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The New Mutants | August 28, 2020 | Rumors are saying it released, but no one we know saw it

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29 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Does anybody have the budget for "New Mutants"?

"New Mutants" sounds like a interesting idea for a X men movie that just got hopeless messed up in the making.

It's like Tele said vis a vid the 2015 Fantastic Four. SOmetimes, despite the best of intentions, a film just goes into the crapper from almost day one. This certainly sounds like one of those.

Guessing it was originally on the lower side but reshoots probably pushed it near 100m or over 

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1 hour ago, Valonqar said:

One day, eevrything will be streamed. it's the future. with TV screens getting bigger and bigger who needs cinemas? :)




It is so strong that nowaday people even watch people reacting to videos or opening box on youtube...... Humans preferring to watch something in the context of a crowd will probably be forever, we even see this more and more if people are to go to the theater they often go to the movie first weekend to be sure to have the crowd experience, even ready to pay more and wait in lines to live it.


If streaming achieve to reproduce the effect of a crowd (with VR or something like this connecting your small group with other's watching the same movies at the same time) maybe.


Who need stand up comics live show when they can be seen recorded on streaming, live audience musical performance, why people go to a sport live event when it is on TV........



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Shocking news! The big Fox and X-Men release date shuffle didn't include any change for New Mutants. They're still actually planning on releasing it in August!


its happening.gif !!!!!!



Time to update the thread title. NOT delayed again.

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Reshoots were planned to make it a horror as originally envisioned. 





With regard to New Mutants, Kinberg confirmed the film has gone into reshoots largely in order to make the film scarier. Referencing positive responses to the film's trailer, Kinberg said, "audiences really embraced the notion of a superhero movie or a comic book movie that was, in its core, a horror film."

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5 hours ago, RedX said:

Reshoots were planned to make it a horror as originally envisioned. 





With regard to New Mutants, Kinberg confirmed the film has gone into reshoots largely in order to make the film scarier. Referencing positive responses to the film's trailer, Kinberg said, "audiences really embraced the notion of a superhero movie or a comic book movie that was, in its core, a horror film."

I'm very curious about its next trailer and the movie itself. I bet a lot of it is PR speech, but I guess we won't really find out until next August.


Edited by Arlborn
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The New Mutants was supposed to open this past April before it got kicked to February 2019 and then all the way back to August 2019. Back in March, we reported that the film was undergoing reshoots to make the film straight horror, and that we heard that a sizeable percentage of the movie is being reshot. However, when Steve Weintraub spoke to producer Simon Kinberg yesterday for Dark Phoenix, Kinberg revealed that those reshoots are still to come.

So uh, they haven't actually started the reshoots for this yet.

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3 hours ago, Ithil said:

So uh, they haven't actually started the reshoots for this yet.


Obviously they're waiting for Dafne Keen to hit a growth spurt, so she looks like she fits in a bit better with the other characters age-wise.



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10 hours ago, kitik said:


Obviously they're waiting for Dafne Keen to hit a growth spurt, so she looks like she fits in a bit better with the other characters age-wise.



so the movie will happen in... 2023? lol

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this is so not happening.


Filming : July 10 ~ September 16 2017.

Release Date : April 2018 -> February 2019 -> August 2, 2019

original reshoot date : 2018 summer (via THR) -> october, still nothing

*the reshoot was for least 50% of the movie.


they probably will just make excuses and delay til full disney merger.

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No stars. No popular characters (some obscurities from CB that nobody knows about and this isn't MCU to perform miracle). They don't know if they want R horror or PG-13 horror or if they want horror or SH. Kinberg. Lots of competition. Looks shit. Budget blows up.

Edited by Valonqar
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10 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Lucky them that the movie's release is still 10 months from now, but wow, is this whole thing a gigantic mess. It will be close to a Mad Max: Fury Road-sized miracle if this thing comes out good.

Anything is possible, but the odds of this being a good movie are not very good. It seems like a textbook example of a movie that does not know what the hell it wants to be. Delays for technical reasons or plain bad luck are one thing ,but delays for creative reasons ie, they can't decide what to do are bad news.

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