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5 hours ago, titanic2187 said:

If streaming is future, then USA has no future. In the past 30 years, there are tons of cultural phenomenon extended beyond english-speaking world through big screen like Jurassic, ID, Titanic, LOTR, HP, Twilight, transformer, Marvel vs DC, FF etc, yet little to none tv series have made such impact like their movie counterpart even after streaming taking over. Letting go theater is basically letting go an national advantage that US have been possessing for decades.  


Harry Potter and LOTR are British.



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15 minutes ago, wildphantom said:


I take all your points - they’re very good ones. 

but…would you keep your HBO sub if, say, they started showing these movies 45 days after debuting in cinemas - rather than day and date? 

From a business point of view, WB will be looking at AQP2’s success and wishing they hadn’t committed to an entire year of day and date releases. You can bet there’s huge conversations and scrambling going on right now at all the big studios. 

I don’t think WB had much of a choice in the matter. The overlords from AT&T and the head of WM wanted to boost up Hbomax so that’s what happened. They’ve already paid out more then 200m to talent for this decision so I don’t see much changing this year.


Going forward in 2022 they’ll be back to normal theatrical releases with shorter windows and also have Hbomax exclusive movies like batgirl. 

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Copy and pasted my post I made in the coronavirus section.



Got back from Quiet Place 2. Good movie although the novelty is starting to wear off a bit and the ending was pretty disappointing imo. My theater close by is probably in the top 1 to 2 percent in terms of seating capacity. It's main auditorium can probably seat close to a thousand people. Anyways the place looked like it normally did during a weekday afternoon pre-pandemic. Also they seem to be moving a lot more of their showings into the more pricey 21+ sections (where you basically have to pay what would amount to about a ticket and a half). I would have had to wait two hours to watch it in a room at the more traditional price they had. Things like that never happened pre-pandemic.


I understand from a business standpoint why they are having to do that but that definitely isn't going to entice the more casual movie goers to continue going to the theater. As far as the OW numbers Quiet Place 2 is getting a good chunk of that is probably due to the fact that they are putting more showings in their expensive theaters (I assume that is probably a thing that is going on throughout all of Regal). On a Saturday evening it looked like it normally would on a Wednesday or Thursday afternoon. I'm pretty much good with just waiting for streaming for a good long while if it is going to start becoming difficult to find a time where you aren't having to pay a ticket and a half for a movie.

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5 minutes ago, Yandereprime101189 said:

Glad to see this doing solid numbers. This may bode well for Black Widow, F9 and other films


If what is going on at my theater is happening on any wide basis at all then the numbers for QP2 are a little skewed. Never on an opening weekend for the main movie coming out that week would I have had to wait two hours to see a movie at its normal price and not have to pay extra because all the current showings were going on at the 21+ section. If that is happening at a lot of other locations then the money QP2 is making is not indicative of how many people are actually going to see it. They are just setting it up to where a larger portion of the audience has to pay more.

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7 hours ago, titanic2187 said:

Is weather really that cinema-friendly at east coast? I don't know that will be such a force for weather to influence box office business. 


It's Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial start of summer, and cloudy/rainy/cold all weekend which has generally been good news for films showing in the summer since outdoor activities aren't really an option.

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3 minutes ago, RockyMountain said:


If what is going on at my theater is happening on any wide basis at all then the numbers for QP2 are a little skewed. Never on an opening weekend for the main movie coming out that week would I have had to wait two hours to see a movie at its normal price and not have to pay extra because all the current showings were going on at the 21+ section. If that is happening at a lot of other locations then the money QP2 is making is not indicative of how many people are actually going to see it. They are just setting it up to where a larger portion of the audience has to pay more.


Key word MAY 😛

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22 minutes ago, RockyMountain said:


It was a Regal theater. I wouldn't be surprised if that is a practice being used throughout all of Regal.

I have two Regals near my house. They're my go to theaters I travel to almost every time I go to a theater. I have literally never heard of this 21+ section in my life. I also went to see Quiet Place 2 today, and I had no issue waiting for a showtime. I got there 30 minutes in advance, my show started in 30 minutes, I got out two hours later. Your Regal must do some very weird stuff.

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22 minutes ago, Eric De Vil said:

I have two Regals near my house. They're my go to theaters I travel to almost every time I go to a theater. I have literally never heard of this 21+ section in my life. I also went to see Quiet Place 2 today, and I had no issue waiting for a showtime. I got there 30 minutes in advance, my show started in 30 minutes, I got out two hours later. Your Regal must do some very weird stuff.


