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I would have enjoyed the scene more if we actually saw Jon stab Dany, instead of going for one last shock moment.  I think it would have resonated more whether we saw him go for the back or through the heart (or both?). 

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54 minutes ago, DAR said:

Having the ratings for the finale come out yet?

57% on RT right now. Up from the bells, but the 3rd consecutive (and 4th ever) rotten episode.    


Audience score for the season overall is getting really bad.

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3 minutes ago, Thanos Legion said:

57% on RT right now. Up from the bells, but the 3rd consecutive (and 4th ever) rotten episode.    


Audience score for the season overall is getting really bad.

No I'm talking Nielsen's


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I really liked that episode and overall liked the season despite some obvious pacing issues 🤷🏽‍♂️ 


Just going to choose to ignore the internet on this one, it’s been a great ride, and while the landing was pretty shaky it still stuck it for me.


I could nitpick it all I wanted to, but I’m happier just accepting the final season we got and enjoying it for what it was.  Despite all the hate, there was a lot about this season that was brilliantly done (Ramin Djawadi’s score anyone?).

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26 minutes ago, Jim Shorts said:

I would have enjoyed the scene more if we actually saw Jon stab Dany, instead of going for one last shock moment.  I think it would have resonated more whether we saw him go for the back or through the heart (or both?). 


I think it would’ve resonated more if the writers actually gave us a romance. All they did was kiss in two episodes and then had a strange couple of eps where they kissed and Jon Snow wasn’t into it. This was supposed to be love? This was the meeting if Ice and Fire? Why are they ‘in love’? Where did  this ‘love’ blossom? Was it in the boatsex boat? Every time they get together I wonder if it’s first time they’ve met. It reminded me of school, when kids that get into ‘relationships’ because they’re 11 and they feel as if they have to. You ever seen a kid boyfriend and girlfriend get into a fight about the future of their relationship? It’s hilarious.

Edited by AJG
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After episode 4 and 5 leaks it was obvious the 6th one was going to be correct as well. And as such I had hardly any expectations. Except Jon, Dany and Drogon scene it was meh mostly. Specially the second half was pedestrian. 


Writing for the final season kills this otherwise gorgeously shot season. However don't know how much to expect with writers when GRRM himself is unable to finish the satisfying conclusion (he have been writing it forever).  He started something great but is stuck regarding conclusion since years. And I doubt he will be able to finish the books.


Disappointing season aside the show have mostly great run and was very entertaining for majority of episodes/seasons.


Thank you for the memories GOT.  

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1 hour ago, AJG said:

Tyrion had to speak to Jon for 5 minutes to convince him that mass genocide is bad....


This guy Jon Snow is kinda dim ain’t he?

lol that entire speech is basically just tyrion trying to justify why her character arc makes sense for the audience!


it was probably the best scene in the episode though honestly.

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3 hours ago, AJG said:

Tyrion had to speak to Jon for 5 minutes to convince him that mass genocide is bad....


This guy Jon Snow is kinda dim ain’t he?

I got a feeling that was aimed as much as at the audience members who were still in a state of shock over Dany going to the Dark Side as Jon. I think the writers certainly knew there would be a lot of disbelief and anger on Dany becoming the Mad Queen.

It was exposition....but it was clumsily handled. I think Tyrion should have had some "I can't believe I actually bought into her as the savior of Westors" moment.

BTW I think Dany turning evil was plotted out by GRRM way back when he was outlining the whole series of novels.

Clumsy is what I think about a lot of things this last season.

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2 hours ago, CoolioD1 said:

lol that entire speech is basically just tyrion trying to justify why her character arc makes sense for the audience!


it was probably the best scene in the episode though honestly.

This, It was exposition.

I think the problem is not that that it was sprung on audiences...that Dany had a dark,cruel side was established in Season One....but that her dark side winning out was really, really, rushed.

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6 hours ago, RealCaptMarvel said:

garbage show trash fans

You know, you really need to put a little effort into your Trolling. Try to come up with something witty and halfway original.

The quality of trolls onthis site has gone into the trash can.

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17 hours ago, Jim Shorts said:

So Jon is now King of the North North? 


Btw, fucking Bran planned this whole thing. Totally set up Jon and used him to get rid of his main rivals. 

Not Bran, the Three Eyed Raven. Bran pretty much died once he became the 3ER, because Bran would never do that. 

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9 hours ago, Lordmandeep said:

so the issue is that what stops there from being another war when King Bran dies as there is no clear successor 

Nothing. In fact, once news travels to the free cities about the weakened state Westeros is in, not to mention those in Mereen will be pissed that Dany was killed, what's stopping a war from happening on Bran's watch? 

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5 hours ago, Thanos Legion said:

57% on RT right now. Up from the bells, but the 3rd consecutive (and 4th ever) rotten episode.    


Audience score for the season overall is getting really bad.

Oh well,, that will teach HBO to be more hands on with their expensive shows. How much money did they dish out per episode? 

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