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Thor: Love and Thunder | July 8, 2022 | Directed by Oscar Winner Taika Waititi | Ninth most profitable movie of 2022

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2 hours ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

You're right. Marvel has gotten way more "creative" and "risky" now since the Infinity Saga is over and that is probably alienating or throwing people off because they grew accustomed to the overall style and logistics of the previous decade. The reason I personally haven't loved an MCU as much since Endgame (I do like NWH) is because the feeling of closure and catharsis it provided. It truly felt definitive. And I'm sure it was for so many people, even those who weren't as devoted because every movie still felt like it was part of the plan and building towards something and belonged in the universe. Even a Winter Soldier or Guardians or Black Panther or Ant-Man (for most part) had actual world-building and momentum towards an overall goal. There's the obvious multiverse strand happening, but Phase 4 has been aimless IMO. While I do love solo movies being their own things tonally, some of these movies have felt more.. inconsequential? And that might be an issue because there's preconceived expectations and standards when it comes to the actual MCU. Now we're introduced to a new show every few months which is even more to keep track of. The Infinity Saga films were given more of a benefit of doubt?


Eternals was a very ponderous and heavy scifi MCU that didn't fit nicely into the timeline or is broadly crowdpleasing. Dr. Strange was a messy horror with Raimi camp that didn't live up to what fans assumed following the nostalgia NWH had. I thought a Thor movie with the Guardians post Ragnarok/IW/Endgame would be huge but.. maybe it just seems like another goofy Thor movie than an event?


I guess Shang-Chi is the exception so far?

If marvep tries to make every phase 4 an event then the mcu will be doomed.





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1 hour ago, BestPicturePlutoNash said:

You're right. Marvel has gotten way more "creative" and "risky" now since the Infinity Saga is over and that is probably alienating or throwing people off because they grew accustomed to the overall style and logistics of the previous decade. The reason I personally haven't loved an MCU as much since Endgame (I do like NWH) is because the feeling of closure and catharsis it provided. It truly felt definitive. And I'm sure it was for so many people, even those who weren't as devoted because every movie still felt like it was part of the plan and building towards something and belonged in the universe. Even a Winter Soldier or Guardians or Black Panther or Ant-Man (for most part) had actual world-building and momentum towards an overall goal. There's the obvious multiverse strand happening, but Phase 4 has been aimless IMO. While I do love solo movies being their own things tonally, some of these movies have felt more.. inconsequential? And that might be an issue because there's preconceived expectations and standards when it comes to the actual MCU. Now we're introduced to a new show every few months which is even more to keep track of. The Infinity Saga films were given more of a benefit of doubt?


Eternals was a very ponderous and heavy scifi MCU that didn't fit nicely into the timeline or is broadly crowdpleasing. Dr. Strange was a messy horror with Raimi camp that didn't live up to what fans assumed following the nostalgia NWH had. I thought a Thor movie with the Guardians post Ragnarok/IW/Endgame would be huge but.. maybe it just seems like another goofy Thor movie than an event?


I guess Shang-Chi is the exception so far?

I can agree the mcu has gotten more  creative and risky.

Wanda vision,moon knight, ms marvel,eternals ,MOM all have good concepts but an idea is only good as it's excution.


The problem with phase 4 for the most part is that it's tries to cram formular into this stories which results into underveloped , jumbled and rushed subplots.


Eternals in particular is a weird one, it's slow but somehow lots of it's characters and subplots feel so underveloped. It's bizarre .


Infinity saga plots were simple and gave more emphasis to characters and world building than the plots.



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OT but what’s funny about the “aimless” complaints is before IW/EG a frequent critique was how these movies were simply just set-up/commercials for IW/EG and how it cheapened those movies because they weren’t quite “event” films, just appetizers for the main course. Why bother with say Ant-Man 2, they would argue. 

Now? These films aren’t “event” films because we only have a vague idea at best of what’s coming. Would one’s opinion change if say Phase 4 told you “hey Magneto/Doom/whoever is coming!”? Would that have made Eternals better like solving its fatal flaw of having two leads with zero romantic chemistry? No. Would that have solved Moon Knight’s pacing issues? No. Looking back in retrospect, is Incredible Hulk less forgettable because hey it hints at the Avengers forming? Haha No.


(Nevermind Thanos wasn’t let out of the bag until 2012. Yes 2011 films featured magic rocks, but they didn’t scream “Thanos is coming!” Hell if legend is accurate, Thanos in that credits tag was a last minute addition. Would make sense for if Marvel were certain Thanos was for sure happening at that point in 2011, would they have casually thrown in that Gauntlet Easter egg in Thor that they later had to retcon out?)


A running online joke with some truth is that King Kevin conditioned his fans for his movies and how you can downsides of this on Reddit where people aren’t sure if they have to watch something if it doesn’t set up or reference the next thing (which is…a horrible way to approach art/entertainment to say the least.) I loved that Hawkeye credits tag with the Rogers musical as the silly cheese that it was but the same folks despised it would’ve lapped it up if afterwards it cut to Oscar Isaac in the cheap seats watching it.


I would argue though this conditioning applies to more than the cult faithful, even the casuals/non-fans who think they’re above it or know better. When people complain about “aimless” or “no direction” they’re basically admitting King Kevin trained them too well. I’m impressed by how much Marvel has changed the way we consume movies and shaped online film discourse, even if we sometimes don’t realize it. Not sure if it’s for the best but regardless…


I take these things one at a time. I tend to enjoy most of them on some level. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t bother because life is way too short. Future teases like Kang and the inevitable Mutants and Latveria show up are part of the fun like a fortune cookie at a Chinese restaurant, but not why I tend to enjoy these (mostly decent) programmers when you boil it all down.

If I ever get tired? I’ll move on. That happened to me with Star Trek in general. Or the Flash/Arrow-verse. And so forth. Do folks know how to get off a train they don’t want to be on anymore?





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I saw it yesterday and then went for some drinks so naturally I forgot to talk about it.


Anyway I really liked this. Actually liked it more than Ragnarok, which I wasn't so high into as everyone else.


Natalie Portman was fantastic and easily the stand out. Enjoyed the hell out of the Olympians...probably my favorite sequence along. Bale does a great job imo. The thing with the movie is that it feels kinda small compared to its potential. I get it's a small movie and Marvel probably wants to save the big all-out battles for their event film but the stakes would be much more appreciated here, if they actually existed to begin with.

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17 hours ago, Valonqar said:

Yeah, GOTG movies were colorful and fun with old hits too and they came out before Ragnarok (GOTG 2 in the very same year) yet Ragnarok didn't suffer from novelty wearing off.  So that shouldn't be a problem, quite the contrary. 

That wasn't my point....GOTG was basically a standalone movie along with ragnorak...ppl view both these movies differently when it comes without any major avengers kind of connection...my post was based on korean critics reaction...was shocked it actually got bad press...definitely not expecting the movie to be same level though! 

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