom likes Star Wars but I'm having second thoughts about taking this to her now. She liked all of the new films but she's gonna ask me how it's doing on Rotten Tomatoes and well...


It's doing fine on RT?


Honestly the rub here is that the movie is perfectly acceptable and audiences are still soundly rejecting it and angry about it

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1 minute ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Honestly , and knowing that  some people don’t like Chris Pratt in this forum, I believe  that Disney missed a big chance by not making him the new Indiana Jones, esp. after watching him in Jurassic world where he is basically Indiana Jones in a Jurassic park film.

3 giant franchise at the same time with almost the same characters (well JW he is a bit different, he move a bit differently in that one) do seem to be a bit much and maybe Universal would have to agree to that contractually.

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2 minutes ago, Mekanos said:

My mom likes Star Wars but I'm having second thoughts about taking this to her now. She liked all of the new films but she's gonna ask me how it's doing on Rotten Tomatoes and well...


Huh? Its doing fine on the critic front. 71% isnt bad.

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13 minutes ago, Chewy said:


Shawn spinning with the big boys now <3 <3


16 minutes ago, Chewy said:


Shawn spinning with the big boys now <3 <3

Shawn is spinning so much he should think about getting a job at the Trump White House....

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1 minute ago, Hunch said:

I think Chris Pratt made the right call with Jurassic World and GotG though. No way a IJ reboot with him would be making nearly as much as the JW films. And with GotG he gets to inhabit his own character and doesn't have to be compared to anybody. 


He's definitely an asset in the industry though. There are few actors who are as magnetic on screen right now.

I feel Indiana Jones probably won't be rebooted for a very long time.

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7 minutes ago, Thrylos 7 said:

Honestly , and knowing that  some people don’t like Chris Pratt in this forum, I believe  that Disney missed a big chance by not making him the new Indiana Jones, esp. after watching him in Jurassic world where he is basically Indiana Jones in a Jurassic park film.


I like Pratt but his Star Lord Or Owen characters are nothing like Han Solo or Indiana Jones. I don’t know wtf people are talking about 

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I see everyone is having a circle jerk on these SOLO #s.


All the while I enjoyed a very good SW movie.  Unnecessary but a fun ride,  which is what movies are all about.  

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2 minutes ago, John Marston said:


I like Pratt but his Star Lord Or Owen characters are nothing like Han Solo or Indiana Jones. I don’t know wtf people are talking about 

A wisecracking, cheeky space smuggler/explorer has nothing to do with Han Solo?

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5 minutes ago, John Marston said:


I like Pratt but his Star Lord Or Owen characters are nothing like Han Solo or Indiana Jones. I don’t know wtf people are talking about 

Let’s agree to disagree. I find his Star lord very close to Han Solo and I was dumbstrucked with how close I found his character in jw to be to Indiana Jones, with the obvious differences due to the different theme and structure of jw compared to an IJ film. Even his clothes were similar to IJ despite IJ bein* in the forties and jw a present day film.


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11 minutes ago, Brainbug said:

Anyway, back to business. Here we can see Solo trying to achieve the Memorial Day Record as BOM predicted after the Thursday Preview number:



I feel like this gif also goes with your statement. 



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