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Water Bottle

HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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7 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

Ultron clearly could afford being hated (not that they wanted it) because AIW didn't suffer one bit. Different story, different villain, different event altogether. 

Ultron was a sequel to Avengers. Infinity War was the culmination of Phase 3 with tons of new characters. In that sense it’s closer to the original Avengers in terms of marketing/appeal than AOU. Civil War was more of a sequel to AOU than IW was.

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Just now, MovieMan89 said:

I guarantee a new Star Wars movie would have a massive OW after another 10 year drought. Not that it will happen so it's a moot point. 


It should. This series needs a break. Like I love Star Wars but I feel like this shit ain't the MCU. A Star Wars movie should be special not pedestrian.


Solo was pedestrian. Fucking hell Disney is ruining Star Wars. 

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2 hours ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Did we really spend infinite pages arguing SW vs MCU and whether or not is SW doomed or whatever? Folks, if Jurassic Park III couldn't murderrape the JP franchise to death and left the door open for Jurassic World to show up and blow the expectations out the water, SW is sure as shit not dead as a result of Solo. Plain and simple. If anything, TLJ was the one that put Ep. IX on track to either drop or only marginally increase DOM, and absolutely a drop OS from TLJ too, but it will still clear 1B WW nonetheless. Sure, TLJ hurt the brand and interest on Ep. IX has been diminshed as a result of what goes down in that movie, but the brand is not in its deathbed as a result. Just needs some time off to both rest and put focus on a solid plan going forward.

Nope nope nope. Not comparable. Jurassic park doesn’t even have a fan base it just has nostalgia. And it’s a simple plot with 0 world building and just dangerous dinosaurs. Let’s not forget that Star Wars alredy had the audience forgive it after the horrible prequel. There is no way they will be willing to do it again. The brand is beyond damaged. 


Star wars has the most rabid fan base in the world. They hold the original triology in the highest regard - haloing it as the greatest cinematic experience of all time (LOL). They refuse any sort of change or add ons. I mean when Lucas added stuff to the prequels the fans went absolutely insane. Imagine that - the actual creator wasn’t even allowed to expand the universe that HE had created. In contrast everyone loved TFA - which was basically a remixed version of ANH. This further goes to show how simple minded the fan base is. The moment someone tries something new they rebel. This is why Star Wars will never be able to please anyone and continue on being successful. And they can’t keep remaking the old movies either.


At the end of the day fans may have flocked every 10+ years in the hope of reliving the past glory but they always ended up being  disappointed. 

Edited by GraceRandolph
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3 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


It should. This series needs a break. Like I love Star Wars but I feel like this shit ain't the MCU. A Star Wars movie should be special not pedestrian.


Solo was pedestrian. Fucking hell Disney is ruining Star Wars. 

Welcome to what I’ve been saying since 2015. Tons of SW fans told me I was wrong though and that they did want to see a bajillion SW movies every year and it wouldn’t make it less special. Guess they don’t after all.

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10 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Nope nope nope. Not comparable. Jurassic park doesn’t even have a fan base it just has nostalgia. And it’s a simple plot with 0 world building and just dangerous dinosaurs. Let’s not forget that Star Wars alredy had the audience forgive it after the horrible prequel. There is no way they will be willing to do it again. The brand is beyond damaged. 


Star wars has the most rabid fan base in the world. They hold the original triology in the highest regard - haloing it as the greatest cinematic experience of all time (LOL). They refuse any sort of change or add ons. I mean when Lucas added stuff to the prequels the fans went absolutely insane. Imagine that - the actual creator wasn’t even allowed to expand the universe that HE had created. In contrast everyone loved TFA - which was basically a remixed version of ANH. This further goes to show how simple minded the fan base is. The moment someone tries something new they rebel. This is why Star Wars will never be able to please anyone and continue on being successful. And they can’t keep remaking the old movies either.


At the end of the day fans may have flocks every 10+ years in the hope of reliving the past glory but they always ended up being  disappointed. 

That right there proves my point. SW has THE fanbase of fanbases. Give them some time to recover from some disappointments and some rough patches overtime, promise them a new experience that can stand its own ground and expand the universe in creative ways while not scarring the OT and its legacy in anyway, and there you go. To assume that SW is ruined forever is completely ignoring that film franchises, especially those with as rabid a fanbase as the one in question, can always find ways to bounce back.


