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Interstellar (2014)


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I would love to see him attempt something like that. I've been saying for years I think he could do better with a black comedy than most people expect.

He reminds me of Polanski/Hitchcock/Fincher more than anything else sometimes. They did it. He could... Or, at minimum, bet he could toe that line. As we all saw earlier this year with Gone Girl, it's a very fine line between uber-serious melodrama and pitch black comedy.

Edited by JohnnyGossamer
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Well, Nolan has two big strengths, and those are set design / visuals and a gift for non-linear storytelling (call it well-crafted). I think a dark psycho-thriller with good visuals might be just up his alley, but comedy - that's maybe the hardest genre and, frankly, not where I would want him to go. What I'd really like is a brainy SF story in which he has enough confidence so he doesn't feel the urge to include uncalled-for action sequences. (Anyone recall the shootout in Inception?)

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Let me bring this to more terrestrial level. 


Let's say you find a primitive culture in decline on a small island. The island can be anywhere on Earth, doesn't matter. But you want to save that culture from extinction. Now you, being a modern culture can transplant that primitive culture to any number of polynesian, Tahitian, Indonesian or Caribbean islands that would more than sustain them. They would be stable, nourishing and temperate not to mention easy to adapt to and grow food. Why would you then send them to a frozen, storm laden island (or islands) near and active volcano? Even if on of those islands was not quite as harsh as the others its still next to an active volcano.


And that doesn't even take into account that you could possibly have the knowledge and technology to save them right there on their own island. Heck there's even another "Red" island right next to them that they could go to. It might be more work adapting to the "air" or lack there of but at least it's not right next to a freakin BLACK HOLE!!!.... excuse me, I mean a volcano.


This is not a perfect analogy but I think the basic point is there.



Strangely enough I actually did enjoy Interstellar. Nolan has a way of coming up with completely nonsensical premises and still making them enjoyable and easy to gloss over while you're watching the first time through. Except for some ham fisted dialogue and a WTF moment where a scientist actually uses LOVE as an argument I thought it was a very enjoyable movie. In a strange way I almost feel like each Nolan film gets better and better in terms of visuals, editing, suspense and overall story telling. However they are reversely getting worse and worse in the basic concepts and underlying premises of each movie. 


That's the gist of of it.


Although I had a theory: it's a little ass-backwards but still: the 5-D humans still needed to get Cooper into the black hole/tesseract. So they had two goals: to get humanity off Earth and settled elsewhere, and to get Cooper to go into the black hole so he could complete the circular arc of helping Murph discover the equation.


Now, like the Joker's plan in DARK KNIGHT, it doesn't make complete sense and you'd have to perfectly predict all sorts of actions (both large and small). But then again, they're five-dimensional people. :P

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Although I had a theory: it's a little ass-backwards but still: the 5-D humans still needed to get Cooper into the black hole/tesseract. So they had two goals: to get humanity off Earth and settled elsewhere, and to get Cooper to go into the black hole so he could complete the circular arc of helping Murph discover the equation.

Now, like the Joker's plan in DARK KNIGHT, it doesn't make complete sense and you'd have to perfectly predict all sorts of actions (both large and small). But then again, they're five-dimensional people. :P

The 5 d beings are doing what they can and that s the way they found to accomplish what is needed. You have te remember that they are so advanced that communicating directly to us is almost impossible.

Imagine if you had to explain electricity to an ant ... Pretty tricky. That s exactly what the 5d are doing through Cooper/murph and the robot getting the readings inside the blackhole so the equation can be transmitted back home, Copper/murph are the singularity the 5 d needed to stabilize the space time continuum so they can exist and evolve beyond time and space. It is in their history books.

Edited by The Futurist
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The 5 d beings are doing what they can and that s the way they found to accomplish what is needed. You have te remember that they are so advanced that communicating directly to us is almost impossible.

