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Issac Newton

Weekend Thread | TAYLOR SWIFT $31M Estimate, KOTFM $23M

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10 minutes ago, ZattMurdock said:

That and not to mention that yeah, streaming is more prevalent than ever. My close group of friends have a sort of competition going on about which obscure film or series they are watching on Netflix or something. The moviegoing experience never faced so much competition like it does today. For people to go out of their way to watch something in the big screen if you aren’t a die hard moviegoer it takes one hell lot. If it’s readily available at a streaming service, why even bother? We trash and make fun of films way too much and ignore whatever the shit it gets incredibly popular at streaming way too little. 

I think it’s crazy how incredibly harsh we are with films in general and how incredibly lenient we are with streaming content in general. There is a whole culture with gaming that it’s very metacritic based that I find incredibly toxic, but my understanding is that most the streaming stuff always get a pass. We aren’t on forums pitting I don’t know, Stranger Things against Chernobyl, we don’t have old farts critically acclaimed showrunners trashing on Suits.


What I’m saying is: why film twitter is so keyboard warriory lol? When online film discourse has become a joke?

You know what this place is like, why are you complaining? It hasn't changed since you threw a strop last time and said you were quitting. 

You have a right to champion the MCU, and the rest of us have a right to want other media to succeed, don't be such a child when people disagree with you. 

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4 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

KotFM is looking to have a bigger OW than the latest Saw movie. Regardless of cost, that seems pretty solid for a three and a half hour Martin Scorsese movie with this kind of subject matter. Martin Scorsese has never been a box office darling anyway, and I’m certain that Apple wasn’t expecting the movie to recoup its massive $200 million budget in theaters. 

Saw is the 10th entry in a 20 year old franchise, where the record opening weekend for the series is $33M. 

What kind of comparison is that?

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1 minute ago, SchumacherFTW said:

You know what this place is like, why are you complaining? It hasn't changed since you threw a strop last time and said you were quitting. 

You have a right to champion the MCU, and the rest of us have a right to want other media to succeed, don't be such a child when people disagree with you. 

Here is just a symptom. It’s spread out  everywhere. And you don’t seem to understand why I quit in the first place. If it was because of online fandom wars, I’d quit social media altogether, I didn’t. That wasn’t what I was complaining about.


It’s not really about the MCU. To quote Qui-Gon Jinn, there is always a bigger fish. You’d see me defending popular experiences even if it was stuff I throughly personally disliked, like cheap budget Blumhouse joints. What I’m championing is the popular movie going experience. If anything, currently I’m championing Super Mario Bros, Barbie and Oppenheimer more than the MCU.

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3 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

At some point people that talk about box office seriously need to understand that shitting on Marvel Studios ad nauseam wouldn’t result on the return of Martin Scorsese’s own version of MAGA. 

I’ve already made my position quite clear on this very board before, ironically, while I was replying to you once again randomly mentioning me:





I don’t really care if it’s Marvel Studios production or any other making money, either WB’s Barbie or Universal’s Oppenheimer. Hell, I don’t care if it’s Blumhouse’s Five Night at Freddy’s either. My point and I’m pretty sure that I’ve been fairly consistent on that is that shitting on what is popular is a self-inflicted wound and hurts movie theaters in the long term. It’s not good for the industry, and I don’t care if it’s Scorsese or a bunch of film snubs saying it. At same convo from back on Father’s Day, I replied to a post that suggested that ‘the death of cinema’ wouldn’t be a great loss if more and more films performed like Marvel Studios or blockbuster films:




I  think it’s quite ironic and actually a good thing to happen for this stupid discourse to finally go away that a Martin Scorsese film is bombing while a videogame film that is review embargoed until after it’s released on streaming is getting all the hype and yet again the death of Marvel Studios has been declared and superhero fatigue non sense talk is getting thrown around because of The Marvels tickets tracking. 

It’s not Marvel Studios fault or those that watch Marvel Studios films  that Scorsese’s or ‘real cinema’ films bomb. It’s not the audiences fault the perceived lack of interest on the latest Marvel Studios film. The film market is regulated by what the audiences want to see it at the big screen. And that’s a good thing, always. Trashing what is popular only hurts the movie theater moviegoing experience, and that’s what I believe it can’t go away.


