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Straight Outta Compton | August 14, 2015

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We all know Dre's not an upstanding citizen, but his and Cube's stories are still relevant and worth telling, sanitized as they may be. The movie intended to make broader statements on American racial relations, and I felt it succeeded on that front.

Edited by tribefan695
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i like to think that the public wouldn't support this if they knew of Dre's crimes. I also think that selling headphones is too important to certain people to be put at risk by something as trivial as the truth


People knew of Dre's crimes when they happened especially the Dee Brown incident.

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We all know Dre's not an upstanding citizen, but his and Cube's stories are still relevant and worth telling, sanitized as they may be. The movie intended to make broader statements on American racial relations, and I felt it succeeded on that front.

I don't know how much longer we have to crucify him for it. He has apologized multiple times in multiple interviews. It has been 20 years since the incident and he has been with the same woman for 20 years too (and Ice Cube has for over 20 years). Both of them do a lot of chairty work. Dre is building a performaning arts center in Compton.

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I don't know how much longer we have to crucify him for it. He has apologized multiple times in multiple interviews. It has been 20 years since the incident and he has been with the same woman for 20 years too (and Ice Cube has for over 20 years). Both of them do a lot of chairty work. Dre is building a performaning arts center in Compton.


According to Dee he's been blackballing her from the industry for over 20 years (after he dragged out financial settlement for years) .  If he really was sorry that wouldn't still be happening .  If he felt true accountability and remorse he wouldn't be afraid to own it in the movie instead of whitewash it.


So what if he's been with the same woman for 20 years.  This wasn't some one time incident.  He was with Michel'le for 6 years and  he beat her bloody into submission until she believed that being beaten is what it meant to be loved. 


Bill Cosby did a lot great things for charity and the community and he's still a decades long unrepentant serial rapist.

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According to Dee he's been blackballing her from the industry for over 20 years (after he dragged out financial settlement for years) .  If he really was sorry that wouldn't still be happening .  If he felt true accountability and remorse he wouldn't be afraid to own it in the movie instead of whitewash it.


So what if he's been with the same woman for 20 years.  This wasn't some one time incident.  He was with Michel'le for 6 years and  he beat her bloody into submission until she believed that being beaten is what it meant to be loved. 


Bill Cosby did a lot great things for charity and the community and he's still a decades long unrepentant serial rapist.

You can't just dismiss him being with the same woman for 20 years. She hasn't mentioning anything about being beat or victimized. Dre was just a violent person in general in his younger days. People mature and change. If he was really blackballing her, then that was wrong too, but that stuff happens all the time in the industry. As far as him putting it in the movie, what biopic doesn't have white washed elements? Maybe in another 20 years if there is a remake he will have it in there like Cash did when he was in his 70s before doing it.

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According to Dee he's been blackballing her from the industry for over 20 years (after he dragged out financial settlement for years) .  If he really was sorry that wouldn't still be happening .  If he felt true accountability and remorse he wouldn't be afraid to own it in the movie instead of whitewash it.

He didn't blackball her. The industry just did it by themselves as it would rather be associated with Dre than her. As for the movie, it just doesn't get that personal. It's an NWA not a Dr Dre movie. The most personal it gets is with Eazy E.

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Maybe more of Dre's legal issues will be in the extended cut, i remember seeing a jail scene with his wife in one of the promos. You can't put everything in a 2-hour movie, it was already dragging a bit at the end. Dr. Dre is a musical pioneer, but people need to stop putting these artists on pedestals. 

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Bill Cosby did a lot great things for charity and the community and he's still a decades long unrepentant serial rapist.



The comparison with bill Cosby is ridiculous 


Cosby raped and drugged 35 woman

Yet he went on for decades without paying his actions or facing any criminal charges          


What Dr Dre did to Dee Barnes was terrible but unlike Cosby he actually paid his Dept to society


He was fined $2,500, placed on two years' probation, and ordered to perform 240 hours of community service and produce an anti-violence public service announcement.


Also unlike Cosby at least Dre acknowledged what he did was wrong ( Cosby still hasn't done that)


last but least Dre never try to hide what he did from public

 (Bill Cosby spent years trying to make sure his 2005 disposition never went public )

Edited by roxas11
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What he did to to Dee was not a one time incident (not did he truly pay) nor was it his only crime of violence against women for which he did not pay at all.



