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Fanboy Wars Thread: Personal Attacks not allowed | With Digital Fur Technology

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22 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:

I've seen a lot of concern trolling in comic book movie threads lately and it really shouldn't be in those in my opinion. And that's all it is.. is my opinion. The threads can be about likes and dislikes and box office and what went wrong or went right...   but the concern trolling is ruining the threads. 

Fans (of anything, not just movies) have a way of seeing bias or trolling where none exists. I do too. Which is why its good to have a neutral perspective. 


For example Joker/BOP threads currently have more people thread banned than any other active threads that I know of, with bans in the double digits. Wouldn’t be much point in having a discussion thread if super positive fanboys posts are the only thing allowed. At that point there’d be no difference between us and fanboy forums/reddit. 

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4 hours ago, Johnny Tran said:

I've seen a lot of concern trolling in comic book movie threads lately and it really shouldn't be in those in my opinion. And that's all it is.. is my opinion. The threads can be about likes and dislikes and box office and what went wrong or went right...   but the concern trolling is ruining the threads. 

I understand your frustrations, but I do want to note that the staff has tried their hardest to stop concern trolling in CBM threads as much as possible. We may not always be there, but we're human, we all have lives outside of moderating, and we can't be there at all times (it's also why we encourage people to report things, so we can at least get an idea something's going down). We also have thread banned plenty of people who start trouble in these threads.


But being honest here, outside of a few troublemakers, I haven't seen much in the way of concern trolling lately? And what instances there are, we do get rid of it pretty quickly. From what I've seen, it's mainly people discussing things and differing thoughts about the movies or their box office potential. And...yeah, this is a discussion forum, so there's bound to be negative posts here and there. As always, please report anything that you may see as trolling, but I think you're being unreasonable.

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21 hours ago, ZeeSoh said:

Moderators are users too and have full rights to support a movie, post their dislikes and whatever they want to post as long as it is within forum rules. 


Like any users, mods are allowed to have their biases as long as it doesn't affect their moderation. Just because some users have their knickers in a twist crying foul over perceived biases doesn't mean that there is one.  

problem with that is if a Mod takes sides, he is automatically going to be accused of favoring one side in his moderation.

And it's all about preception. A referee just does not need to be unbiased, he needs to be seen as being unbiases. 

I think taking sides by a Mod is almost certainly going to result in his creditbility taking a pretty good hit. I think a Mod has a right to comment, of course, but when ti comes to the feuds he should recuse himself.

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23 hours ago, lorddemaxus said:

Most people who engage in the Marvel and DC fan rivalry were probably not even 10 years old back in 2008.

I think that so many of them seem totally ignorant about the history of the charecters in their respective franchises seems to support that.

A lot of times I thing it's all about just getting one up on the other guy.

And please note, you never see Marvel or DC indulge in this nonsense. It's just plain stupid and the don't have the time for it.

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I honestly am looking forward to DC a lot more than Marvel in these next couple of years. 

Outside of Spider-Man 3, Black Panther 2, GOTG 3, and Deadpool 3, nothing seems that interesting nor exciting to me since the focus is on introducing a slate of new characters. Most of which I’ve never heard of before their film/tv show got announced. I can’t wait for the Fantastic 4 to be done on film again though.



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2 minutes ago, Alli said:

The Rhythm Section?

You mean in terms of being the movie the tweets are talking about? Perhaps. In all honesty, despite my vocal dislike for Harley Quinn as a character and concept, I’d be lying if I said that I want BoP to be a bad movie, so if nothing else, I do hope it doesn’t get a critical thrashing.

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Just read about Peter Jackson's new documentary on the last days of the Beatles.

PJ seems to be taking a break from his big budget projects to do documentaries.

Irony is, "They Shall Not Grow Old" documentary on Soldiers in  World War One turned out to his best received critically film since LOTR.


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As someone who has been reading comics since the mid-80s I can't relate to the fanwars that seem to enthrall so many.

I just enjoy good product and a variety of publishers at any given time will have their products output flux.

I try to get to most comic book movies and TV shows. At one time that was very attainable. The last 5yrs the boom has made that nearly impossible, especially on the TV side. 


