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Disney's A Wrinkle in Time | 9th March, 2018 | Frozen's Jennifer Lee writing, Ava DuVernay directing. 45% on RT

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On 1/22/2018 at 11:29 PM, MovieMan89 said:

I think the better question is...

What exactly has ever made this seem like it's going to be so bad?


Some people here seem to be exclusively hung up on this whole "be a warrior" line, as if it's "I don't like sand..." or something. 

To be honest “I don’t like sand” is a much better line than


”The only thing faster than light... IS THE DARKNESS!”


The cheesy sweet dreams rendition just makes it worse.

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35 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

that line is only in the trailer so far (we have no idea how it'll be delivered in the movie or if it'll even be there at all) and it's really not that bad.  come the fuck on.

Right? Panda has some weird obsession with the dialouge/taglines of this movie, when generic is about the worst you can possibly say for any of it. 

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18 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Right? Panda has some weird obsession with the dialouge/taglines of this movie, when generic is about the worst you can possibly say for any of it. 

Plus for all we know that line could much better within the context of the film. I don't even think it's a particularly bad bit of dialogue, just "eh".

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10 hours ago, Jonwo said:

I wonder if this will be like Oz where it does good numbers domestically but meh numbers OS since book isn't well known OS. 


I always thought the book was English...it isn't :o /never read it. I want it to be successful everywhere bc I am really gunning for it...but it does seem like a longshot.

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10 hours ago, KeepItU25071906 said:

I will be like Tomorrowland. Meh domestic and overseas numbers

Not sure about that equivalent:


Look at the google trend interest by country:

For the book:

https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&q=%2Fm%2F02q83r


For the movie:




For Oprah:

https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2018-02-05T12\:00\:00 2018-02-08T23\:15\:00&q=%2Fm%2F0grwj



It does seem like it would be domestic heavy for the genre this one, if it is meh domestic and what is the book/cast most natural market, I imagine it will be meh everywhere.


I think it could be possible for it to do 160m dbo and still not go much more over 200intl for example.


Compare to Tomorrowland:

https://trends.google.com.sg/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&q=%2Fm%2F0gywk0k


Was much bigger in Europe/Russia than US

Edited by Barnack
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I love Ava but this just doesn't look good to me. I hope this surprises. I also don't see the black community rallying around this like they did to black panther so I don't understand the push in marketing of the diversity/black lead seems to be in vain. 

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The diversity angle has been the hook for this since the beginning. It probably is their best move to push it since I haven't been all that impressed with everything else.


Is that the only reason you're so defensive about this movie, @MovieMan89 ? Because I can definitely sympathize with wanting this to succeed because of what it would mean for the industry in the #visiblewomen era.  But I'm just failing to see anything distinguishing it much from the usual boilerplate Disney spectacle. Duvernay would hardly be the first talented filmmaker to misfire on a big budget adaptation of a classic literary work.

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Just incidentally, both my kids are losing their shit over this movie. The 11 year old is seeing it with her class when it comes out, and then she wants to see it with the family over the weekend. She's not the best judge of movie openings, but I was surprised by her enthusiasm.

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2 hours ago, Barnack said:

Not sure about that equivalent:


Look at the google trend interest by country:

For the book:

https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today 5-y&q=%2Fm%2F02q83r


And? I don't see any significant numbers, only a percentage, like: we have 5 requires per hour, this is max during this year, let's count this like 100 points.

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1 minute ago, KeepItU25071906 said:

And? I don't see any significant numbers, only a percentage, like: we have 5 requires per hour, this is max during this year, let's count this like 100 points.

If I understand correctly you give 100 to the region that is most interested relative to is Internet presence size and you go down, 50 is a country that is internet activity "by capita" is half the US. It is the average level of interest on google of the last 5 year's.


If you click the little ? sign google gave the explanation:


See in which location your term was most popular during the specified time frame. Values are calculated on a scale from 0 to 100, where 100 is the location with the most popularity as a fraction of total searches in that location, a value of 50 indicates a location which is half as popular. A value of 0 indicates a location where there was not enough data for this term.


Note: A higher value means a higher proportion of all queries, not a higher absolute query count. So a tiny country where 80% of the queries are for "bananas" will get twice the score of a giant country where only 40% of the queries are for "bananas".

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