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WEEKEND THREAD | Official Weekend Estimates: Beauty and the Beast - 88.3M; Power Rangers - 40.5M; Life - 12.6M; Other Numbers First Post. Gokira has been threadbanned.

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This week the holdovers got hit by the two factors of small Spring Break and Theater count drops. Seriously take a look at BOMs chart several films lost over 60% of their theaters and I am sure more importantly show times were reduced. 

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1 minute ago, straggler said:

OMG! OMG! OMG! A Disney live action remake is doing well at the box office. Unprecedented! Next you will tell me that comic book films and animated films have box office potential. 





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12 minutes ago, baumer said:

I can just see if internet chat forums like this were around when movies like The Shawshank Redemption came out you would have people saying stuff like this:


" Tim Robbins really should learn to pick better roles. Jacob's Ladder, Cadillac Man and now Shawshank Redemption. All really low grossing films. The guy is a good actor and everything and I have nothing against him he needs to fire his agent."




" what an embarrassment the Shawshank Redemption is. It finally goes wide the third week and managers a laughable 2.5 million. Whoever green-lit this is definitely going to be fired....Columbia is lucky they have James Bond or they would probably be shut down within a couple of years."


It makes me laugh when I see people say stuff like Rebecca Ferguson should learn to pick better rules. Do you really think she is the type of actress that has eight different films to choose from and she is in such high demand that she is hiring a staff to read these scripts for her? No of course she is not. She is just another actress trying to get by in Hollywood and doing what comes her way. This was not a bad script.....Life,  I think eventually will become a highly-regarded film. It's too good of a film not to be in my opinion. Just because the film didn't open well doesn't mean it's not a good movie. Some of you guys here even though you're not trying to be, you come across as just being completely misinformed.


I remember this year when Nicole Kidman was on the red carpet at the Oscars and one of the talking head interviewers told her that she must be really proud of the movie lion and that she must have known right off the bat it was a terrific script. Nicole Kidman responded that she thinks that of every film that she decides to play in knowing full well that she has no idea what is going to resonate with an audience and  what won't. She hopes that every movie she does will resonate with an audience but she says that is completely out of her control.


Wise words.

Sorry but I laughed in the beginning of your post because it's so damn true. But you're 100% right Baumer. I won't deny that I used to be one of those that acted that way but after following the film industry for the last several years, it's not as easy as some folks think. Not everyone is Jlaw or Scarjo and have millions of scripts to choose from. You also have to consider that the actors and actresses involved have no control over the film once they stop shooting. They have zero creative control over it. Sometimes the footage they shot ends up being completely different once it hits the screen.


I said it before in regards to reynolds, but I really do appreciate those actors and actresses who choose a wide variety of roles and don't just pick the ones they have been playing over and over again. 


I may joke around about a film and how it does box office wise but I'd never say a movie was awful (without even seeing it) just because it didn't do well in theaters. Some of my favorite movies and cult classics were box office bombs. And then there are some films that make a ton of money that aren't that good. 

Edited by Nova
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1 hour ago, John Marston said:

Ghost in the Shell is not even screening for critics? Whoa we got a turd on our hand it looks like. I feel like it can still get up to 30m opening weekend thanks to ScarJo and some cool ads

That's weird because it had a screening in Austin two weeks ago, I couldn't make it do to prior engagements

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