I'd go and see films that looked questionable and likely to be bad just to see characters/situations brought to life. Show some support for the action sub-genre of 'comic book movies'. I saw Catwoman, Steel, Elektra, Jonah Hex and Tank Girl. I was bummed the recent Hellboy was lackluster if entertaining. I like how Kingman has found a niche. 


I am a huge VALIANT comics fan and hope Bloodshot can have success. If it could be the Iron Man for VALIANT I'd be super pumped. Seeing X-O Manowar on the big screen done right would be epic. Ninjak has so much potential.


The most discerning thing in the comic book movie threads is that if you have reservations or feel based on what you're seeing that the film looks spotty the labeling that happens. Too many try to dismiss you as a "________ zombie fan" whose biased. I'm aware there are some that is a legit label for but it gets tossed out when it shouldn't or there isn't basis for the tag. Worse if its a female led film you'll just get called a sexist cause you dared to have an opposite opinion. 

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5 hours ago, Captain Craig said:

As someone who has been reading comics since the mid-80s I can't relate to the fanwars that seem to enthrall so many.

I just enjoy good product and a variety of publishers at any given time will have their products output flux.

I try to get to most comic book movies and TV shows. At one time that was very attainable. The last 5yrs the boom has made that nearly impossible, especially on the TV side. 


I'd go and see films that looked questionable and likely to be bad just to see characters/situations brought to life. Show some support for the action sub-genre of 'comic book movies'. I saw Catwoman, Steel, Elektra, Jonah Hex and Tank Girl. I was bummed the recent Hellboy was lackluster if entertaining. I like how Kingman has found a niche. 


I am a huge VALIANT comics fan and hope Bloodshot can have success. If it could be the Iron Man for VALIANT I'd be super pumped. Seeing X-O Manowar on the big screen done right would be epic. Ninjak has so much potential.


The most discerning thing in the comic book movie threads is that if you have reservations or feel based on what you're seeing that the film looks spotty the labeling that happens. Too many try to dismiss you as a "________ zombie fan" whose biased. I'm aware there are some that is a legit label for but it gets tossed out when it shouldn't or there isn't basis for the tag. Worse if its a female led film you'll just get called a sexist cause you dared to have an opposite opinion. 

Sorry,but if a film looks bad I will not go see it to 
"Suppport a genre".

Supporting bad movies just guarantees more bad movies will be made.

And don't get me started on what they did with Jonah Hex.....

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8 minutes ago, dudalb said:

Sorry,but if a film looks bad I will not go see it to 
"Suppport a genre".

Supporting bad movies just guarantees more bad movies will be made.

And don't get me started on what they did with Jonah Hex.....

I get that. However at the time, late 90s early 00s, it felt a bit more important to support them in hopes there would be more Raimi Spider-man and Singer X-Men type adaptions. 

Now I don't think supporting a comic film I see as potentially bad is necessary. 

Hence Birds of Prey is not one I'm going to make time for, it looks laughably bad.

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There's some early reactions for the cheap DC Deadpool movie, and the DC and Marvel trolls are going wild in its thread (Harley).


Here's what I wrote there:


16 minutes ago, TMP said:

Remember Star Wars 9's first reactions? And Gemini Man?


LOL?? Both of them were great, far better than this cheapy here could be.

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Putting this in here because it's a divisive movie but discussing a certain "anti hate satire" with people who love that movie on Reddit has become another debate where we debate about whether almost all Nazis were bad or not (there's very little evidence to show that large number of people opposed the cause). I'm not sure if these people understand what they are saying.

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7 hours ago, shayhiri said:

There's some early reactions for the cheap DC Deadpool movie, and the DC and Marvel trolls are going wild in its thread (Harley).


Here's what I wrote there:



LOL?? Both of them were great, far better than this cheapy here could be.

This is an awful attempt at trolling but I will say the Star Wars IX early reactions were not that good at all.  Most of us read between the lines and saw that the reactions were lukewarm at best and it wasn't a good sign.  There are phrases to pick up on when a critic isn't outright ready to shit on something.  


Also,  yeah.. your trolling needs a lot of work.  Get back in the lab. 

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A new Academy Awards trend is to nominate the lesser film of similar subjects (And give the BA Oscar to the lesser lead)


Bohemian Rhapsody - Rocketman


Joker - Birds of Prey

Edited by The Panda
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