Also, Jurassic Park does have a fanbase, wtf are you talking about :rofl:  It's not a rabid one like DC/Marvel/SW/etc., but it definitely exists.

Edited by MCKillswitch123
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4 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

Nope nope nope. Not comparable. Jurassic park doesn’t even have a fan base it just has nostalgia. And it’s a simple plot with 0 world building and just dangerous dinosaurs. Let’s not forget that Star Wars alredy had the audience forgive it after the horrible prequel. There is no way they will be willing to do it again. The brand is beyond damaged. 


Star wars has the most rabid fan base in the world. They hold the original triology in the highest regard - haloing it as the greatest cinematic experience of all time (LOL). They refuse any sort of change or add ons. I mean when Lucas added stuff to the prequels the fans went absolutely insane. Imagine that - the actual creator wasn’t even allowed to expand the universe that HE had created. In contrast everyone loved TFA - which was basically a remixed version of ANH. This further goes to show how simple minded the fan base is. The moment someone tries something new they rebel. This is why Star Wars will never be able to please anyone and continue on being successful. And they can’t keep remaking the old movies either.


At the end of the day fans may have flocks every 10+ years in the hope of reliving the past glory but they always ended up being  disappointed. 


Claiming Jurassic Park has no fanbase when it clearly does have one

Saying all Star Wars fans are simpleminded.


I get your happy Solo flopped. But jeesh you really are very mean spirited. 

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1 hour ago, MovieMan89 said:

The Two Towers was the middle of a film trilogy. That trilogy’s grosses may look a little tepid by 2018 standards, but they were worldwide monsters for their time. 35% drops don’t happen to well received films for no reason other than just organic ones. There’s nothing organic about that. 

Wow.  You moved the goalposts so far I can't find them.


You compared a 2nd half of a 2 part final of a trilogy to the 2nd movie of a trilogy.  Completely apples and oranges.


1 hour ago, GraceRandolph said:

Age of Ultron was also a “middle film/sequel” and it still outgrossed TLJ . :qotd:

AOU dropped from Avengers and IW rose from AOU.... just like all the SW trilogies have

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4 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

Welcome to what I’ve been saying since 2015. Tons of SW fans told me I was wrong though and that they did want to see a bajillion SW movies every year and it wouldn’t make it less special. Guess they don’t after all.


Yeah I gotta be honest TLJ kinda snuck up on me and I think RO, which I like, played a role there. And then Solo I didn't even bother rewatching any SW movie before it. I'll probably rewatch the Saga before Episode 9 but man at least this time it's an 18 month wait.


And if they ever manage to do more than one SW film a year? :(

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4 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:


I'm so done with that argument, but I did want to let you know that when I said "no one" I was referring to the outlets that report on this stuff. Sorry if it offended you personally. 

A new thing learned here is an option to read still


I am not offended, it is about what I write since years:

absolute wording make ppl less likely getting taking serious especially if it is either obvious already that they are exaggerating or... or a short search shows that they are being in the wrong


See my example, Forbes did the article (and they are definitively not the only ones, HR, Screendaily,... do those too) and about other movies as well, no one is still wrong.


Excluding SW... you did and do have usually points to make, you make them weaker by not wording neutral / balanced / differentiating and 'steal' the fun for ppl like me for the too many repeats, too


Bye till Solo's run is over

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On 5/25/2018 at 12:13 AM, Pandamia! said:

I still don’t get why studios stigmatize certain dates and idolize others.


Disney hurts itself by cramming all of its big blockbusters into a May - Early July timeframe and a November - December timeframe when there’s plenty of dates to give blockbusters time to breathe.


Theres only a few dates where I actually see some benefit in putting prized movies or avoiding placing them (that’s Christmas timeframe plus a few other non-busy holiday weekends like MLK, Easter or Presidents Day for placing movies and avoiding Super Bowl Sunday and the Labor Day area)


The Summer weekdays are nice and all, but they aren’t nice if you’ve choked out one of your tentpoles with a few of your others.  It should be obvious by now that taking advantage of barren months like September, October and April could actually lead to a massive success as there’s no other big movies competing for your movie’s attention.