Imagine if you had to explain electricity to an ant ... Pretty tricky. That s exactly what the 5d are doing through Cooper/murph and the robot getting the readings inside the blackhole so the equation can be transmitted back home, Copper/murph are the singularity the 5 d needed to stabilize the space time continuum so they can exist and evolve beyond time and space. It is in their history books.

Yes, I get all that. My point is {a} they needed the black hole and {b} it's a pretty convoluted plan with many places where it could go wrong. (Though of course in their timeline it didn't, but now we're back to the Bill & Ted theory of time travel -- they knew it worked out because it worked out.)

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Yes, I get all that. My point is {a} they needed the black hole and {b} it's a pretty convoluted plan with many places where it could go wrong. (Though of course in their timeline it didn't, but now we're back to the Bill & Ted theory of time travel -- they knew it worked out because it worked out.)

As I said, with the chicken and egg paradox of time travel, you still have to feed the chicken so you can have an egg. And yes it s convoluted and it could have fucked up at many points but I guess you have to accept the fact that the 5 d beings understand things differently than us, you could say they are watching events happenning as spectators outside of the universe, outside of space and time. They just can see everything everywhere and that s what is happenning to Cooper in the Tessaract, except his humanity and love bring him directly into his daughter s bedroom, that s all he can see at any time.

People who find the love transcends space and time corny can eat poop.

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Let me bring this to more terrestrial level. 


Let's say you find a primitive culture in decline on a small island. The island can be anywhere on Earth, doesn't matter. But you want to save that culture from extinction. Now you, being a modern culture can transplant that primitive culture to any number of polynesian, Tahitian, Indonesian or Caribbean islands that would more than sustain them. They would be stable, nourishing and temperate not to mention easy to adapt to and grow food. Why would you then send them to a frozen, storm laden island (or islands) near and active volcano? Even if on of those islands was not quite as harsh as the others its still next to an active volcano.


And that doesn't even take into account that you could possibly have the knowledge and technology to save them right there on their own island. Heck there's even another "Red" island right next to them that they could go to. It might be more work adapting to the "air" or lack there of but at least it's not right next to a freakin BLACK HOLE!!!.... excuse me, I mean a volcano.


This is not a perfect analogy but I think the basic point is there.



Strangely enough I actually did enjoy Interstellar. Nolan has a way of coming up with completely nonsensical premises and still making them enjoyable and easy to gloss over while you're watching the first time through. Except for some ham fisted dialogue and a WTF moment where a scientist actually uses LOVE as an argument I thought it was a very enjoyable movie. In a strange way I almost feel like each Nolan film gets better and better in terms of visuals, editing, suspense and overall story telling. However they are reversely getting worse and worse in the basic concepts and underlying premises of each movie. 


That's the gist of of it.

It's not like they had a lot of pretty planets to choose from is it? Beggars can't be choosers as they say.

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Although I had a theory: it's a little ass-backwards but still: the 5-D humans still needed to get Cooper into the black hole/tesseract. So they had two goals: to get humanity off Earth and settled elsewhere, and to get Cooper to go into the black hole so he could complete the circular arc of helping Murph discover the equation.


Now, like the Joker's plan in DARK KNIGHT, it doesn't make complete sense and you'd have to perfectly predict all sorts of actions (both large and small). But then again, they're five-dimensional people. :P

It was an elaborate plan but it sure paid off.

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It's not like they had a lot of pretty planets to choose from is it? Beggars can't be choosers as they say.

That's my point exactly. They do have a lot to choose from. They being the 5D "people". My analogy isn't perfect but what I saying is if you're a technologically advance race with the ability to send or at least open the door to any place in universe to save another dying race, why send them to 3 crappy planets orbiting a black hole? A BLACK HOLE !?! Out of all the BILLIONS AND BILLIONS (said in Carl Sagan drawl) of stars in our galaxy alone are there really no better candidates for a habitable planet? These beings are so advanced that they can create a stable wormhole to another galaxy that's over a mile in diameter, for over fifty years. Surely they have the ability to find one planet for us to live on that's not orbiting a freakin massive black hole?