I never said it was 


I said Dee was a Public incident that everybody knew happened for a "FACT"

and that is the one that Dre had to answer for and yes that is the one He needed to pay for


The other incident with Michel'le is an allegation 

I can not say one way or the other if any of it is actually true because she made the call not to initiate legal action

Edited by roxas11
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White Musicians beat women back in the 70's and 80's, why don't White people criticize them before coming after black people, it was the culture back then, in all communities, whites want blacks to move on from slavery because it was the culture back then, you all need to accept musicians abusing women was the culture back then across all racial lines, leave this man alone and let's all do better to treat women better

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White Musicians beat women back in the 70's and 80's, why don't White people criticize them before coming after black people, it was the culture back then, in all communities, whites want blacks to move on from slavery because it was the culture back then, you all need to accept musicians abusing women was the culture back then across all racial lines, leave this man alone and let's all do better to treat women better


I don't think you're making the point you think you are making.


If I say X does something wrong and your reply is that Y also did that thing as well, that is not an argument against depicting what X did, but instead is an argument for also depicting what Y did.

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I don't think you're making the point you think you are making.


If I say X does something wrong and your reply is that Y also did that thing as well, that is not an argument against depicting what X did, but instead is an argument for also depicting what Y did.

I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I'm saying that was the horrible culture back then, so let's try to do better in the future, the horrible things Dre did he mostly did when he was hanging around an evil man named Suge Knight, Suge influenced him in a negative way, this is not a Deathrow and Suge Knight Biopic, it's NWA biopic, so showing the abuse of women that he did when he was neck deep with death row would make no sense

Edited by Gokira2012
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White Musicians beat women back in the 70's and 80's, why don't White people criticize them before coming after black people, it was the culture back then, in all communities, whites want blacks to move on from slavery because it was the culture back then, you all need to accept musicians abusing women was the culture back then across all racial lines, leave this man alone and let's all do better to treat women better

Where to begin...

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What about the horrible things Ronald Reagan did to the black community like agreeing to let the Latin American drug Cartels to sell billions of dollars of crack - cocaine in the black ghettos to finance his proxy war in latin american, why didn't anyone make him apologize

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Fantastic Movie, brought me back to my childhood and growing up with Hip Hop.  Really captured the time and loved the themes of police brutality.  Rap has always been a reflection and sometimes it's a tough reflection but it's the truth.   Of course since I grew up on N.W.A. I know the whole story so the movie did play loose with some facts and history but it's a 2 hour movie, they can't get everything in it.  But it was entertaining, the music was great and the cast which was relatively unknowns did great.  


It's a movie not a documentary so Dr. Dre didn't have to tell about those incidents from his past.  Also the movie is about N.W.A. and Straight outta Compton, it's not called STraight out of Dr. Dre even though yes he was basically the main character along with Eazy and Ice Cube.   Loving the box office run thus far cause it's "R-rated" and it's completely smacking the competition.   I think the next Hip Hop Bio Pic should be Tupac Shakur or Run DMC cause they have amazing stories that I think general audiences would also love.   Overall congrats and props to F. Gray Gray for a great movie and great run.  It's the 20th Anniversary of "Friday" as well so it's great they have having this success.  Looks like we have a HIP HOP CINEMATIC UNIVERSE:


Notorious (Biggie)

Straight Outta Compton (N.W.A.)


Run DMC? 

Edited by filmscholar
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White Musicians beat women back in the 70's and 80's, why don't White people criticize them before coming after black people, it was the culture back then, in all communities, whites want blacks to move on from slavery because it was the culture back then, you all need to accept musicians abusing women was the culture back then across all racial lines, leave this man alone and let's all do better to treat women better


When Hitler put Jews in ovens, that was just the culture back then.  Leave this man alone and let's do better to treat Jews better.

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Fantastic Movie, brought me back to my childhood and growing up with Hip Hop.  Really captured the time and loved the themes of police brutality.  Rap has always been a reflection and sometimes it's a tough reflection but it's the truth.   Of course since I grew up on N.W.A. I know the whole story so the movie did play loose with some facts and history but it's a 2 hour movie, they can't get everything in it.  But it was entertaining, the music was great and the cast which was relatively unknowns did great.  


It's a movie not a documentary so Dr. Dre didn't have to tell about those incidents from his past.  Also the movie is about N.W.A. and Straight outta Compton, it's not called STraight out of Dr. Dre even though yes he was basically the main character along with Eazy and Ice Cube.   Loving the box office run thus far cause it's "R-rated" and it's completely smacking the competition.   I think the next Hip Hop Bio Pic should be Tupac Shakur or Run DMC cause they have amazing stories that I think general audiences would also love.   Overall congrats and props for a great movie and great run.   Looks like we have a HIP HOP CINEMATIC UNIVERSE:


Notorious (Biggie)

Straight Outta Compton (N.W.A.)


Run DMC? 


Run DMC definitely needs a movie.

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