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Weekend Thread | Actuals - The Other Captain Marvel 53.5 | The Secret Death of Pets 24.5 | Pachyderm Joker 18.2 | The Just-Us League 13.8 | Formerly Known as Ms. Marvel 12.4

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13 minutes ago, cdsacken said:

Jesus 120% increase for CM. 



5.729 +(65%)



13.039 a ridiculous 37% drop could happen on opening week of Shazam



That's why this widespread narrative of "X film will drop hard because Y film opens and it is direct competition" is not exactly foolproof. If audiences want to see two superhero films, they will. Wonder Woman also had so-called direct competition on its sixth weekend [and not from an unknown superhero like Shazam, but one of the most iconic, most beloved superheroes of all time (Spidey)], and yet the amazing amazon's solo adventure only dropped 37 % that week.

When a film truly connects with audiences (like WW and CM evidently did), direct competition won't matter.

I am sure that Shazam will be fine too, despite the Endgame storm that approaches.




Edited by LouisianaArkansasGeorgia
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14 minutes ago, baumer said:

All films have competition. When does competition ever really play a factor? there's never going to be a weekend or two weekends where movies don't come out. Go look at get out. If audiences were liking the film more then it wouldn't drop as much as it is. Plain and simple.


and I don't think Halloween was quite liked as much as everybody says it was either. It was also very front-loaded because there's a massive rush out to see it.



This opened with $70M while Get Out opened with $30M. Plus the horror genre is as notorious for being frontloaded as funnybook movies, if not more so. And another horror film opened this weekend. It's having a great run.

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7 minutes ago, LouisianaArkansasGeorgia said:


I am sure that Shazam will be fine too, despite the Endgame storm that approaches.

I think Detective Pikachu has more of a chance to hurt Shazam than Endgame does. Shazam hurt a family film the most this weekend and not a superhero movie like everyone was expecting. I think that shows that the movie will compete with family films rather than superhero films. Endgame really isn't a family film while DP is.

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1 minute ago, TMP said:

Is GoT gonna have an effect next week? The anticipation for that seems bigger than the kind for most big movies.


If it has an effect, then only on Sunday night. But i personally dont think that TV shows - no matter how big they are - have any real effect on box office grosses. The people watching these episodes wont just suddenly not go to a movie they want to see, because theres a new GOT episode. They can just go on Saturday or Monday or another day other than Sunday or they could wait for HBO to show the episode again in the next week like they always do.

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3 minutes ago, TMP said:

Is GoT gonna have an effect next week? The anticipation for that seems bigger than the kind for most big movies.

It airs on Sunday night which is already when movies start to die down anyway because work is the next morning so I doubt it. Plus it's not like next weekend's movies are gonna be pulling in big numbers to begin with (Little should lead the way with a low-$20M opening, it actually looks funny plus there hasn't been a comedy in a while).

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9 minutes ago, TMP said:

Is GoT gonna have an effect next week? The anticipation for that seems bigger than the kind for most big movies.

Maybe, I think it was during its previous season (the summer of 2017?) when Sunday drops were being consistently underestimated compared to the final numbers, and people here speculated that it was the Game of Thrones effect. Back when American Idol was huge, the drops were always bigger than normal on the night of the finale.

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GoT's last season is the finale event of the year, but TV in general has little effect on the BO - unless it is the Superbowl or something. Some network TV shows have bigger audience than GoT in the US but very few mention them in these threads (to be fair, none can rival the worldwide appeal of the fantasy juggernaut).

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While the weekend drop for Dumbo is just bad, the Friday jump isnt terrible. Thursdays 2.0m gross was just a much smaller starting point than it needed. 

Gonna join Lego and Upside in the 100-110 club at this rate. 

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Also, screw PS.... should have seen Shazam last night


I should have known better since I rarely enjoy SK films/ books but wanted to give it a try. My audience was also way older than I expected so I think that plays a part in the cinemascore. 

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