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***SPOILERS*** The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread ***SPOILERS ALLOWED*** You have been warned! DO NOT ENTER if you don't want to be spoiled

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5 hours ago, Salacious Tree Crumb said:

Ugh, Han's death is completely botched. It's not moving at all - the film spends no time on developing and understanding the relationship between him and his son. Maybe that'll be explored in future films but right here, right now, it's a massive flaw in the film.


Same goes for Luke. Don't introduce an idea if you are not going to do anything with it within the film.

*shrugs* I didn't think the relationship was poorly done at all. It gave you just enough to see the turmoil Han was obviously going through and lets you fill in the gaps yourself. Sometimes less is more. Maybe it could've used a bit extra from Kylo's side but I suspect that will be explored in more detail (along with his corruption by Snoke) in the sequels. 


As for Luke, the idea that they 'didn't do anything with it' is fairly nonsensical. Did you miss the fact that the primary aim of most of the cast was to find him? Finding him drives a huge amount of the plot, even if he doesn't turn up personally until the end. And frankly him not appearing until then was a good thing in my eyes. There simply would not have been enough room for him to have had a suitable role if he was given a big part in this movie, not when Finn, Rey and Han (who deserves focus for his last hurrah) are already taking centre stage. Save him until the next film where he has room to shine. 

Edited by rukaio101
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I was born in the 90's the first Star wars movie I saw was ATC. It left no mark on me. I was like 17-18 when i first saw OT. For me they has alwasy been very good old movies that has stood the test of time(ANH and ESB, ROJ was never more than a good movie).


My expectetion of the TFA was on my scale a 5, not good movie or bad movie.  A fun crowd pleasers that was a  functioning movie that borrowed a lot from the OT.


What we got was a reboot that simply copied AHN. They removed part of the puzzel and added new( some that work other that didn't) but the story was the same.

The first and second act works on that plane. Rey was a good protagonist, a hero in the making. So far the TFA was a good movie but not as good as the original from 1978.


The ending of this movie is the problem. It simply dosen't work. Rey beats Kylo=heros journey complete. Her skill equal that of Luke after his traning and kylo looks like a fool not a threat. There are no conflict left and still the only thing the ending trys to do is to set up the next movie.


PS. R2- D2 is the greatest troll in the galaxy.



Edited by Haha
wrong word
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9 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

Rian Johnson to the rescue?

Future Kylo travels back in time to stop himself killing Han. Han lives and returns in the 9th film. 

Edited by DeeCee
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3 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:

There appear to be a few who dumped on it. Yes. That's what happens most of the time with movies that garner such an enormous amount of hype... BVS and TA3 will both pretty well be screwed as well with all the hype they'll generate. It happens. Perhaps upon subsequent viewings after the hype dies down, they can see it again and not be so quick to pick it apart and just enjoy it...........or not??

I feel you.


It annoys me sometimes. They complain about the heightened expectations not being met, etc. Well, then don't let them get higher?


I mean, I think a lot of the time these people set themselves up for disappointment with what they go in expecting.


Like, damn. Sure, the reviews and trailers can hype a person up, but in my case, I've found that my expectations don't increase so much that I walk out of blockbuster after blockbuster bashing it and upset with the "trash" I just watched.


You know?

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17 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:

There appear to be a few who dumped on it, Yes.. That's what happens most of the time with movies that garner such an enormous amount of hype.. BvsS and TA3 will both pretty well be screwed as well with all the hype they'll generate.. It happens.. Perhaps upon subsequent viewings after the hype dies down, they can see it again and not be so quick to pick it apart and just enjoy it...........or not??


I agree. And it's not only the movies themselves: look at the "battles" on all of the threads whenever a highly anticipated blockbuster trailer debuts. It's just carnage! And then everyone starts bashing and dissecting and complaining about every single frame. That comes with the blockbuster territory...

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Just registered, so I'm sure I will have plenty of stupid questions and plenty of stupid things to say.? The first being, when you say a "Jurassic World situation," does that mean, the movie getting dumped on on this site, but the general audience eating it up?

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hmmm... over at IMDB, almost all of today's reviews (12/17) have been poor, mediocre or mixed. almost all of them. 10/10s have only made up about 10-15% of the new reviews out of about 50. 9/10s make up about a similar number. even then, nothing in the good/great reviews indicate the movie is a masterpiece and quite flawed instead.  complaints are similar, too much of an OT rehash, poor story/plot/character development, disappointing ending, weak villains especially Kylo Ren,  plot induced stupidity (particularly Rey's light saber skills), lack of Star Wars spirit, uninspired score, forced humor.  the pros are similar as well, OT nostalgia, good action scenes, special effects, better than the PT.  basically, the movie could have been much, much better, but also much, much worse.  a very big disconnect with Rotten Tomatoes, but we're talking IMDB...

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Just saw the film, oh boy.




You know how we live in an age of endless remakes, remakes that almost always end up being far worse than the orig film?, thats what this film is.

Its a remake of A New Hope but without the epicness that film had.

There are literally whole sections of the film that are lifted straight from A New Hope. Now that wouldn't bother me too much if it bettered A New Hope, but it doesn't.

The ariel battles are barely shown, seriously you don't see much more than you have seen in the trailers. The lightsabre fight at the end is zoomed in and shaky cam so it loses all effect for me.

Kylo Ren is a pussy and a terrible clone of Darth Vader. He keeps having tantrums which is pretty funny.

And also what has been mentioned in the past on here, there is just a whole load of things that happen without knowing why or how. No one even mentions Han dying, even the Princess lol.


There are good points like the acting is better than the prequels. Rey is a brilliant character. Finn is also a decent character but some of his dialogue is cringeworthy like when he's shooting down tie-fighters and is talking smack lol. Also i liked his character but i don't get what the point of his character was, its almost like they added him for the sake of it.


Han was great but killed off. The final scene with Luke is, well i predicted it months ago and its just as flat as i expected.


I will say this, it IS better than the prequels BUT it lacks the scope and epic feel that the prequels had. The Force Awakens feels very small, its weird really.


Anyway here is my list for the films -


Jedi/A New Hope




The Force Awakens






The Phantom Menace/Sith



















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33 minutes ago, Moose said:

Just registered, so I'm sure I will have plenty of stupid questions and plenty of stupid things to say.? The first being, when you say a "Jurassic World situation," does that mean, the movie getting dumped on on this site, but the general audience eating it up?



Edited by stuart360
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