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Point Break | December 25, 2015 | China Release on December 3rd, 3 weeks before the US.

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Dude, edit your original post instead of making three separate posts.

What this dude said. Next time be careful. Put everything in one post instead of making three.

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Agreed, I don't see much sense in retaining the actual POINT BREAK specifics. Just call it something else and riff on the same general concept. That's what they're doing anyway, and it's not like calling it POINT BREAK is gonna make the old fans get excited.


The mini trend of 90s action remakes is failing in large part of this.  They are taking movies that are nearly if not the best version of that movie can be and trying to remake it.  Of course the new version is going to disappoint because no one wants to watch a scene for scene remake and any changes you make are going to make the movie worse not better.  Robocop and Point Break are in my top 5 favorite movies ever but the only thing I liked about these remakes coming out is a new version of the Blu ray with a prettier transfer.


They just need to go the Fast Furious way.  Steal the movie but even though I know The Fast and The Furious is a rip off of Point Break I am still judging the movie mostly on its own merits.  I see this Point Break its getting compared to the original

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