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HAN SOLO MEMORIAL (day weekend) THREAD | Solo Flops Domestically with 83M/101M weekend. Spectacularly Bombs Overseas with 65M weekend.

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4 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:

Release date was a major problem (D2 has good legs in most of the world, then JW). Marketing was awful and started late.


But Solo is also the first time a SW movie was titled after and focused entirely on one character. Perhaps SW fans want "bigger" stories.

The budget is this movie's downfall. Should have cost $125M absolute max, not $300M+. But shooting an entire movie twice is always gonna cause a budget to skyrocket.

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5 minutes ago, Darth Lehnsherr said:

Btw why did Rose and Finn not free the kids too? 

Last time someone freed a kid in Star Wars the kid became the biggest douchebag in the galaxy. Finn made a right and Wise choice

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4 hours ago, XO21 said:

‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Advance Ticket Sales Already Breaking Records, Besting ‘Black Panther’


‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Tracking for Huge $170 Million Memorial Day Launch




‘Solo’ Could Break $139M Stateside Memorial Day Opening Record; Global Conquest Eyes $305M+





How is the fuck did they get these predictions so wrong? Guessing they were TLj lovers who were blinded 

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$24 million for a Saturday gross?! 


I’m going to have to say again that Memorial Day weekend is Solo’s downfall.


Memorial Day weekend is box office poison.


Studios need to stay far away from trying to release summer tent poles on this weekend in the future!


Move Aladdin Disney!

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dp2 10 day ww (10 day os and 11 day dom) should hit 490 i guess

370 ww on thu + 55 4-day dom + 70 3-day os (-60%) = 495

Edited by A2k Raptor
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1 minute ago, NYer4Life said:

$24 million for a Saturday gross?! 


I’m going to have to say again that Memorial Day weekend is Solo’s downfall.


Memorial Day weekend is box office poison.


Studios need to stay far away from trying to release summer tent poles on this weekend in the future!


Move Aladdin Disney!

Pretty sure we've gone over that the problem is the movies they've been putting here, not Memorial Day weekend itself.

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15 minutes ago, MCKillswitch123 said:

Duel Of The Fates and Darth Maul are the only good things about Phantom Menace. Pod Racing sequence is kinda fun, but it's also annoying because it is shot without any imagination or excitement to it whatsoever, just the same two angles over and over and over again. As someone who studies cinematography AND played a ton of racing video games with dynamic cameras, that is a nitpick that really grinds on me. Everything else about it sucks hard. And AOTC is trash. It has one legit good thing: the origin of Boba Fett. That's it. Less Jar Jar helps too, but that's not as much a positive as a reduction of a negative.


ROTS is not great.... I'm not sure if it's even "good" per say, but it's a lot better than either. Less cringey script and much less eye-gauging CGI are a good start, the narrative of Anakin's transformation (despite some memetastic moments along the way, of course) is legit compelling and Order 66 is a highlight in the entire SW franchise.


As a movie, though, TLJ is better than all of them. No matter what you think of the dumping of theories, Luke/Rey/Kylo stuff is far more compelling and interestingly executed than Anakin's transformation, probably because of the much better actors. It's also a much, much, MUCH better looking and crafted film than the eye sore of the prequels. Sure, the Finn/Rose stuff (esp. Canto Bight) is ehh, the humor is bleh and there are some dumb twists, but I think the movie as a whole serves as an interesting exploration of the concept of heroes committing mistakes and actually being incompetent in a way that makes them human, rather than perfect plan building robots who are always a step ahead of the villains and the audience.

Fans of this series have short memories. From a business perspective Lucas was brilliant with how he masterminded the prequels. The first thing he did is micro-manage the budget so all of these came in at an extremely low cost, even for their day. I doubt he spent much on marketing because he had so many deals with licensed goods, those likely footed the bills. But more importantly he understood how to rebuild anticipation. People can hoot and holler all they want about Phantom Menace today, but the majority of fans sucked on the bone marrow of that film when it came out.


Lucas waited for technology to reach a point where he could make the stories he wanted to tell and rebuilt demand through remastering and updating effects on the old trilogy. So by the time Phantom Menace came out, people were quitting or getting fired from their jobs just to sit on a sidewalk and wait for this movie. The Force Awakens played to a somewhat similar response but perhaps without as many career suicides since fans had learned their lesson. But again that was more Lucas' doing than Disney because he was in the midst of rebuilding the brand again when he threw up his arms and sold the franchise ( another brilliant move on his part). 


Now Disney is stuck with the bill and what on the surface looked like a no brainer for success, is quickly becoming a financial liability because they're making them at a cookie cutter pace which the public never desired. And while some want to point to the prequels as the low water mark of the franchise, truth is Disney has spent more than double the money, and tripled the output of product, but remains without any Oscar award and carries the shame of the first commercial failure in franchise history.  


The most important component to the Lucas Empire was the one element Disney didn't get in the purchase - Marketing and Building Demand 101. There's not a story in this franchise that is brilliant on paper, so I'm not sure where you get the quality compare. What is sadly missing from Disney is customer awareness, branding to demand, and budgetary discipline. Disney is making these like one of their cartoons and the demand is drying up. Solo is just symptomatic of that problem. 


The prequels were extremely profitable, sold a boat load of merchandise, and exposed a new generation to the brand. The Disney era movies are divisive, drying up consumer demand in film and merchandise, and have now added a financial flop to their list of growing problems. George Lucas is sitting pretty with his choices. Disney and Star Wars? Not so much. You can have your story argument. I'll take the Lucas legacy which is far more impressive than Disney Wars. 

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Not sure if it's been posted yet but that's a pretty decent expansion. Hopefully it gets a wider release soon.

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