I believe the OW record would theoretically be obtainable in any month if you released a movie like TFA or IW in them.


I don't know what year you're living in but this is 2018...and there are no barren months anymore. Studios are choking out the small and middle budget movies by releasing tentpoles every month of the year now. 

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1 minute ago, WrathOfHan said:

@Water Bottle If I get a premium account now, will it be effective immediately or after my current month expires?

It would be effective immediately. I can fix it if you PM me.

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23 minutes ago, Water Bottle said:


It should. This series needs a break. Like I love Star Wars but I feel like this shit ain't the MCU. A Star Wars movie should be special not pedestrian.


Solo was pedestrian. Fucking hell Disney is ruining Star Wars. 

Speak for yourself. I really hate that I didnt get to see the ST, RO and Solo with my father. I really love that I get to experience the Star Wars movies with my kids. Some artificial 10 year wait so that BO is better is stupid.  Someday I will get to watch a new Star Wars movie with my grandkids like my father did when the prequels came out.  As long as they can keep the quality high (they have) I say keep them coming.  

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51 minutes ago, James said:

I liked TLJ more than most, but the continuity is obviously a problem and it's all on Disney. When TFA opened it was clear they were borrowing some elements from the SW expanded universe, specifically the Legacy of the Force series. IF they would have followed that, which was so easy to do, they would have ended up with an amazing series of movies. Instead, they did a 180 with TJL. As I said, I liked TLJ, but the obvious rupture from TFA makes it hard to actually think of it as a series. And despite liking TLJ more than TFA, I have no interest in EP9. The new characters are simply not interesting enough.

Amazing how divergent thoughts are. To me TLJ is the closest to a continuation of a Star Wars movie as we have ever seen. To me TLJ actually just continues exactly where TFA left off. The First Order did exactly what I suspect it would do which is immediately the remainder of the Republic/Resistance fleet, Rey would seek out Luke (well she already found him). You may not like what they did with secondary characters like Poe and Finn, and you make disagree with the Luke/Rey relationship, but I disagree that they did a 180.

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How come in the review section for some movie it doesn't allow you to see who gave a movie a specific grade? For instance you can't see what grade anyone gave for SOLO. 


SJW's out in full force. /s

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31 minutes ago, GraceRandolph said:

. Jurassic park doesn’t even have a fan base

Maybe you are mixing large group of people playing the movies (with toys, cartoon, video games, collectible card, etc...) and a movie having fans here or are you seriously saying there is not a big amount of people fan of Jurassic Park ?

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4 minutes ago, Franklin808 said:

Speak for yourself. I really hate that I didnt get to see the ST, RO and Solo with my father. I really love that I get to experience the Star Wars movies with my kids. Some artificial 10 year wait so that BO is better is stupid.  Someday I will get to watch a new Star Wars movie with my grandkids like my father did when the prequels came out.  As long as they can keep the quality high (they have) I say keep them coming.  


That's great! But it would be a better experience for yourself and your kids if there were no spin-offs and there were a couple years between each main series film.


If this continues as Disney plans in 10 years your kids aren't going to think seeing a Star Wars movie with their dad is a special experience. They are going to think it's a routine normal blockbuster experience.


I want a wait between movies as a fan because I want Star Wars to be special. I want to anticipate the next movie. When they announce a new Star Wars movie, I want to talk about it with people like I did when TFA was first announced. And as more news comes out, let the anticipation build as it truly becomes an event.

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51 minutes ago, Biggestgeekever said:

Hopefully I'm wrong but based on how matinees look from perusing Fandango, I'm really not expecting it to jump much more than 10% today, which is going to make $100M for the 4-day extremely difficult.

Looking at our best theater in my area. Yesterday I tracked 379 tickets sold in the best screen. Today it has sold 504 so far. I also see for the other screens at the theater 233 additional tickets sold from the 4PM showing on.  Look at the Marcus Orland Park Cinema in Orland Park, IL.  Maybe because it is 91 today in Chicago  (94 tomorrow and 95 Monday).

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