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To me Yon-Rogg is a true believer.  He believes the Supreme Intelligence is right but he’s also able to let things play out a little loosely like the way he ignored Ronan.  


The Kree were basically playing a long-con on Carol Danvers. They knew how powerful she was and they appeared to realise that human emotions could release that power. That’s why they put the inhibitor on her, made her think she was Kree and constantly reinforced the notion that suppressing her emotions was key. They hoped that eventually she would reveal to them the location of Mar-Vel’s research and the Tesseract. 


Once she was separated from the Kree, with the Skrulls starting to trigger her memory and then when she was back on Earth her emotions started to come back to the surface.  Especially important was her realisation that she’s someone who never gives up. It’s this realisation that allows her to break free of the Kree restrictions. 


While typing all this it dawned on me. Carol’s path and pretty much the main plot is Arnie’s path in Total Recall and the basic plot of Total Recall. 


Memory wiped, working with and surrounded by people(Sharon Stone/Kree) who are only using her because deep in her mind is the location of an alien device they want. She starts to remember who she is and where the device is and eventually saves the oppressed people(Martians/Skrulls). 

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4 hours ago, DeeCee said:



The Kree appear to use the jump gate technology as seen in GOTG.  Do you remember the 700 jumps they took to get to Ego's planet?


That's how the Kree travelled in the movie.  That's how Ronan's ships left when Captain Marvel warned them off.


My assumption in the movie was that Mar-Vel was using the Tessaract to development FTL technology that didn't require jumping.


Notice Ego didn't use the jump system to get to his planet.  Asgard has the Bifrost.  


Also, it's Sci Fi movie mumbo jumbo waive your hands in the air and everything works.


Edit:The Tesseract was also used by Thor and Loki to travel back to Asgard at the end of The Avengers. 

this boi watched and remembered movies.

I was about to mention the gates. The 24 hours that it took for Jude Laws and co to travel to Earth actually is for travelling to a gate that leads to Earth.

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Finally watched this proper. Vacillating between two reactions:  

Man, that was great. Loved Brie even if she didn’t have too much to work with, Fury great, Talos+family were great, Goose was great, Rambeaus were great.    

Eh, that felt somehow kind of... weightless? Maybe it’s just being set way before the main storyline (I also had an issue with this in WW, though oddly not Captain America 1). Maybe the amnesiac structure, though that was at least somewhat fresh. The whole Kree stuff was underdeveloped, Ronan, Minn-Erva, Mar-Vell, Yon Rogg, Supreme Intelligence all kind of flat.         


I’m fine with the Avengers being named after her (hope there’s a joke about this in Endgame, like “We’re the Avengers.” “Did Fury name you?” “Yeah, why?” “Geeze, what a softie.”) and him losing his eye to Goose. Fine with the Skrulls being good, though I think they could still be villains 24 years later. One thing this movie did not do a very good job of imo is justifying why Fury never used the pager before for world-scale threats, or why Carol didn’t return of her own accord to check in with her family between saving alien worlds. Hopefully Endgame or her sequels can resolve that more satisfactorily. 


Overall I expect to watch it a few more times, we’ll see how my opinion changes, but people ranks somewhere 9-12.

Edited by Thanos Legion
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1 minute ago, Thanos Legion said:

Finally watched this proper. Vacillating between two reactions:  

Man, that was great. Loved Brie even if she didn’t have too much to work with, Fury great, Talos+family were great, Goose was great, Rambeaus were great.    

Eh, that felt somehow kind of... weightless? Maybe it’s just being set way before the main storyline (I also had an issue with this in WW, though oddly not Captain America 1). Maybe the amnesiac structure, though that was at least somewhat fresh. The whole Kree stuff was underdeveloped, Ronan, Minn-Erva, Mar-Vell, Yon Rogg, Supreme Intelligence all kind of flat.         


I’m fine with the Avengers being named after her (hope they’re a joke about this in Endgame, like “We’re the Avengers.” “Did Fury name you?” “Yeah, why?” “Geeze, what a softie.”) and him losing his eye to Goose. Fine with the Skrulls being good, though I think they could still be villains 24 years later. One thing this movie did not do a very good job of imo is justifying why Fury never used the pager before for world-scale threats, or why Carol didn’t return of her own accord to check in with her family between saving alien worlds). Hopefully Endgame or her sequels can resolve that more satisfactorily.    


Overall I expect to watch it a few more times, we’ll see how my opinion changes, but people ranks somewhere 9-12.

With the Skrulls specifically I feel like there's set up for extremists to emerge. In the comics the Skrulls were also the victims of Kree aggression and know how that went. With the pager we've gone over this a lot, but Fury didn't want to rely on Carol in the first place so he only used it when the Avengers had 100% failed. With never checking in before, I'm certain the sequel and Endgame will reveal why I feel like she got super busy with the Kree-Skrull war, not to mention we need to see how Xandar got dragged in.

