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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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1 hour ago, Firepower said:

Some of the takes here from a couple of Marvel fanboys are so stupid I can't tell for sure if it's for real or just trolling. People can't be that stupid, can they?

They're in the young generation of people who are getting bathed and indoctrinated in this PC rhetoric. Every time a new movie is announced they've got their checklists and looking over the cast and crew to see if all the boxes are checked. If not, they whine about the lack of diversity. There's never any attention paid to what the film actually is, what the story is, what they themes are. None of that matters. It's like when we talk about hiring practices nowadays. Merit doesn't even factor in. It's all about identity politics and checklists.

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i will say directors like scorsese who aren't journeymen are just gonna tell the stories they want to tell. if you don't wanna see it and wanna support more diverse projects that's up to you to vote with your dollars for something else. but him telling a story about a certain group just because twitter demanded it... doesn't sound like the makings of a good movie.

Edited by CoolioD1
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1 hour ago, That One Guy said:


I can guarantee to you that Disney and Marvel don’t give two shits about diversity.  Their films have diverse casts because they’ve learned it boosts ticket sales, and that’s the beginning and end of their reasoning.  Not saying that diversity isn’t good (it is, unequivocally), but it’s hard to praise them for it when their version of diversity is having an “exclusively gay moment” in Beauty and the Beast (hint: it’s barely there) or having the only explicitly gay character in a Marvel movie be the director casting himself in a one scene role that can easily be re-edited for China.

Agreed but that’s most blockbusters anyways

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16 minutes ago, Rorschach said:



But guys anyone who doesn’t like what I like is a jealous hater (despite the fact that some films aren’t for everyone) so I can protect my fragile ego.

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2 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

But guys anyone who doesn’t like what I like is a jealous hater (despite the fact that some films aren’t for everyone) so I can protect my fragile ego.

For the 1000th time, calling something "despicable" is a far cry from simply not liking it.

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7 minutes ago, WittyUsername said:

We should bring Orson Welles and Stanley Kubrick back from the dead and ask them what they think of Marvel/superhero movies. 

Bring them back like Disney brought back Peter Cushing

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2 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


Yes, that's called using an adjective to describe your dislike for it

Yeah, a deliberately inflammatory one. And because he used that adjective people are 100% justified to criticize him. It's not like he said "they're not for me" which is a totally inoffensive way of conveying dislike.

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Just now, Menor said:

Yeah, a deliberately inflammatory one. And because he used that adjective people are 100% justified to criticize him. It's not like he said "they're not for me" which is a totally inoffensive way of conveying dislike.


well if he's gonna be asked the question in an interview, then he might as well be inflammatory.  it made fanboys mad so it worked!

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11 minutes ago, Menor said:

For the 1000th time, calling something "despicable" is a far cry from simply not liking it.

I’m an animation fan for as long as I can remember. Hell I wanted to be one for the longest time until recently. People have always dismissed animation in the media both discrete and blatant, hell there’s always criticism like that for almost everything nowadays but i don’t let it bother me. 


I still enjoy the MCU, hell Black Panther is probably top 5 comic book movies for me, and I grew up on superhero shows and movies but I don’t see what the big deal is when someone doesn’t like it, especially when it’s currently the biggest franchise in the world with damn good critical reception, even if the post is somewhat inflammatory, does the opinion of Scorsese and Ford effect the MCU or its fans at all? Like are they removing copies of Endgame worldwide? Is Tony Stark blacklisted from fictional appearances?

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1 minute ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

I’m an animation fan for as long as I can remember. Hell I wanted to be one for the longest time until recently. People have always dismissed animation in the media both discrete and blatant, hell there’s always criticism like that for almost everything nowadays but i don’t let it bother me. 


I still enjoy the MCU, hell Black Panther is probably top 5 comic book movies for me, and I grew up on superhero shows and movies but I don’t see what the big deal is when someone doesn’t like it, especially when it’s currently the biggest franchise in the world with damn good critical reception, even if the post is somewhat inflammatory, does the opinion of Scorsese and Ford effect the MCU or its fans at all? Like are they removing copies of Endgame worldwide? Is Tony Stark blacklisted from fictional appearances?

Honestly, it's probably less so their comments themselves and more so that whenever I open up social media I see retweets of the comments with some caption insulting MCU fans, which I think is totally uncalled for. Especially when it's from verified users who have a decently large following. 

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That said, I feel like Scorsese and Ford chose Marvel as more a criticism on current blockbuster takeover. No one is denying that moviegoing is expensive, hell being a biology major, most of the movies I see theatrical nowadays are the tentpoles due to family/friends and for fun. The problem isn’t the MCU but rather the urge of making everything a franchise, sometimes it works out but you don’t capture the same pull like DC and Star Wars, but the rest kills franchises like the Lego films, MonsterVerse, the numerous flopping sequels this year but due to the ways things are now as well as the rise of streaming as well as the pandemonium of the Trump era, major studios would rather risk a flop for nostalgia than try a new ideas or try mid budget films. In 2000 had 7 films in the top 50 that year were sequels/reboots, 2019 has 27 films in the top 50. Unless we do ticket based pricing (like cheaper for smaller films, regular for tentpoles etc.), there won’t really be a change. Audiences have always gone to the cinema for fun, but it’s sad and disheartening to see less options and less risks, so it’s an understandable complaint.

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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