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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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1 hour ago, PPZVGOS said:

I am willing to bet that you will find more people than me that thought TLJ was an atrocious film. In matter of fact, a huge chunk of Star Wars fans and casual moviegoers thought it was really poor. 



I'm aware of that. Doesn't mean the film is "not cinematic". I'm just asking you to explain what that means?

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1 hour ago, DeeCee said:

I don’t think they expected it. For me I had zero problems with Luke’s arc and thought it made perfect sense. 

Especially when it was made very clear in Force Awakens that Luke had left and given up. Don't know why them following up on that came as a surprise? Are fanboys so deluded that as soon as they saw mark Hamill at the end of TFA they thought "Oh yes, badass Luke on scene to save the day!" because that's literally the opposite of the entire movie. 

And the trailers made it clear as well... "It's time for the Jedi to end"


No one complained with TFA, I doubt they expected the backlash either. Worth also mentioning Luke is not the only thing the complainers dislike.

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On 28.5.2018 at 10:59 AM, Darth Lehnsherr said:

I get what Mendelson is saying but that's the price of having a franchise which such a long history and dedicated fans. They'll drive you to get $2 Billion but will also be super critical on everything you do. So that there's not much Disney/Lucasfilm can do about that. But I do think Disney/Lucasfilm should have had by now a Star Wars film released that didn't heavily rely on connections to the Original Trilogy. Solo is proof that a Star Wars film being being so tied to the Original Trilogy can actually be a hindrance especially in certain markets. 

I posted it out of (edit: arrgh, forgot words again whilst rewording) of Twitter to add to that list I try to compile in a way - I find it funny I am not the only one who tries to understand - mostly found in this thread, partly in other threads here at BOT...


put in spoiler tags as 1. long and 2. already posted the big one around a day back:



I read through the thread (I guess 2/3 of it) and tried to get a feeling about what are the reasons giving for / against Solo


Actually about the movie itself in a way, pro the film:

reduced pool of aimed for audience:

more for fans of the OT, but counting not for all for reasons, PT fans might be less / not interested at all (that is only a feeling)

more for ppl who do like small scale side stories too

ppl who have nothing against going the time-line backwards

edit to add:

@Mekanos asked


Anyone else think there is something morbid about seeing the prequel starring a character audiences saw die 2.5 years ago? I wonder if that might be a factor. 


News/magazines/YT based...

ppl are sceptical because the re-shoot stories

ppl are sceptical because casting decisions


general preferences or thoughts:

Interlacing sequels and prequels might not be something for ppl preferring continuity in the time-line

Not the money or time, not so much into going to the cinemas to watch that many big events... in the cinema in such a short time-frame (av movie-goer doesn't go that often per year)

Too much competition out of the same audience/same demographic (AIW, DP2)

Big sports events in the US, and UK at least

promo started too late, 1st trailer wasn't that good, trailer released whilst other big news/BO/... That might have been even worse for OS as there are more PT fans there / didn't grew up with Han

embargo lifted too ealry

Was Cannes - with it's for 'high cultural' seeking reviewers the right place to show the film?

Is Memorial Day cursed for Disney? (I think the grammar sounds wrong here)

Not interested into it, but interested into other SW movies:

Some want to only see forwards going stories (time-line generally more future orientated than the do it now)

Some want to only see backwards happening stories (timeline way back, see KOTOR)

Some are haters of previous film xy (interestingly that differs too)

Some want to boycott till whatever they aim for gets changed, that too differs, very strongly even

Some want to see more male white leads again... and funnily boycott the movie that actually does offer what they 'screamed' for

Some want SW to be always a space opera (what both side stories are not)

Some want only the side-story for one character, but do not want to support a side-story about another character. Which character should get next a movie differs strongly again. Incl which details in those movies should be part of the story.

Some want change, but only the exact kind of change they aim for and then scream whatever if the change involves details other fans asked for, or if the change is varying from their partly rather narrow formulated ones.

Some demand every film has to feel special and think that only more time between the releases will manage that

Some want the movies only at certain times of the year

Some want risk, but what they exactly mean never gets explained with fleshed out examples , and/or what is there to find seems to differ again


Some think too many got released in a too short of a time-frame (oversaturate)


About the film - anti:

At least one thinks: "Lando is Pan-sexual" announcement is part of the reason

Lead character too Amrercan brash for today's OS taste

Not enough brash ... (?term) aehm typical Han as he was as a 10-15y older one in SW4-6

Rt critics ratings

Film is fine, but not superb

Some think its mediocre

A certain percentage of organised down-voting might not have helped also

Does not contribute to the big story in a big enough manner (or nearly not at all)


Not interested into the franchise and/or the studio up to even crusading against it

- Some root against big budgets on principle

Some root against certain studios for reasons that vary again:

