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When this was originally announced you knew a free fall would happen without the End Game bump ... but never did I imagine a worldwide take of around 200-250 million was the most likely result.  I figured it would somehow muster at least 400-500 million.  What an epic failure.



Edited by AdamKendall
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Going off pure vibes but I feel like WOM doesn’t seem as bad as Flash or Ant Man in the US but maybe that’s because of lower expectations to begin with

Edited by MrPink
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9 minutes ago, MrPink said:

Going off pure vibes but I feel like WOM doesn’t seem as bad as Flash or Ant Man in the US but maybe that’s because of lower expectations to begin with


Lower expectations + more inherent good will towards the cast due to the previous film's status online with a certain segment + just plainly fewer people seeing this on a lark. It's easier to LOOK like you're having better WOM on twitter when mostly the only audience turning out is the fandom.

Edited by TheOneWithTheHat
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16 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

Fant4stic made 167 million worldwide 8 years ago. Can The Marvels touch that?

Holy crap is this actually in the cards for The Marvels?? Not breaking $170M worldwide would be freaking dreadful.

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The only people who complain about, or actually acknowledge, "wokeness" are those who live almost exclusively online. The only time I've ever heard that term used in real life is from politicians who are both A) looking for the latest boogeyman scare phrase to use on the vulnerable and 2) desperate to come off as "cool" to younger generations. Literally never seen it used otherwise.

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Please remember that The Marvels flopping doesn't mean that Brie Larson haters or incel YouTube won. Those people are full of bitterness and hate. They win nothing. The Marvels flopping means that Disney is going to lose a lot of money. It means a lot of other things too but it does not mean that men who live their lives in hatred have won anything. 

Edited by Zakiyyah6
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