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How often do you rewatch movies?

How often do you rewatch movies?  

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  1. 1. How often do you rewatch movies?

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The most I've ever seen a movie in the cinema is twice, with multiple movies tied for that award. In fact, before something like, 2009 or 2010, I didn't even know people would watch it twice. Most movies don't last too long in cinemas here after all.


So then it falls to home video, which is declining in all formats, and perhaps TV, though that implies you don't really care enough. Now with the rise of streaming and downloads, this makes it more pro-choice in terms of you deciding you want to watch something and do it.


Maybe I'm old fashioned, but normally, if I like a movie enough, I'd like to own it as opposed to streaming or what have you. Still though, with the amount of movies you've liked in the past, movies that are coming out in the present and of course, life, there is not that much time to rewatch.


So, how often do you revisit movies you like? Or do you hardly do so?


We love lists, and top 100s and so on, so forth, but how many times do you watch a flick to really decide if you like it, or how much you do, or where it would place in your list.


Even going with additional viewings from all formats post-theatre, I probably have not seen any movie more than 5 times with the exception of my childhood days where Disney films, and other animated movies would be played constantly. The latest flick would probably have been Finding Nemo which I saw many times, but past that stage, I think maybe one of the Harry Potter movies or Ratatouille, my favourite movie at something like 3-4 viewings.


It maybe is slightly embarrassing that, for example, my favourite movies of 2010, Inception, Toy Story 3 and How to Train Your Dragon- I've only seen twice each in the cinema, so zero times since 2010. Think I might've caught Toy Story 3 one more time later. Still, I went ahead and bought them excitedly and still have not watched them again in 4 years...

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It depends on the movie. I've seen the The Dark Knight like 9 times. I've now seen Avatar and Gravity twice.


Generally, I only see a movie twice in theaters if I'm going with a different group of people and I liked the film. Otherwise, I only rewatch a movie when I have nothing better to do.


Like I saw Star Trek (the reboot) for the first time since theaters yesterday when I went to get one of my parent's cars inspected/tires rotated and stuff. I knew I liked the movie and it was a good way to pass the two-hour wait time.

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Most movies I like I watch maybe 2 times in the theater at most. Then Frozen came along and I saw that in the theater 11 times.:o As for DVD, I've lost count with most, though I've probably seen my favorite Disney films and the first and second Potter films at least maybe, 7 times?

Edited by FrozenUnicorn
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On VHS or dvd/blu ray, impossible to count how many rewatches since it would be so much As for in a theater, I have done double digits on a few occasions, but usually it's around 2-5 times if I really like a movie

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I went through a phase that started with The Simpsons in '07. I saw that 3 times in the cinema. The next year I smashed that with 5 for The Dark Knight. I smashed that again the next year with Avatar with 11! After that between 2010 and 2012 I saw countless films 3 or more times. Alas, last time I managed that was for Ted.

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Let's see:I saw Phantom Menace 4 times in the theater. This is when I actually thought the movie was good, and for years it held the record for theatrical viewings.Also in 1999, I saw Toy Story 2 either 2 or 3 times, and Galaxy Quest I think 3 times.In 2001-02, I saw Fellowship of the Ring 3-4 times (if it was 4 times, it tied TPM)In 2002, I saw Two Towers twice.In 2003, I saw Return of the King I think 3 times.In 2004, I saw The Incredibles 2-3 times.In 2005, I saw Revenge of the Sith twice.In 2007, I saw Ratatouille twice.In 2008, I saw The Dark Knight twice.In 2010, I saw Tron Legacy twice.2012-13 is when I ramped up repeat viewings of certain films. I saw The Avengers 6 times (in part because it captured my interest, in part so I no longer had to say I saw Phantom f'in Menace the most times in a theater). I also saw TDKR twice, Wreck-It Ralph 3 times, and the first Hobbit 5 times (due to the LOTR nostalgia - my enthusiasm later wore off).Last year, I saw Jurassic Park 3D three times, Iron Man 3 four times (twice on OW, and a third time on the first Monday - at the time, I couldn't figure out whether I liked or disliked it), STID twice, Man of Steel twice (both on OW), Monsters University twice, Despicable Me 2 four times (twice within the 4th of July long weekend), Pacific Rim 3 times (again, twice on OW) and Gravity 3 times (once again, twice on OW - once in IMAX 3D).In the last part of 2013 and into this year, I've been busier, so I haven't been going to repeat viewings as often. I saw Frozen 3 times (once on OW and twice in January), CA:TWS twice, Godzilla twice and HTTYD2 twice. (I may get in a screening or two more of HTTYD2 if I have time.)If I count home viewings, I think the movies I've seen the most times are Ghostbusters, Back to the Future, Home Alone, The Santa Clause, A Christmas Story (the last three every Christmas since the early-mid 90s), the original Star Wars trilogy and the LOTR trilogy. BTTF 2-3, Toy Story 1-2, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Terminator 2 and The Princess Bride are also up there in terms of viewing count.

