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The Disney Thread | Happy 90th to Donald Duck!

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20 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Not unless the contract gives him that option.


Board and Bob can choose a successor at any time. 


Chapek was a mess as CEO. Far far too early to say Bob has lost a touch, either. Disney+ was never supposed to replace theatrical, it just became a convenient crutch during Covid which obviously Iger did not anticipate.


Disney will rebound. They should learn from WB's 2023 onward and note that investing heavily in premiere talent and letting them create with their existing IP is a big ticket. Marvel films became the equivalent of McDonalds fast food.

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I think the jury is still out as to how Iger is doing in his return run, but claiming that Chapek did a great job is, well, pretty extreme.

Sad fact is being a SOB is going to get you a folllowing of "Tough Guy" wannabes.

Irony is that one reason Chapek fell is that his had made so many enemies at Disney that he did have much in the way of support.

I think CHapek had to go, only question if if Iger was the right choice to replace him.

Chapek is the classic case he had some early sucesses, but things went sour very quickly after the intial sucess was over.

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Just now, dudalb said:

I think the jury is still out as to how Iger is doing in his return run, but claiming that Chapek did a great job is, well, pretty extreme.

Sad fact is being a SOB is going to get you a folllowing of "Tough Guy" wannabes.

Irony is that one reason Chapek fell is that his had made so many enemies at Disney that he did have much in the way of support.

I think CHapek has to go, only question if if Iger was the right choice to replace him.

Chapek is the classic case he had some early sucesses, but things went sour very quickly after the intial sucess was over.

Chapek was probably good at running the parks side of the business but becoming CEO of the entire company is a different kettle of fish. 


Iger coming back from retirement isn't really unusual for big businesses, Howard Schultz came back as CEO of Starbucks twice for example. 


The key for the next three years is finding a successor and putting the company back in a good place. I think it'll be Dana Walden who will replace Iger in 2026.






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I'm gonna be even handed here about Iger.


Quite a bit of the current trouble in Disney Land is either inherited from Chapek's decisions or out of his control.


On the other hand, he's overseen some RECENT decisions which I do blame him for and judge him harshly.


For one, and will be the main objection I raise to his tenure here, his overseeing of the recent content purge on D+ is a pretty huge black mark on his resume in my book and one that I have personally noted.  I don't particularly care if it made "business sense" to do it, as lots of questionable/objectionable things can make business sense; that doesn't mean they should be done.


(as always: Just coz something is legal, doesn't mean it should be done)


The axing of Willow after, what four months? Five? Was just downright idiotic and axing of Crater after less than seven weeks (SEVEN! WEEKS!!!) even more so.


Now I'm not gonna throw Iger under the bus over this as I recognize the whole game of "plusses and minuses".  Not so much "take the good with the bad" as "recognize that folks can make good and bad decisions — so praise the good ones and call out the bad".


Now I get the notion of "triage" and "cost control" and all of that other Wall Street Jargon that is used to justify anti-consumer and anti-artist behavior like this and... I. DON'T. CARE.  Dude made bad calls here and I'm not afraid to say it.


Doesn't mean I want him gone (I don't).  Does mean I want him to... not do things like that in the future.

Edited by Porthos
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Just now, Porthos said:

I'm gonna be even handed here about Iger.


Quite a bit of the current trouble in Disney Land is either inherited from Chapek's decisions or out of his control.


On the other hand, he's overseen some RECENT decisions which I do blame him for and judge him harshly.


For one, and will be the main objection I raise to his tenure here, his overseeing of the content recent purge on D+ is a pretty huge black mark on his resume in my book and one that I have personally noted.  I don't particularly care if it made "business sense" to do it, as lots of questionable/objectionable things can make business sense; that doesn't mean they should be done.


(as always: Just coz something is legal, doesn't mean it should be done)


The axing of Willow after, what four months? Five? Was just downright idiotic and axing of Crater after less than seven weeks (SEVEN! WEEKS!!!) even more so.


Now I'm not gonna throw Iger under the bus over this as I recognize the whole game of "plusses and minuses".  Not so much "take the good with the bad" as "recognize that folks can make good and bad decisions — so praise the good ones and call out the bad".


Now I get the notion of "triage" and "cost control" and all of that other Wall Street Jargon that is used to justify anti-consumer and anti-artist behavior like this and... I. DON'T. CARE.  Dude made bad calls here and I'm not afraid to say it.


Doesn't mean I want him gone (I don't).  Does mean I want him to... not do things like that in the future.


