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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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11 minutes ago, GirafficPark said:

Its a shame Star Wars has been reduced to such boring old garbage by the GA and noisiest fans. Its such a rich universe with a massive fan driven extended story, and yet the only things the movie watchers want is flaccid reboots and dull characters.

I blame the fans a lot more then the GA.

Edited by dudalb
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3 minutes ago, GirafficPark said:

Its a shame Star Wars has been reduced to such boring old garbage by the GA and noisiest fans. Its such a rich universe with a massive fan driven extended story, and yet the only things the movie watchers want is flaccid reboots and dull characters.

According to your theory, The Last Jedi is an awesome film, and it is "just" the GA & the "noisiest fans" that are at fault. 


Can you not consider the possibility that at least some of the criticisms hurled at TLJ are legit? That Rey has no arc, that Luke's character was destroyed and perverted to fit some post-modern nihilistic agenda, that Kylo Ren is not much more than a whiny brat instead of a super-villain, that Superman-Leia was an atrocity, that the Admiral with purple hair was more US politics than Star Wars, that the subplot involving Finn and Rose was needless and prequel-esque, that Star Wars should not be slapstick, that there were excessive attempts at humor none of which landed etc etc etc etc...

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9 hours ago, YLF said:

The thing all the disney star wars movies have lacked in my opinion is the jedi action. The thing that makes star wars unique is the jedi abilities and especially the light sabers. The spin offs and the new episodic movies have mostly focused on space ship battles and action sequences with gun laser/blasters. Which just kind of makes it another sci fi flick. 


Very few lightsaber battles. :(



9 hours ago, YLF said:

I haven't seen the prequels. :/

Well there you go, watch the prequels for a ton of lightsaber battles and jedi action (for better or for worse).

Edited by MrGlass2
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Just now, GirafficPark said:

People still forget that TLJ made $620M, which is still more than EP 2 and 3 adjusted. Movies that make that arent movies that most people dislike. The haters are very vocal and active, which make them seem more numerous than they are.



And people forget it made that money thanks to hype and it still dropped over 700m from FA. It didn’t make that money because of Rian Johnson

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1 minute ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

After watching TLJ again, I got the feeling that Rian Johnson just went on to read every possible reddit/4chan/youtube/NeoGaf theory.


Then he basically focused on making a movie unlike anything that could have been previously predicted. The problem is that he was more focused on NOT being anything, than being a thing, forgetting to tell the story in the process, lol. 


I think the same thing happened to Lost. The creators denied fan theories but the creators themselves never had the endgame. 


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3 minutes ago, Chewy said:


Dingbots use "soy" as an insult for feminist men


No one is dragging MCU or Pixar into it, but 3 of their toon adaptos so close is insanity and they do have a juicy Nutcracker bomb coming up

I think the live action adaptation fatigue will hit eventually, but we're definitely not there yet. If anything, Christopher Robin may end up the peak of that brand's power if it does 300+ when no one was even expecting 100 pre-marketing. 

Edited by MovieMan89
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1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:

That makes perfect sense for a movie with a white male lead. :wacko:



Not enough to undo the damage with the previous three Star Wars movies being about either Daisy Ridley or Felicity Jones I'm afraid.


I think we all know (at least I hope so) that there's a difference between "I don't like the new Star Wars because they're mediocre" and "I don't like the new Star Wars movies cause women, blacks and other minorities ruin everything."

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1 minute ago, LOGAN'sLuckyRun said:

Soylo is a phrase making fun of "Soyboys" which I believe are men with feminine traits and Left wing beliefs. Also known as "Nu-males" 


God racists and misogynists are so obnoxious and uncreative to boot.

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10 minutes ago, Franklin808 said:

Thats not the same thing. Just like a lot of people probably liked JL. Fact is TLJ was very high quality, you may not have liked the story. The fact is it was very high quality. Justice League was a mess that should have been delayed so that Joss Whedon could fix it.  JL never could break out of the mode set all the way back in Man of Steel. 

Lol what? Every Star Wars movie ever has a shitty story but were a technical marvel with groundbreaking effects.


But TLJ is just laughably bad in every way. And this is not coming from a butthurt fanboy with that "out of character" nonsense.

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TLJ hasnt had much effect on Solo really. If TFA had been released in this Trump era world it would have been slated by those same people, in fact in retrospect, it is. Solo fails because its telling a story no one cares about, and it recast a character that shouldn't be recast, ever. Solo will also fail outside the US because Han is a very American figure, and the rest of the world isn't as enamoured with him as the US audience is.

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5 minutes ago, GirafficPark said:

People still forget that TLJ made $620M, which is still more than EP 2 and 3 adjusted. Movies that make that arent movies that most people dislike. The haters are very vocal and active, which makes them seem more numerous than they are.

Mission Impossible 2 is trash and still made the most money. It's because the first one was beloved. MI3 payed the price for the second one sucking. IT dropped a lot

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2 minutes ago, PPZVGOS said:

According to your theory, The Last Jedi is an awesome film, and it is "just" the GA & the "noisiest fans" that are at fault. 


Can you not consider the possibility that at least some of the criticisms hurled at TLJ are legit? That Rey has no arc, that Luke's character was destroyed and perverted to fit some post-modern nihilistic agenda, that Kylo Ren is not much more than a whiny brat instead of a super-villain, that Superman-Leia was an atrocity, that the Admiral with purple hair was more US politics than Star Wars, that the subplot involving Finn and Rose was needless and prequel-esque, that Star Wars should not be slapstick, that there were excessive attempts at humor none of which landed etc etc etc etc...

I'm as much of a Star Wars loonie as one can get and you are 100% bang on. It all boils down to the story, characters and Rian Johnson's takes on this universe.


Technically, though, it was a fantastic film. It's just when you get all the core parts of a movie so wrong....

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Just now, GirafficPark said:

TLJ hasnt had much effect on Solo really. If TFA had been released in this Trump era world it would have been slated by those same people, in fact in retrospect, it is. Solo fails because its telling a story no one cares about, and it recast a character that shouldn't be recast, ever. Solo will also fail outside the US because Han is a very American figure, and the rest of the world isn't as enamoured with him as the US audience is.

The must sensible post in this entire thread tbh.

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2 minutes ago, John Marston said:



And people forget it made that money thanks to hype and it still dropped over 700m from FA. It didn’t make that money because of Rian Johnson

That "it made money so people loved it" line is something that I heard and still hear a lot from BvS fanboys. Star Wars fans have gone full DC.

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4 minutes ago, LOGAN'sLuckyRun said:

Soylo is a phrase making fun of "Soyboys" which I believe are men with feminine traits and Left wing beliefs. Also known as "Nu-males" 


That’s sexist. I’m a male and I do the actual duck face all the time. 

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