There will always be a popular thing until well, there isn’t and the movie theater experience as we know it goes away. What I don’t want is the popular experience of watching movies to get trashed to the point that movie theaters go the way of the opera or live theaters experience. We need popular films. Either by Marvel Studios or anything or anyone else. From Taylor Swift to Five Night at Freddy’s. That’s what keeps the brick and mortar movie theaters lights on. Trashing them because your prestige film can’t find an audience only hurts the movie theater experience in the long run. 

Your 100% right this forum is acting testicles and ovaries hurt and is pilling on you.

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1 hour ago, WittyUsername said:

KotFM is looking to have a bigger OW than the latest Saw movie. Regardless of cost, that seems pretty solid for a three and a half hour Martin Scorsese movie with this kind of subject matter. Martin Scorsese has never been a box office darling anyway, and I’m certain that Apple wasn’t expecting the movie to recoup its massive $200 million budget in theaters. 

Awkward Winona Ryder GIF by reactionseditor

Wait… what? 😂

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Killers of the Flower Moon was great. Really had a blast with it. Think it could’ve been like 15-30 minutes shorter as it drags a bit in the middle but thoroughly enjoyed it. I do love how heartbreaking the whole film is, as the themes of exploitation going hand and hand with greed still hit hard and are done well. DeNiro was by far my favorite performance, just a shitty old greedy white dude that just chews scenery as he stoops lower and lower. I also thought Gladstone did great with the parts she had, though I don’t feel comfortable calling her a lead, has an air of suaveness and fierceness that I dug. DiCaprio also did great at this with the last act leading to an eclectic end. - 4.5/5

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3 hours ago, JustLurking said:

Ngl, if this is where he's at already the marvels' opening thread is going to be very funny.


3 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

Am I the only one who thinks the way this dude for over one year talks about me kinda creepy? It happens when I’m around or not, it’s always the same shit, rinse and repeat. It creeps me the fuck out and I’d be very happy if he never even mentioned ever again. I’m just saying out there so maybe he gets ashamed and just stop. I’ll do my part and never address him again. If he keeps doing it, you all know that he will be talking to himself, or talking about me to you, which is even weirder. It wasn’t funny one year ago, it’s creeping the fuck out of me out now. I’m not your buddy and I’d be incredibly pleased if you just didn’t talk to me or about me ever again.

If either of you are unhappy with each others posts, and this applies to others as well, there is an ignore function you can utilize to hide that persons posts and never have to worry about them. Or you can report a post if you find it egregious and breaking forum rules OR simply taking these personal issues with posting styles to PM and hash it out there. Of course this is just an opinion and you can choose to ignore it. But it is not conducive to harmonious discourse on the forum to air personal distaste to a persons posting style openly as all viewpoints (within limits) are allowed on the forum (this more directed towards the first poster for clarification). 

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It's mad that The Wolf of Wall Street got a C Cinemascore but yet is one of the highest grossing Marty movie.


Honestly Killers getting $20m+ is okay considering both the runtime and the subject matter. I do think that directors like Marty and Ari Aster get overindulged and there are times where studios should intervene such as the James L Brooks film How Do You Know which bombed for Sony and cost $120m. 



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Martin has been eliminated by the cinema. How many times he has lost budget this century. How weak his box office is, he does not match the cost of 200 million, but the lord of oilfield bring osage oil coming ,appletv given Martin business again. From the beginning, it is destined to be a bomb. Fans should be grateful for Appletv, instead of continuing to defend for Martin.

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2 hours ago, emoviefan said:

I just always laugh at how crazy this place becomes sometimes knowing that 99.9999 of the GA/casual audience don't know about this place and would be what the hell is going on here if they stumbled upon it. 

If only here was the place the crazies would hide I’d be a happy camper. Twitter is no better than here and arguably worse. Somehow online film discourse became unbearable, to the point I actually miss old school flame wars. At very least like ten years ago it was just Marvel x DC. Now it’s everything against everything, all the time. I kinda envy how comfy and happy fandoms around series are. 

Today I saw: Marvel v Scorsese, Scorsese v Cameron, Scorsese v Nolan, people blaming Marvel for KotFM, people blaming PlayStation and Marvel, people trashing Spider-Man 2 and praising a Starfield player for watching KotFM. The teamsportification of the online film discourse is a disgrace. The best you can do is never look at it and pretend it isn’t there.

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3 hours ago, YM! said:

Killers of the Flower Moon was great. Really had a blast with it.

That's an interesting way to describe your reaction to a movie about greed, prejudice and murder. Seems like a reaction more fitting to Oppenheimer. J/K.

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