- based on competing for records / chart places franchises. I counted at least 4 of those a lot

- studio too big

- too SJW (more out of the net, but a few ones do sound a little bit like they read there too)


edit 2:

reasons based on internal / different departments need release dates,... that might hinder (see comments about Igor pushing for early release from the get go for reasons nothing to do with cinema/BO)

ads not placed in a way reaching the potential interested (esp. OS, to a degree in the US), if there was even outside the cinemas ads at some places


Chewy (way later in this thread)


It's a ridiculous situation all the way around. The loudest TLJ detractors join the youtube bois in screaming about absolutely embarrassing nonsense like identity politics and feminism ruining Star Wars. But the majority of ppl who have issues with TLJ complain about much more reasonable things like Luke or odd subplots. Meanwhile the loudest TLJ fans scream about the loudest detractors and pretend everyone else loves it. While the majority of ppl who like TLJ are just like "yea it's good, it works for me, I understand some ppl don't like it but ok"


So the entire conversation is SO LOUD and almost every reasonable take is drowned out by garbage



One small Delaware exhibitor wrote Deadline over the weekend, “We never got close to selling out our big houses or our little houses on Solo.  The poor spacing of the tentpoles just adds to it under performing.  The moviegoer is on a budget: They just spent money to go to Avengers than two weeks later Deadpool 2 now a week later a lot of moviegoers are out of money by the time Solo comes out.”


earlier new movies:

interaction not long enough between the 3 leads, no developing friendship



Poe and Ray never talked to each other since TFA, only until the very end of TLJ, a forced introductory dialogue was added

Most importantly Rey in SW8 no development (in opposition to the feeling that the studio think the resistance is based on anti-female)

Inn and Poe too no development

Kylo no real development neither, only a new status (supreme leader exchange)

Some Hoping for surviving Luke, or ghost Luke, or.. whatever they might come up with

story takes place withing 'felt like 2 days' (= SW 8 and Solo)

No goal to see for the next one (not sure for to formulate that one as I haven't seen SW8)

The hope nothing similar as the Casino scene will happen (off beat?)

~ Really, a death star again?


Barnack (out of context):


That said I wonder if male lead under 30 that look young and are not playing highschooler/really young could be a bad idea for tentpole.


Did I miss something?


I guess I wouldn't want to work for a production doing a new instalment




As long as large chunks of the fanbase only accept XYZ as "true ," then every film will be greeted by calls that Disney and Lucasfilm "wrecked STAR WARS." And since the loudest/angriest voices get to the top of the Google search results, they will shape the narrative.

There will be large chunks of fans who want "new, unique, different" and those fans who want nostalgia and a certain throwback. Even if Disney is giving us both, as long as each new SW film is viewed as "the new direction," one half of the fandom will always be pissed.





t’s all speculation and there’s no definitive way to be sure but I think the muted response to Solo is due to 3 things in roughly equal measure. 

1.The idea it’s a film no one asked for. 

2.The troubled production with the change of directors. 

3.A reaction to the TLJ. 

Maybe it might have performed better with only one or two of these issues but clearly not all three. 


Edited by terrestrial
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46 minutes ago, Ranger Tree said:

Especially when it was made very clear in Force Awakens that Luke had left and given up. Don't know why them following up on that came as a surprise? Are fanboys so deluded that as soon as they saw mark Hamill at the end of TFA they thought "Oh yes, badass Luke on scene to save the day!" because that's literally the opposite of the entire movie. 

And the trailers made it clear as well... "It's time for the Jedi to end"


No one complained with TFA, I doubt they expected the backlash either. Worth also mentioning Luke is not the only thing the complainers dislike.

I think one of the problems from fanboys stems from the fact that TLJ doesn't really connect with TFA's plot threads. I.e. according to TFA's crawl, Luke gave BB8, or whomever it was, a map to find him in the Jedi Temple island. It's weird that Luke would literally ask people to go and find him... only for them to discover that he only went there to die, and he actually didn't want contact with other people. Now, I liked what they did with Luke too, and I can work logical ways as to why he would do that (maybe he wanted to let it be known that the Jedi were pieces of shit?), but I also get why hardcore SW nerds, who probably spent the 2 years between the films theorizing about literally every frame of the film, would be pissed about the dropping of the subplots from the previous film.

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3 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Wise words by George Lucas


Rather this interesting fellow who obviously is devoted to his product  than that otha fella whos got a dick in a mystery box and who seamingly has no clue.

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@MCKillswitch123 Deadpool 2 DOMINATES as Han Solo opens with half of Rogue One's tickets sold on OW.



Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. :sparta:




Avengers looking good to crack the 400.000 tickets sold. Incredible run.