Now my point is predicated solely on the notion that the 5D "people" simply found a dying race and are trying to save them. If I look at it as the 5D "people" (which are supposed to be us in the far future) are just following a string of events they have to create just so we can solve a math problem that allows us to save our selves is such a stretch and flawed premise that I can't accept it. 


I'll tell you why it's a stretch.


A.  You have to first accept that this is a chicken and egg story which I reject on principle alone. Even if a paradox is created by Cooper sending himself, there has to be a first time through reality where there is no cooper "in the bookshelf". There has to be a version where we figure out how to save our selves which eliminates the need to go back in time to save us again.


B.  If you accept the chicken and the egg premise you have to ask yourselves who are the 5D "people" trying to save? Which reality? Which version of the multiverse are they trying to create a new branch for? Because if you are going to hold that IS is using or trying to use real science, then you have to allow for the multiverse. So yes there can be a paradox where there in one version of "time" where we save our selves to become the 5D people and in another where it's cooper BUT no matter which it is opening a wormhole and creating events that change the past would only create one new branch of reality in the multiverse. It would not necessarily help you to become you in the future, only a version of you in the past that might not have otherwise done it. That's not even counting the endless possible histories you'd have to change. How many versions are there where we didn't figure it out. Do you change just one or all? (wow my head hurts after that one).


C. Ok lets just throw that argument of chicken and the egg out the window. Let's say we just go with it. Then we have a story telling problem because in no way did Nolan set up that anybody but Murphy knows what Cooper did. The people in that future all believe that Murphy is their savior. As far as the movie shows to everyone in the future she the only one that solved the equation that allowed for then to build antigravity engines that could lift giant generation ships of the ground. Cooper isn't celebrated when he's found or touted as any major part of the actual saving of human kind. His welcome is more like "oh hey. It's cool you're back. Check out your farm museum." I've seen some say that HE knows and when future generations find him or least the new colony we presume he makes it to that he let's everyone know. But if you factor in all the time dilation stuff when he's found (again) there will have been hundreds of years worth of entrenched history and dogma surrounding MURPHY the savior of mankind. It's just too much of a stretch.


D.  Now I start to get nit picky. If the 5D people are us in the future how far in the future is it that they can construct wormholes and can perceive time and all this great stuff but can not figure out how to send a message back with some morse code data? A little binary data burst? Shit they could make the wormhole blink in and out to form a code on and endless loop. The robot says they can't find what part of time right? That they need love (gag) right? Then how did they know where and when to put the wormhole? How did they know exactly when to spit Cooper back out of the worm hole at the end so he'd be picked up? If the 5D people are so far advance from us they can not figure out how to communicate with us then why would they bother? Would we go back in time tens of millions of years ago to save a primitive monkey from falling out of a tree? How would we even know we need to do that when it's so far in the past?


E. Now here's a change of direction. What if the 5D "people" are not us in the future. (please correct me if I missed this) I only recall Cooper saying the 5D people are us. What if he's wrong. If they are an alien race then maybe it makes more sense. It would help many of those chicken & egg problems. But I come back to why the black hole? Why not send us data on how to save our planet? Stop the Blyte? What would have been cool is if they had indicated Earth was drying up and the black hole planets were meant as resources and not to colonize. Take water and ice from them and bring them to Earth. If we made a mistake thinking they were for us to colonize that would have been a cool twist. I'd like that better then having to switch off my frontal cortex just to believe the premise.



Alright that's all I'm gonna do because I'm getting tired of myself going on and on about it. What makes me mad is that I actually liked the film. I hate to pick it apart or dissect it to this degree because at the end of the day I thought it was very entertaining. You know it's easier for me to accept the chicken & egg stuff easier when it's something like "Back to the Future" or "Looper" because they are not framing it as science. Interstellar takes the position of this is closer to real science about black holes, relativity and time dilation so I hold to to a higher standard then a comedy or action film that just happens to have time travel. 


Im out of breath now so I'm done.

Edited by Rufus Magillicutty
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