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Eric Lasagna

93rd Academy Awards Discussion Thread | Nomadland, Hopkins, McDormand, Zhao, Youn, Kaluuya win

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Edited by charlie Jatinder
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Not people being pressed over the Hopkins win, when he actually gives the best performance out of anyone in that category 🙄 I'd put even Riz' performance ahead of Chadwick. 


So happy for Frances Mcdormand! I love that woman ❤️

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There’s obviously a lot online about Chadwick not winning. That must put Anthony Hopkins in an uncomfortable situation unfortunately. 

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom was probably my least favourite of the ones I watched. It was far too “play like” and therefore the characters weren’t interacting like real people. It was a chore so I’m not upset about it missing out on any major awards. 


Glad to see Promising Young Woman win, my favourite of the year so far. Nomadland is released here on Friday, looking forward to it. 

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54 minutes ago, pepper83 said:

Not people being pressed over the Hopkins win, when he actually gives the best performance out of anyone in that category 🙄 I'd put even Riz' performance ahead of Chadwick. 


So happy for Frances Mcdormand! I love that woman ❤️

I would rank Riz’ performance as the best too. 

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Although there was a chance of an upset, there was one very clear frontrunner this year and that made for a boring race. Next year's race will likely be better just because all the contenders will be better so there just won't be one film sweeping everything.


And with The Father being the only other film to get 2 non-Picture major awards, I feel like it was actually the runner-up this year. And with Trial being completely forgotten, probably dead last.

Edited by lorddemaxus
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Most interesting factoid about last night is that in addition to all but one Best Picture nominee walking away with at least one award, a total of 7 movies took home two Oscars or more. Reinforces the notion that Titanic/Return of the King-esque clean sweeps, like Legacy Oscars, are officially a thing of the past. Slumdog Millionaire is the most recent BP winner to nearly pull one off in the final ceremony before the category expanded beyond 5.

Edited by filmlover
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24 minutes ago, Krissykins said:

There’s obviously a lot online about Chadwick not winning. That must put Anthony Hopkins in an uncomfortable situation unfortunately. 

Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom was probably my least favourite of the ones I watched. It was far too “play like” and therefore the characters weren’t interacting like real people. It was a chore so I’m not upset about it missing out on any major awards. 


Glad to see Promising Young Woman win, my favourite of the year so far. Nomadland is released here on Friday, looking forward to it. 

I have been rooting for Boseman for this entire season.  The other day I was watching sound of metal, i feel like Boseman could still survive the competition from Riz but when  I actually saw the father last night, few hours before Oscar, i was speechless and thinking no way Boseman can withstand that kind of blow from Hopkins. Almost no one will vote for boseman purely from technical standpoint. I can imagine how Hopkins morning like


"Sir, sir, wake up, you have a problem, you beat Boseman at the Oscar"

"Oh shit, don't they have better thing to do? Come, get me dress up, now I have to make a video" 



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1. It was incredibly foolish to change the categories around. Kinda funny it blew up in their face.


2. I think the five months-long "Chadwick is an absolute lock to win" narrative hurt. A lot of voters likely assumed he was gonna win and voted Hopkins. 


3. I would've voted for Hopkins or Riz Ahmed over Boseman so I don't have an issue with the win.

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24 minutes ago, filmlover said:

Most interesting factoid about last night is that in addition to all but one Best Picture nominee walking away with at least one award, a total of 7 movies took home two Oscars or more. Reinforces the notion that Titanic/Return of the King-esque clean sweeps, like Legacy Oscars, are officially a thing of the past. Slumdog Millionaire is the most recent BP winner to nearly pull one off in the final ceremony before the category expanded beyond 5.

All that shows is they that they don't make films like Titanic or ROTK anymore.  Those films blew the competition out of the water in most of the categories they were nominated for. These films are rare events and would have sweeped the awards with this years competition too.