How large are the theater complexes that are close by to you? As I said the one by me is probably in the top 1 to 2% in terms of capacity. They have enough auditoriums to where they can have a 21+ section to where alcohol can be purchased. As I said never before at the theater complex I go to would I have to wait two hours to see a showing that I wouldn't of had to pay extra for (and especially would that not be the case on an opening weekend where it is the main movie being shown).


Given how empty the place was on a Saturday a good chance a lot of other people have encountered the same situation I did since theaters reopened. There were probably as many cars in the couple restaurants surrounding the theater as there were in the parking lot of this vast theater complex. Previously these massive theaters were so popular that they put pretty much every other theater in town out of business. Based on what I saw today the Regal theaters here will soon be out of business.

Edited by RockyMountain
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1 hour ago, wildphantom said:


I take all your points - they’re very good ones. 

but…would you keep your HBO sub if, say, they started showing these movies 45 days after debuting in cinemas - rather than day and date? 

From a business point of view, WB will be looking at AQP2’s success and wishing they hadn’t committed to an entire year of day and date releases. You can bet there’s huge conversations and scrambling going on right now at all the big studios. 


Well, it's the wrong question - would I have gotten it originally at Xmas/New Years if that was the offer with the other content they currently had - no.


Might I keep them now with better tv content and slower movies, especially with the possibility of a reduced rate this summer and/or a Discovery inclusion next year - yes.


They got me in the door, and paying customer acquisition is the hardest part of this streaming business. 

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da movies are back!!!


and only two weeks until my precious HEIGHTS open cannot wait!!!


i didn't like the first quiet place but go jim from the office, thank you for doing what nolan couldn't


it's been a while!

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6 hours ago, Eric De Vil said:

This feels like a stretch. Pre-streaming examples of course, but last I checked shows like Grey's Anatomy and CSI and Simpsons air all over the world and have big international fanbases. And if we are talking streaming, Mandalorian helped boost the Star Wars name internationally, at least in Indonesia. I'm sure stuff like Stranger Things probably also played well in overseas territories too.

Those buzz pretty much confined within english speaking community just like Game of throne. They hardly have any awareness beyond that. I can never see my friends talking about a english series but when it come to movie, even 40 years old non-english speaking uncle can name a few franchise. Talking from someone like me living in a country where english isn't first language.


If you think they do well simply because of some internet reading, remember that you never heard of demon slayer until it debut big at the box office.      

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26 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

Those buzz pretty much confined within english speaking community just like Game of throne. They hardly have any awareness beyond that. I can never see my friends talking about a english series but when it come to movie, even 40 years old non-english speaking uncle can name a few franchise. Talking from someone like me living in a country where english isn't first language.


If you think they do well simply because of some internet reading, remember that you never heard of demon slayer until it debut big at the box office.      

Aside from the fact that Video Games are likely the most prominent soft power in the modern day, it is pretty clear that the likes GoT and Mandalorian are popular in non English speaking countries (as I'm sure are many other TV shows) and here is some proof rather than just anecdotal evidence. 


Here is a video of election coverage from South Korea's most popular broadcast network SBS (that uses GoT as a theme for the results)



Here is a video of a group of people in Russia building the Razor's Crest (aka Mando's ship)



It's also worth pointing out that Netflix has about 130m subscription outside of the US and Canada and assuming that 2-3 people use each account that is 250-400m people watching Netflix, same with Disney+ which is about half the size of Netflix so that's a lot of people being able to watch American shows outside of America. 

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4 minutes ago, Jamiem said:

Aside from the fact that Video Games are likely the most prominent soft power in the modern day, it is pretty clear that the likes GoT and Mandalorian are popular in non English speaking countries (as I'm sure are many other TV shows) and here is some proof rather than just anecdotal evidence. 


Here is a video of election coverage from South Korea's most popular broadcast network SBS (that uses GoT as a theme for the results)



Here is a video of a group of people in Russia building the Razor's Crest (aka Mando's ship)



It's also worth pointing out that Netflix has about 130m subscription outside of the US and Canada and assuming that 2-3 people use each account that is 250-400m people watching Netflix, same with Disney+ which is about half the size of Netflix so that's a lot of people being able to watch American shows outside of America. 

Mandalorian is a SW related universe. You think people would give a damn if it wasn't for SW movies to pave the way??


Second, Netflix do provide local language content to each different countries.  So owning a Netflix isn't really correlate to American show. Also, if you check through every box office market, hollywood production always made up 90% or more for imported movie. That alone explain the overwhelming advantage.  

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