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In all of the MCU so far there is literally only one instance where the thought may have crossed Fury’s mind to press the button and call on Captain Marvel. 


The Avengers. 


But think about Fury’s actions in that movie. This was the moment his baby, his idea, The Avengers would come together to defend the Earth. This was the very reason he created them and this was their moment. He was going to roll the dice but he still had an ace up his sleeve. Just in case. 

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4 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

In all of the MCU so far there is literally only one instance where the thought may have crossed Fury’s mind to press the button and call on Captain Marvel. 


The Avengers. 


But think about Fury’s actions in that movie. This was the moment his baby, his idea, The Avengers would come together to defend the Earth. This was the very reason he created them and this was their moment. He was going to roll the dice but he still had an ace up his sleeve. Just in case. 

I ran out of likes right before this lmao, but this is exactly it.

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31 minutes ago, DeeCee said:

In all of the MCU so far there is literally only one instance where the thought may have crossed Fury’s mind to press the button and call on Captain Marvel. 


The Avengers. 


But think about Fury’s actions in that movie. This was the moment his baby, his idea, The Avengers would come together to defend the Earth. This was the very reason he created them and this was their moment. He was going to roll the dice but he still had an ace up his sleeve. Just in case. 

Would be interesting to think if he would have called Captain Marvel had he failed to give the extra push to Tony and Steve via Coulson's "death"

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3 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Would be interesting to think if he would have called Captain Marvel had he failed to give the extra push to Tony and Steve via Coulson's "death"

I feel like he definitely would have.

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5 hours ago, jimisawesome said:


I also don't get the flashing back to her childhood as they basically did nothing with it.  Even the get up when you are knocked down montage did not really work as the clips had no real context.  I know we are told that she did not get along with her parents but they don't show it really except for like 8 seconds.   Someone also mentioned the little girl being hey mom go to space in a jerryrigged spaceship and probably never come home again or your a bad role model.     

flashbacks were MoS level terrible because flashbacks are not to be used without context. also, too much tell don't show. the part where they explain what great friends Carol and Maria were and they go all mushy had no emotional weight cause it was told and brief flashbacking of them doing kareoke is not gonna make up for actual scenes of bonding and being there for each other. it seems to me that, like MoS, the movie wanted to start with a fully powered character, to avoid being an origin movie while ending up being a very messy origin movie. actors work despite these problems though. I really want to see what good directors do with Carol cause I like the character. I liked that she had a natural reaction to seeing the Skrull plight and said she was sorry (though it wasn't her fault) which is more than Rian Johnson did with his ace pilot Poe Dumbass who never showed regret for getting his own people killed by hundreds. Screw anyone who kisses oscar isaac's ass and trashes brie, she gave much more layered performance (microexpressions matter folks) than this overrated one-note hack. 

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Spoiler free thoughts from other thread.

Just now, antovolk said:

Awesome throwback to Phase 1 that might actually be better than a lot of it 🤔 A lot better than I thought it'd be given some reactions....cast is great, Lashana Lynch especially, SLJ is a delight and so is Ben Men giving his best Ben Men Villain (TM) role to date, and some very nice dovetailing which may feel too much for some but it's *right*, ahead of the finale that's ENDGAME. Only issue really is that it's almost *too* well paced and that No Doubt soundtracked fight was as odd as you were all saying...I'm still trying to parse some of the more negative reactions saying that 'we expected more'? Sure it's not nearly as nuanced script and dialogue wise and far more on the nose and less distinctive than the top tier MCU films but that's kinda part of the charm, a throwback to a pre-Avengers 1 time. Try and avoid spoilers as trailers have been messy for a reason.




I absolutely adored the whole Skrull twist and Ben Men. Kinda interesting how ahead of the film Feige said was very inspired by Star Trek TNG, this goes almost full on Trek, with its earnestness too. 


Also, felt fairly complete to me, and while the "I'm coming for you" setup is sure sequelbait it's not an unfinished core conflict unlike Alita...the main thing here was the mission Vs the Skrulls and that was very complete.

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3 hours ago, DeeCee said:

Carol’s path and pretty much the main plot is Arnie’s path in Total Recall and the basic plot of Total Recall.

Yeah, as a kind of mirror to it.

Arnie starts out as a baddie, gets a goodie kind of persona implanted. And stays with the goodie part, after it gets clear what he was. But he didn't get back the bad version, only the information about it, by himself to himself.

Brie gets back her old version, has to work through both sets of memories, and as her true self always was as a part a part of her even as a 'Kree',.. her being her old self had to break through.

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