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tbh a lot of last year's nominees likely would've won in this year's field. Although I'm also guessing the filmmakers behind a lot of those titles (Tarantino, etc.) would've told the studios to hold on to the movies until the pandemic had receded had they been in this situation so it probably doesn't matter.

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Probably the most important message in whole night. I haven't seen Nomadland, still waiting for the chance and condition to improve to see it on big screen because size matters   

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Nomadland?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Nomadland</a> producer and star Frances McDormand speaks in support of movie theaters at last night&#39;s <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Oscars?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Oscars</a>. <a href="https://t.co/zvE8wEzbjR">pic.twitter.com/zvE8wEzbjR</a></p>&mdash; Boxoffice Pro (@BoxOffice) <a href="https://twitter.com/BoxOffice/status/1386686868901728261?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 26, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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3 hours ago, SpiderByte said:

Whoever decided to put Best Actor last is getting fired

And he should be.


This was a terrible and sleazy choice by the producers, and it would still be if Boseman had actually won. BP should always be last, changing it had nothing to do with "honoring" Boseman and everything to do with milking the public sentiment about his tragic death. At least it blew up in their face spectacularly.


And it's a nice reminder that the oscars aren't the globes. The people that produce them don't have any inside info about who is winning. It feels that way because most races get settled after months and months of other awards etc. but they really don't know. Everytime there's an obvious set up to compliment an obvious winner's narrative I always wondered what would feel like if something goes sideways. What if Spielberg, Lucas and Copolla got up on stage and someone other than Scorsese ended up winning? What if Barbra Streisand who was brought to award the first woman Best Director just ended up giving another oscar to James Cameron? I guess now we know and the answer is pretty weird.


I have no opinion on the Father or Ma Rainey, I haven't seen half of this years nominees because well it was a weird year. But the oscars are doing this "let's sprinkle a bit more NARRATIVE on this obvious win" bit since forever and this kind of whoopsie was bound to happen at some point. But blowing up in their face in such a way with the unprecedent category shift and the eventual winner sleeping in his home is kind of hilarious.



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37 minutes ago, filmlover said:

tbh a lot of last year's nominees likely would've won in this year's field. Although I'm also guessing the filmmakers behind a lot of those titles (Tarantino, etc.) would've told the studios to hold on to the movies until the pandemic had receded had they been in this situation so it probably doesn't matter.

I’m so glad that Once Upon a Time in Hollywood came out pre-pandemic, that scene at the end with the flamethrower was made for a packed cinema audience. The reaction to the last 20 minutes wouldn’t have been anywhere near as impactful/entertaining if it’d been a streaming release.

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Also I actually thought it was amazing that Joaquin awkwardly closed the whole show with "and the Oscar goes to...Anthony Hopkins The Father goodnight *roll credits*" but between Hopkins not being there to accept the award/give his speech and the fact it was clearly set up so that Chadwick would be the big winner of the night everyone in that room probably wanted to get out of there ASAP following that disaster.

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2 hours ago, titanic2187 said:

I have been rooting for Boseman for this entire season.  The other day I was watching sound of metal, i feel like Boseman could still survive the competition from Riz but when  I actually saw the father last night, few hours before Oscar, i was speechless and thinking no way Boseman can withstand that kind of blow from Hopkins. Almost no one will vote for boseman purely from technical standpoint. I can imagine how Hopkins morning like


"Sir, sir, wake up, you have a problem, you beat Boseman at the Oscar"

"Oh shit, don't they have better thing to do? Come, get me dress up, now I have to make a video" 



This is probably what happened -- a lot of Academy voters simply didn't get around to seeing 'The Father' until late in the game -- and turned their votes in accordingly.  And/or yes, many "assumed" Boseman would win, but too many, and they voted their conscious -- which was Hopkins.  

Edited by Macleod
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In good news, looking at the ratings, I don't think anyone, but the hardcore cinephiles, stayed up til the end of the show.


I thought they would be low ratings, but even I'm surprised at how low.  Note to future producers - non-movie buffs want to see the movie scenes and songs of the nominees, not random trivia...

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