Edited by TServo2049
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very rarely, and never in theatres - i think i saw avatar twice and that's it. in fact i don't think i rewatch enough because i'm sure my opinions change as i change, but there's so much unseen stuff to explore!

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If I really like a movie I have no problem rewatching it at a minimum of twice a year Right now I just rewatched vampire academy for the 6th time now , we're in honeymoon phase I'm also reading the book series its based on for the 2nd time nearly done on book 4/5 But that's a special case where going from movies to books and back again keeps me in a special fog Kinda like when you wear out a cd from listening to it on a loop A movie I've seen a lot and I mean a lot is clueless , easily 4 times a year if not more there aint a thing about it I dislike Also star trek films I'll watch all 12 throughout the year (love me some TNG cast)Special nod about my fav films I have them on different formats dvd , file for my laptop and books (physical) / pdf or kindle if film based on one !

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I usually don't see a movie in theaters more then twice, partially because I live so far from a movie theater.


but there are three films I have seen three times, Revenge of the Sith, The Avengers and Man of Steel. pretty sure when Star Wars VII comes out I'll break that record though.  


for the heck of it movies I've seen twice


The Incredilbles

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe



Green Lantern 

Captain America The First Avenger

The Hunger Games 

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Dark Knight Rises

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Star Trek Into Darkness

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug 

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

X-Men Days of Future Past


on Dvd, I don't rewatch nearly as much as I use to. mostly becuase I guess my interest in different kinds of movies have increased significantly in the past few years and there are so many films I haven't seen I want to

I probably have seen all the star wars movies over 100 times each, I'm pretty sure the phantom menace is my most watched movie of all time, probably around 200 times (and while I don't think it's as bad some people, probably mostly because of nostalgia, it's now far from my favorite movie) oh and lord of the Rings I've probably seen about 100 times each. I know I've seen some Disney animations alot and the X-Men and Spider-man 1 & 2 probably close to 50 times


in recent years, Star Trek I've probably seen about 2 dozen times, Twilight maybe 15 >_> Iron Man probably around 20.  

Edited by KaloVisor
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I generally only watch a movie once in the theater unless I really enjoy it, then I may catch it a second time.  I've only watched a small number of movies more than twice at the theaters; The Avengers, The Dark Knight Rises, Titanic, The Matrix, and I will probably catch Edge of Tomorrow one more time to make three times for that movie.


edit: I thought we were only talking about how many times we re-watch a movie at the theater.  I generally re-watch movies that I enjoy on home video 5-10 times easily.

Edited by Punishment
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Yes.  I like seeing the same movie more than once, especially if I am watching it with different people.  


For example, I saw The Matrix 6 times in theaters.  I saw it by myself on opening day, then I took a friend the next day because I told him he had to see it. Then, the following day I took two different friends because I told them they had to see it.  The other 3 times, I went with different people each time that hadn't seen it yet.


Working at a theater now doesn't afford me the time to go more than once usually, especially having moved twice in a year, no close friends except those at the theater already.

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