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Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore | April 15, 2022 | Final Trailer on Page 75

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6 hours ago, Noctis said:


The pattern here is Queenie.


There was a scene in Crimes between Grindelwald and Queenie in a rose garden that was cut - which I'm sure would have given audiences more context in the long run.


But such a shame they cut this scene...it would have added more depth to her character.


Upon reflection my guess is they cut it because they liked the transition from the blood into the next scene. Still they could have played around with the placement of the Queenie scene; it could have happened later in the movie, for instance after Kama arrives to show she's had enough of this (and also make Vinda seem clever for predicting she would attempt to escape) or they could have placed the scene right after the movie titles before Credence and co arrive. 

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This was solid. Rowling seems to have great ideas but struggles to properly put them on the script. Some scenes and character motivations are confusing, and there was what I think was supposed to be a twist in Dumbledore's plan in the third act that was completely unsurprising. But I love the characters, if we really don't get more sequels I will miss them deeply. And if I were to choose I'd rather have Rowling's messy but inventive writing than a polished, by-the-numbers work from somebody else.


Mads Mikkelsen brought a much needed seductive side to Grindelwald that finally made Dumbledore's falling in love with him believable. The previous version was just gross, and I'm not even taking a jab at Johnny Depp (I know how to separate the art from the person, still love his work on the old Burton movies), but the characterization and acting made him look creepy and disgusting, which worked in some aspects but not all. Mads' Grindelwald is someone that I would shamelessly help murder any muggle if he asked me whispering to my ear. Ok, not really, but I would be tempted.


There's something more about Grindelwald's storyline in this movie that I'd like to discuss but I don't think it's the appropriate time, so I'll point it out later.

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I think what pleasantly surprised me by the end of the film is that this series, for all its flaws, has some genuinely lovable and interesting characters that I will end up genuinely missing, like @Napoleon stated.


Another point I feel needs to be mentioned...in the blockbuster era we have been living in for the past 10 years, many blockbuster films have become one and the same and blend in together in a repetitive blur. But this series stands out in the positives and the negatives. 


While the first and third film had a much more concrete identity, the second struggled badly...yet at the end of the day, I will look back on this trilogy (if they don't do a Part 4) fondly. It's messy, but it's certainly imaginative and has a lot to say. The medium of films may not have been best suited to tell all the stories, but I'm glad we got the chance.


I have to give credit to a series that basically said "fuck kids" and went all out dark and repressive...especially to one that initially succeeded substantially because of children.


And this proves that Rowling...even when she was forced to change her storyline and script so that they could make the third feel like an ending if it needed to be one, has many wonderful ideas. 

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1 hour ago, grim22 said:

Well, WB has a choice. They can make part 4, or they can cut out the middleman and just set like 100M on fire on the studio lot. Will achieve the exact same purpose.

Actually they would probaby end up spending more then 100 Million on part 4. Bur agreed at this point whatever they spend on a FB movie is probably throwing money the tube.

What we have here is failure to understand basic film industry math. Since Dumbledore cost 200 Million to make, 400 Million meand it might have broken even...though I understandt it would have to do consiserable better then 400 Million to totally cover it's cost, let along get into profit.

And with the new regime at Warners already cutting back on borderline productions, I think the chances of Part 4 are still very, very, low. And fomr the New WB  chief's statement a few says ago, Warners wants a Wizarding World TV series for Cinemax plus almost certainly not a FB continuation.

In other words, it a 90% probablity that it's dead , Jim, though of course the militant fanboys wil lnever admit that. 

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1 hour ago, BadOlCatSylvester said:

Well, I hope it was worth it, Warner.

Toby Emmerich just got the ax at Warners, and I suspect the underperformance of the FB franchise is one of the reasons (though by no means the only one) for that.

Rowling is going to have to deal with a whole bunch of new faces, that is for sure.

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Passed $400m WW and $305m OS. 


Shame it won't hit $100m DOM but whatever...it's done at this point. 


Unless they bring in a new director with a new crew etc for a Dumbledore vs Grindelwald war film...their story is done. The war should be an HBO limited series but extremely doubtful that happens.


The series ends on a mostly satisfying note, particularly for Dumbledore. I guess we'll have to wait 10 years before we see a new film.

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3 hours ago, dudalb said:

The streaming numbers give more motivatin for Warners to concentrate on a Wizarding World TV series,, and let the theatrtical films take a rest for while.


It doesn't seem impressive at all compared to other HBO releases. 

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I'm still bummed Tina wasn't in this film until the last minute - was anyone else taken aback by the insane chemistry between her and Newt? Like that whole minute had more chemistry than the first two movies combined...impressive.


Since she had difficulty filming, they could have done minor reshoots where she played a role in Dumbledore's secret plan and shows up in the end to be the one to hand Bunty the suitcase or whatever...let her big moment be saving Queenie from a battle with Vinda and the other female acolyte (missed opportunity that it never happened) etc...


Yusuf should have been cut entirely and I found it extremely strange that we didn't see a single scene of Theseus mourning Leta (the only scenes where it was implied he still has anger was during the dinner scene)...otherwise, what a waste. To me, Theseus was the one that should have died in the second film, not Leta.


Leta as a double agent would have been phenomenal for this film...no Theseus and no Yusuf to bring the film down. 

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