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1 hour ago, somebody85 said:


Deadline is even mocking them.


This is a interesting, actually.  And in a way where the 'bias' charge, while not really accurate, is a teeny bit influential.  


IMO, it would be incredibly easy for Deadline or other folks to try to stir up a mini-storm about the divisive reaction to TLJ.  But it does seem to me that quite a few of the early outlets are either mocking it (Deadline) or saying this ain't for you, move on (/Film, Vanyaland).  I did see a presumably 'straight down the middle' article over at Newsweek, but I only looked at the headline without clicking on it.  


So why aren't some folks taking the easy bait?  Well it could just be that mocking the supposed stereotypical nerd who gets their underwear in a bunch over the littlest thing* is an even easier thing for them to target/discuss than to try to drum up negative attention on a critically acclaimed movie.  It's not so much pro-Disney or even pro-Star Wars bias as it is anti-nerd bias.  Throw in the very justified reaction against the alt-reich, and that might possibly be what's happening here.


* No, still not talking about anyone here. :)


Still plenty of time for media folks to jump on the Fanz Hates Rian's Work OHZNOZ!!! bandwagon though.  And I might just not have seen the articles out there trying to stir the pot (I'm sure they're there). And the longer that Flixster score remains rotten, the more tempting it will be for folks to comment on it.  Still.  Something that twigged a thought in my noggin.

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7 minutes ago, eXtacy said:

Justice League/Murder Express with the lowest average per theater in the top 10. Think they will lose 60% of its theaters at least next week with 5 new wide releases.

DH2 will go over Murder shortly. 1m behind after this weekend and is showing holiday life off late. Both good success though. Depp's last non-POTC 100m+ film was Rango. And if you see non-POTC live action then Charlie.

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11 minutes ago, Caladbolg said:

Gotta be some trolling, TLJ  audience score is lower than TPM  and AotC on RT

the metacritic user rating drops even lower to 5.0.....

But none of this prove that it is going to be materially important to box office....as we never seen this before happened to an event film

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I'm guessing we're allowed to post our general reaction to the movie in this thread? No spoilers obvs but here we go.


Now, I'm not be some cynical fanboy when I say I REALLY didnt like this movie, at all. I just can't give any specifics in this thread so I'll leave that for the spoiler thread. But man, wow that was really disappointing, and I'm genuinely saddened by that since I really wanted it to be amazing :(


Now, this isn't some ploy to get reactions from people, but just me stating what's going to be a pretty unpopular opinion. All 3 Star Wars Prequels were better than The Last Jedi. 

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@JB33 I think it was you who mentioned how excited I was in TFA's weekend thread! Damn I really wish I could be just as excited this time around, because whether I loved it or not, Star Wars is still Star Wars and I love it rusts and all

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What’s with the fanboys talk? It’s devolving into some BvS nonsense (one side vehemently defending the movie and sniping people that dare criticize while one side insists on putting down the people that actually liked the movie).


People are allowed to like/dislike what they like and calling people fanboys just seems like a way to shut down discussions (how dare they dislike what I like). Sure there are some disgusting idiots online (I can’t even read 4chan because of the rampant homophobia, sexism and racism and general alt-Reich nonsense there)and they are posting nonsense all around but these guys aren’t the sole cause of the divisiveness. A number of online outlets noted that the movie was going to be very divisive.


TLJ is an entertaining, exciting movie that I DIDNT like. Not because of the movie’s production or anything but because of some overarching decisions that Lucasfilm has made about the entire saga going forward. It’s a good movie that just didn’t click with me.


This being said, that opening number for TLJ is monstrous. I don’t know what people expected, it was never going to be TFA because that was the first Star Wars movie in 10 years and the first in the new series. TLJ was always going to decrease. I still marvel at how a movie can get to a $100m OD during the Christmas season. It’s really very, very impressive no matter how you want to spin it.

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