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Blade Runner 2049 | October 6, 2017 | Villeneuve directs | Full Trailer on Page 40

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11 hours ago, Hatebox said:


I'd be willing to bet my house there'll still be a shit-load of neon lights and garish advertising.


But to be honest when you're complaining about a Blade Runner movie being gloomy, you might as well call it a day.




I'm complaining because as some have already said, they're probably going to give it the modern "dark and gritty" atmosphere. Not the noir, dystopian feeling that the first film radiated.


I want a dark sequel to Blade Runner. I just don't mean that in a literal sense with sheer darkness and generic filters ("WOW, LOOK AT ALL THAT ORANGE!").


Of course, this is a reflection of my nostalgia for a soon-to-be 35 year old movie in an era where such things are typical. I also understand that this isn't even a fraction of the film. So I'm still going to end up seeing it, probably.

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3 minutes ago, Grand Moff Tele said:

I dunno, half the shots we saw were orange exteriors (far from LA, presumably) and the other half looked like they'd fit right in to the street-level stuff of the LA sprawl. 


I could also just be seeing shit. I'm still using a computer monitor I bought in 2006. It may be time to upgrade.

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On 2016. 12. 24. at 0:17 AM, Telemachos said:

I dunno, half the shots we saw were orange exteriors (far from LA, presumably) and the other half looked like they'd fit right in to the street-level stuff of the LA sprawl. 

It's a lie. Everything is in Budapest, they're misleading you. :ph34r:



Also The Martian was filmed on Earth like a wise poster said before. :P


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17 minutes ago, Ash Skywalker said:

“I hate green screens. It sucks out all my energy. I get depressed,”


Well, get ready to get depressed, then. Green screen is a very useful tool. All set extensions are basically green screen. You pretty much can't go without.


Unless he means there being only green screen and nothing else.

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Ah, the mandatory "PRACTICAL EFFECTS/CG SUCKS!!!" PR stunt to sell your eighties nostalgia fest and pander to the internet fetishist crowd. (We know how it turned out for TFA aka the SW movie that featured more CG ladden shots than TPM...).


99% of general audience don't give a shit about how VFX are made anyway so cattering to the minority CG haters on the internet forums is needless. (99% of general audience didn't give a shit about the original Blade Runner as well :lol:)


I never saw Ridley Scott bitching back in 1982 "I will never use that brand new motion control camera thing, shots and camera controlled by computer programming is soulless. i'll do it the old-fashioned way, only puppeteers, cables and me holding the camera all in one pass just like in Plan 9 from Outer Space."


Nope, Scott was adamant to use whatever cutting-edge special effects of his day to create his vision, not tied in using old technology just to please some reactionary fans averse to new technology for subjective aesthetic purpose.


This practical effects fetish coupled with a demonization of everything CG going on among this new batch of Hollywood directors only exist out of nostalgia sake to play with their childhood toys rather than embrace the full spectrum of creative tools out there (They forgot back then people used to bitch about Hollywood being all about those practical effects whiz bang showreel detracting over the story and nothing much), it's not rational if you're about expanding the imagination rather than dampening it.(But most of the time, it's just a cynical cash grab for marketing purpose. They know deep down how CG is actually a most valuable post-production tool to pull off those deadlines while allowing you 100% control over every single tiny details in the frame).


(No directors before the internet era ever dwellt so much on favoring one type of special effect over one another because they just used whatever means necessary they had in their bag of tricks and just focused on pushing the envelope. Nowadays, the trend is to take a dump on pionneering techniques and shit over the envelope that their predecessors, creative directors and VFX supervisors alike busted their asses off to create and perfect to lend those tools as a legacy and a sandbox to play with for these brats that now feel it's mandatory to shit on CG to gain some fanboy credits).



Edited by dashrendar44
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I knew Dash was gonna post something like this hahah


CGI hate exists and directors say stuff like this because of directors like Snyder. I personally hate the look of BVS I cant get sucked in because its all fake and you can tell. I sat the theater and said wow this looks horrible they shot every night scene on a green screen huh!? fake fire mostly? Our half these bat mobile shots all CGI? Never once filmed on an actually roof. Blu ray comes out yep, all on green screen with tons of fake fire. 


The shot of Doomsday releasing energy looks like garbage, why? its all CG. The character, the sky, and the WHOLE building and roof.


IF they found a real building (couldn't be hard) and shot a nice beautiful helicopter shot background plate. THEN added Doomsday and the Energy release, it would like half as much like a cartoon, it would actually be grounded with real lighting and textures. The movie would look a tad less glossy because instead of putting Doomsday a CGI character into a CG background they know have that extra 10% pressure to say that is a real building, he has to look as good as that. 



NO one is saying fuck VFX, they are amazing and for every annoying effect there is 4 amazing inviable ones yes. All directors are saying when they use the term practical , is we like to try and make them invisible. Nothing wrong with that, its a great thing.


I watched Journey to the center of the EARTH (08) Yesterday and the #1 reason that movie blows is CGI/green screen. Is that a cave they are walking thorough? A desert? is that a real giant Mushroom they built? nope they are walking on a green screen set for 80% of the movie.


If something can and will be practical it should, The Force Awakens has this wonderful shot of Rey making some food thing and it expands in water. ITs real and if THAT was CGI it would take me out the movie no doubt. Its small she touches it, it being real impressed me and sucked me in even more.

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As I saw someone point out recently, look at the two most iconic shots from Jurassic Park. The glass with the rippling water could have been shot and had the same power in 1895; the brontosaurus reveal, as it is, wasn't possible even a few years earlier than 1993. It's all about knowing what tools you have and how to best put them to use. 

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@Jay Hollywood That comes across like "Snyder's half-assed use of CG sucks so CG sucks" so some directors won't use CG because one of them fail to make an organic use of it?! Tell that to Alfonso Cuaron.


You know a movie where green screen use is blatantly obvious? Return Of The Jedi. And that was way before CG craze.


I just find directors blaming CG or holding contempt on principle (when not outright disrespecting the craft and talent that go into it all together) is dumb and short-sighted if you're an artist looking out to expand and materialize your wild imagination because there's so much you can't do practically. How do you represent a gigantic desert storm engulfing and swallowing an army of trucks and its occupants flying and exploding into it practically? Thank God, George Miller didn't have that grudge up his arse when he imagined that or else we wouldn't have one of the memorable set piece of Mad Max Fury Road. Miller used CG because he knew that back in 1982, he couldn't have made this sequence practically the way he did in 2015. (So a director going out of his way to make a movie in 2015 pretending we're living in 1982 using 1982 tools sounds absurd, that strikes me like an artificial affectation by a close-minded individual to boast how "old school" he is refusing the era he's living in).


Edited by dashrendar44
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I never expected Villeneuve to use a lot of CGI for this. It's a story about humans and androids, doesn't seem like it'd be all that necessary.


Though BvS is an easy target because everyone agrees it sucks. There are certainly great movies that do use a lot of CGI.

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Lol, as soon as I scrolled down to that CGI story I could already hear Dash typing away.


I mean, this approach was expected. The fun of going back to Blade Runner is surely the creation of elaborate sets as much as anything else. But there'll be a shitload of CGI wizardry regardless.



Edited by Hatebox
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