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4 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

I think one of the problems from fanboys stems from the fact that TLJ doesn't really connect with TFA's plot threads. I.e. according to TFA's crawl, Luke gave BB8, or whomever it was, a map to find him in the Jedi Temple island. It's weird that Luke would literally ask people to go and find him... only for them to discover that he only went there to die, and he actually didn't want contact with other people. Now, I liked what they did with Luke too, and I can work logical ways as to why he would do that (maybe he wanted to let it be known that the Jedi were pieces of shit?), but I also get why hardcore SW nerds, who probably spent the 2 years between the films theorizing about literally every frame of the film, would be pissed about the dropping of the subplots from the previous film.


It wasn't the map to Luke, it was the map to the first Jedi temple. They knew that was what Luke was looking for when he went missing, hence why they were all looking for the map.

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Some of the blame (and people did fear this was going to be the case) with some of the choices Rian Johnson made in TLJ is on how JJ Abrams set some stuff up in TFA.


This is explained very poorly in the TFA but technically Luke didn't actually leave a map at all. The map was for finding the first Jedi Temple which is where Luke was rumoured to be searching for according to Han. So actually when the map was put together by R2-D2 Rey would have still not been 100% sure she was going to find Luke once she reached Ahch-To.  R2-D2 only has the missing pieces because he was able to call on the Imperial Maps left over in his memory bank when he uh....connected with the Death Star. 


But then the problem becomes why did Luke go to the first Jedi Temple if all he was doing was to die?


EDIT: well @aabattery explained it much better

Edited by Darth Lehnsherr
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potential Sunday dailies based recent numbers.  


Show Dogs - 0.732 + 1.235 + 1.170 + 1.098 = 3.137 / 4.235 = 11.83

Black Panther - 0.113 + 0.186 + 0.181 + 0.140 = 0.48 / 0.62 = 698.76

Rampage - 0.19 + 0.32 + 0.30 + 0.25 = 0.81 / 1.06 = 94.16


Life of the Party - 1.37 + 1.97 + 1.78 + 1.28 = 5.12 / 6.40 = 40.39

Breaking In - 1.11 + 1.64 + 1.42 + 1.10 = 4.17 / 5.27 = 36.86

The Book Club - 2.73 + 3.58 + 3.49 + 2.70 = 9.80 / 12.50 = 34.88


A Quiet Place - 0.62 + 0.87 + 0.79 + 0.55 = 2.28 / 2.83 = 180.59

Overboard - 0.73 + 1.12 + 1.16 + 0.72 = 3.01 / 3.73 = 42.22


Avengers - 4.3 + 6.5 + 6.8 + 5.1 = 17.6 / 22.7 = 627.89

Deadpool - 12.1 + 15.9 + 15.5 + 12.1 = 43.5 / 55.6 = 220.31

Solo - 14.1 + 21.6 + 24.7 + 24.3 + 21.6 = 84.6 / 106.2


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Not sure if this was posted here already, but the New York Times is saying Solo cost "at least" $400 millio to make and market: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/27/movies/solo-a-star-wars-story-sputters-at-box-office.html


If true then it lines up with Deadline saying it's "well north" of a $300m budget

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3 minutes ago, franfar said:

Not sure if this was posted here already, but the New York Times is saying Solo cost "at least" $400 million: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/27/movies/solo-a-star-wars-story-sputters-at-box-office.html


If true then it lines up with Deadline saying it's "well north" of a $300m budget

The NY Article includes marketing so they actually think the production budget is lower than what Deadline thinks. 

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Just now, Darth Lehnsherr said:

The NY Article includes marketing so they actually think the production budget is lower than what Deadline thinks. 

Yeah, I didn't see it included marketing. So the break-even point is lower 

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“We’re going to judge ‘Solo’ by where we finish rather than where we start,” said Dave Hollis, Disney’s president of theatrical distribution. “The base is a little smaller than we had hoped for, but it’s very respectable, and there is no substantial competition for the next couple weekends.” 


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2 hours ago, DeeCee said:

It’s all speculation and there’s no definitive way to be sure but I think the muted response to Solo is due to 3 things in roughly equal measure. 


1.The idea it’s a film no one asked for. 


2.The troubled production with the change of directors. 


3.A reaction to the TLJ. 


Maybe it might have performed better with only one or two of these issues but clearly not all three. 

The odds were always stacked against this film from a conceptual level. You can recast Superman, Harry Potter, James Bond, Wolverine, etc., because those characters were born on the page, but recasting a character who has always been linked with the actor is always gonna be a very tall order.

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3 hours ago, Istealnames said:

Don't lol. Next thing we know we have a Dupinder or Apu doing some clichéd shenanigans as a great diversity story. Oh wait, it won't happen because India ain't a big market for SW.

Hollywood can fck right off, at least we got our Bollywood. ;)

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