Mind, if Mr. Iger wants to Buy My Loyalty with, say, Blu Ray Sets of Mando/Andor/Kenobi and all the rest?







What can I say?  I may not be able to be bought, but I sure can be rented for a few months/couple of years!!! 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 

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11 hours ago, Porthos said:

I'm gonna be even handed here about Iger.


Quite a bit of the current trouble in Disney Land is either inherited from Chapek's decisions or out of his control.


On the other hand, he's overseen some RECENT decisions which I do blame him for and judge him harshly.


For one, and will be the main objection I raise to his tenure here, his overseeing of the recent content purge on D+ is a pretty huge black mark on his resume in my book and one that I have personally noted.  I don't particularly care if it made "business sense" to do it, as lots of questionable/objectionable things can make business sense; that doesn't mean they should be done.


(as always: Just coz something is legal, doesn't mean it should be done)


The axing of Willow after, what four months? Five? Was just downright idiotic and axing of Crater after less than seven weeks (SEVEN! WEEKS!!!) even more so.


Now I'm not gonna throw Iger under the bus over this as I recognize the whole game of "plusses and minuses".  Not so much "take the good with the bad" as "recognize that folks can make good and bad decisions — so praise the good ones and call out the bad".


Now I get the notion of "triage" and "cost control" and all of that other Wall Street Jargon that is used to justify anti-consumer and anti-artist behavior like this and... I. DON'T. CARE.  Dude made bad calls here and I'm not afraid to say it.


Doesn't mean I want him gone (I don't).  Does mean I want him to... not do things like that in the future.




Though I'm not surprised that Iger is extending his return. Two years was never enough time to get all of Disney's houses in order while also finding a proper successor.  Plus, with the WGA and SAG going on strike, he can't afford to ditch town when he's part of the reason why there's a mass strike in Hollywood.

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15 hours ago, Bob Train said:

Iger hasn't done anything to rescue the company, he lost he midas touch he used to have in the 2010s and is applying old solutions to new problems. While Chapek wasn't perfect, far from it, he was less out of touch and the company was better under him.


Chapek also had to deal with the pandemic. Iger stepped down right before it. 

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21 hours ago, ZattMurdock said:

Apparently according with the article, the rewrites was costly. But I doubt that all of that went to the writers. And I agree, they should receive more. In fact this is some of the best dialogue I’ve seen in anything superhero related in a good while. The people that did some of the highlights of this show should be paid better and kept under their wings. Not really comic book dialogue, just some really well made understanding of who the characters are and a great use of the race allegory with both Fury as an Afro-American man and the Skrulls as a race. Good, thought provoking stuff.

Yeah, this show is extremely puzzling to me. On the one hand, you're right in that it has some of the best dialogue in a Marvel film/show, very human, very real. Add to it that the cast is amazing, and they deliver this dialogue amazingly. In fact, this is the best SLJ performance since Hateful Eight (imho).


Yet on the other hand, it has an idiot plot. Everything surrounding the conspiracy is really stupid and half cooked. The twists are cheap and feel like they are just angling for shock value. I just stopped caring.


But every time the characters just sit and *talk* I'm totally there. 

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1 minute ago, SpiderByte said:

I swear if "Marvel just needs to shut down for a year and delay everything" is still a thing after the second time they've shut down for a year and delayed everything 

I think 2 things are true. Kevin should concentrate on film stuff. Make stuff for D+ only when it's creatively needed. Let other people do Marvel stuff for tv not connected to MCU, those who know how to make tv. And more 2D animation stuff too.

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15 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

I don't want to hear anyone bitching about marvel not trying new things now that everyone just finished complaining about how all they've done is try new things 

Well ,an idea is only good as it's execution . Disney clearly wanted to be more creative but they also wanted to be safe and the result was bland pieces of content that neither delivered the crowdpleaser or higher quality content intended for the most part.


In seeking out and trying opportunities for creativity and content they forgot one fundemental thing

 " play to your strengths and understand your weaknesses".







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1 hour ago, Hades said:

Iger probably finally saw She Hulk and Secret Invasion and decided enough is enough..


Ms Marvel rather than She Hulk cause She Hulk had audience. Ms Marvel is the biggest flop of them all bested only by Willow. Echo and Agatha are gonna flop just as bad.

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24 minutes ago, SpiderByte said:

If they're scaling back the animated stuff will absolutely be the first things to go lol

again. let other people do & try it. why DC can do animated 2d stuff but Marvel practically stopped?

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