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$82M OD for BvS.


Wow, still pretty good. That number  is a tiny bit above Jurassic World's $81M OD.


However, the thing is......Jurassic World got good reviews....and people liked that movie way more.


Maybe Batman & Superman has very little chance against the T.Rex & Indominus Rex.

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11) Eye in the Sky (BLST), 123 theaters (+88)/ $288K Fri. (+160%) / 3-day cume: $924K (+119%)/Total Cume: $1.6MWk 3


This is surviving nicely against shit like BvS and Miracles From Heaven. Hopefully it holds on to its PTA in the next couple of weeks. 

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16 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

JL will do ALOT less on OW if audiences aren't too receptive to this one and that right there would be the problem for WB / DC. They would have failed to establish a franchise if this movie is doing poorly among audiences.

You don't stop do you. And BvS is not the Avengers that would bbe Justice League when they face off against a huge DC villain like Darkseid

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4 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

I've sat through many shitty comic book movies with crappy pacing (long boring scenes of exposition, long mind-numbing scenes of action) and they all got A- Cinemascores from the dumbasses who were polled. How bad was BvS to get a B?? 


For me it was a solid A but if I want to be critical A-.

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Superhero is the only genre where, if a critic pans a film, some viewers react as if a bee stung them in the face. This still baffles me.
3/26/16, 6:03 AM


wCEm3wDH9JnDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== mattzollerseitz
I am a critic. I'm going to tell you what I think. I enjoy writing for a mass audience. I'm not here to validate you or ruin your fun.
3/26/16, 6:11 AM


wCEm3wDH9JnDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== mattzollerseitz
Do not look to me to validate your taste. I'm interested in your opinion but that's where it ends. Own your preferences. Be a grown-up.
3/26/16, 6:13 AM


wCEm3wDH9JnDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== mattzollerseitz
I don't want to be followed on Twitter by childish men who need their opinions on superhero films, any films, to be validated.
3/26/16, 6:24 AM


wCEm3wDH9JnDQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== mattzollerseitz
The relationship between culture and criticism is encapsulated in that scene in THE FUGITIVE: "I didn't kill my wife." "I don't care."
3/26/16, 6:39 AM



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4 minutes ago, La Binoche said:

I've sat through many shitty comic book movies with crappy pacing (long boring scenes of exposition, long mind-numbing scenes of action) and they all got A- Cinemascores from the dumbasses who were polled. How bad was BvS to get a B?? 

As someone who didn't like it, the problem is that...it's just not fun. You can make a serious comic book movie but there should be at least some sense of wonder or cinematic magic. Dark does not automatically equal great, a concept that seems to escape Zack Snyder (plus the way he views these characters is, at best, misguided). Even Nolan's Gotham looks like a better place to visit than Snyder's Gotham and Metropolis.

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3 minutes ago, Ethan Hunt said:

I love that John has over 100 more posts than the person with the second most posts in this thread


  • CJohn
    291 posts
  • Lordmandeep
    188 posts
  • Telemachos
    146 posts
  • #ED
    138 posts
  • Ethan Hunt
    Ethan Hunt
    116 posts
  • filmlover
    115 posts
  • Nova
    113 posts
  • iJackSparrow
    106 posts
  • RichWS
    105 posts
  • boomboom234
    104 posts



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3 minutes ago, boomboom234 said:

It had the highest sh opneing of all time in Germany try harder


I'm talking w/e numbers. 


Once again, it opened on a HOLIDAY.  Good Friday in Germany is a National holiday and so is Easter Monday which bufers the w/e.  TDKR opened on a Wed


It's projected to do 650k admissions over 3 days.  TDKR did 1m admissions over 5 days (with 700-800k over the 3 day)

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3 minutes ago, TalismanRing said:


OD numbers are inflated by Good Friday in many European and LA countries.   It might not make $100m in China.   It'll open about 25% below TDKR is SK and about 70% lower than AOU.  It's already showing it's front loaded in markets like China, SK and HK.  It opened lower than TDKR in Germany and lower in Australia than both.  Lower in France.  Lower in Mexico than AOU.

Funny how you juggle between TDKR and AoU just to make thing fit into your perspective. In Mexico AoU is the highest grossing opener ever and it looks like this might actually beat it in lc and be very close to it in USD. Either way, it is destroying TDKR, which was the point I was trying to make in my conv with Lordmandeep. You seem to flatout ignore it it's record opening in Brazil or the insane OW in Spain. Germany opens under TDKR in adm but because of the higher prices it will make the same in USD, in HK it is frontloaded because it had one of the highest opening ever and it will beat TDKR total, France and Belgium have their situation so let's not even go there. And you are also ignoring a bunch of smaller countries, like UAE where it will destroy every SH movie with it's OW alone, or here, where it will at least double TDKR and pretty much destroy AoU. Alone, these markets don't mean much, but together they bring a big amount of money. The Latin America increase over TDKR looks to be enormous. And China, despite it making only 100 smth millions, will still be a bug increase over TDKR

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3 minutes ago, #ED said:


  • CJohn
    291 posts
  • Lordmandeep
    188 posts
  • Telemachos
    146 posts
  • #ED
    138 posts
  • Ethan Hunt
    Ethan Hunt
    116 posts
  • filmlover
    115 posts
  • Nova
    113 posts
  • iJackSparrow
    106 posts
  • RichWS
    105 posts
  • boomboom234
    104 posts




I wonder how many of those posts are recycled ones.

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